I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 767 Attacking Jiangling

Chapter 767 Attack on Jiangling ([-])

"That's right. We can take two steps. In the short term, we will use Qishan Pavilion's magic circle. In the long term, we still need to build the city." Zhou Yu pointed downstream and said:
"Continue to go east and see if we can find a suitable place to build a city.

Even a small place the size of a palm can be done as long as the terrain is favorable! "

This road passes through Dawu Mountain.

Everyone has not stopped using the telescope to survey the terrain.

Simultaneously record the flow direction and depth of water ripples.

And rocks and whirlpools and things like that.

Thousands of miles of water, slowly passing.

Finally rushed out of Dawu Mountain.

The east side is no longer the kind of cliff terrain where the sunlight on both sides is shaded.

The coastal city of Chuyue Kingdom closest to Dawu is called Wu County.

It is named for its proximity to Dawu Mountain.

This is a small county, too remote, with only a thousand-man infantry and a 1000-man navy.

The warship is estimated to be only enough to look out.

After all, even the Chuyue people don't want to come here to live in such a worthless frontier.

All the military households and their families lived in it.

After seeing the Great Zhou warship rushing out from the west.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom were dumbfounded.

Such a big warship.

How can there be such a big ship in the world.

The shipbuilding industry of Chuyue Kingdom was already very developed.

leading countries.

It turned out that the largest ships looked like toys in front of Da Zhou's warships.

"Not good, hurry up and ring the alarm bell, go downstream to inform the defenders below, and report back to the country quickly, the Dazhou navy is coming!"

"Go to the beacon tower to light the beacon, hurry up, don't delay!"

The guard was quite smart, so he immediately urged his men to get down to business.

It's just that he had just walked a hundred steps before he was shot dead by a group of murderers who suddenly appeared.



The masters of the Great Zhou have already sneaked into the city, and Jin Yiwei has been lurking for many years.

At this point it finally works.

With the assistance of these people.

Soon the warship of Da Zhou docked, the army landed, and captured Wu County.

"No Chuyue people escape!"

When Zhou Yu saw the people from Jinyiwei, he asked directly.

The person in charge replied: "No, no one in the city has escaped, and we also have a special watch on the beacon tower. We didn't let them light it up!"

"Very good, such a big event can be expected!" Zhou Yu continued to ask:

"The next stop is Zigui. Is there a lot of naval troops there? How is the defense now?"

The person in charge of Jinyiwei replied: "Marshal Zhou, Zigui is only bigger than Wu County, and the navy is only a thousand more.

Only after crossing the Xiling Gorge to Yiling is the real Chuyue Kingdom, with a dense population.There are many soldiers, and the navy can have 5000 people.

Then Yidao and Danyang reunited. "

"Okay, I understand, you go down, and follow me with the army when you start!" Zhou Yu said to the person in charge of Jinyiwei.


The person in charge of Jinyiwei immediately resigned and left.

The next day, Da Zhou continued his journey.

Two days later Zigui was captured, and five days later Yiling was wiped out of Chuyue's [-] navies.

Seven days later, Yidao was captured.

Nine days later, Danyangju was captured.

Twelve days later, they went down the river and attacked Jingzhou.

At this time, Jingzhou was captured, and it had only been three days!

It's time to act here.

So it's not too much of a difference.

"Marshal Zhou, Jiangling City has [-] Chuyue navy troops, [-] large and small ships, and [-] infantry." Jiang Wei, the person in charge of Jingduo Prefecture, explained the situation here to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu asked, "How is the defense in the direction of Chuyue Kingdom? Is the navy divided into one village or two?"

Only those who understand the navy will ask such professional questions.

As the capital of the country and the bank of a great river, it is bound to encounter the problem of attacks from upstream and downstream.

Jiang Wei said: "The guards are average, not very strict.

The water fortress is divided into east and west, the west is for defending the big river, and the east is for defending from the north of the Han River. "

"The number of people is 5000. These Chuyue Kingdom sailors usually come out to patrol the river on a routine basis. In the hinterland of Chuyue Kingdom, they have no enemies.

It is also impossible for enemies to appear, so the enthusiasm of the navy is not high. "

Zhou Yu then asked: "As long as we cross the Jingshui, can the infantry reach the Jiangling city without hindrance?"

"That's right, our Jingzhou City is a Jingshui River away from Jiangling. We have been quietly building a pontoon bridge for the past few days. With your warships, we can build another pontoon bridge for fast passage."

"Of course your pawns can also go directly to the east bank." Jiang Wei emphasized:

"We've blocked the news for three days. This matter won't be long. If there are people in Jiangling City who are alert, someone should come to check the situation in Jingzhou tomorrow."

Zhou Yu was basically satisfied after listening.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Han Shizhong, I will give you [-] troops. You and General Guan will attack Jiangling by land. I will go with Xingba and the others to break through the Chuyue Navy's West Village first by water."

"Promise!" Han Shizhong, Guan Yu and others took orders one after another.

On the same day, the navy warships began to unload soldiers.

Twenty thousand infantry rested on the east bank.

The next day, [-] troops marched by water and headed for Jiangling.

Down the river, the water army reached twenty miles outside Jiangling City.

Zhou Yu and others discovered the Chuyue Guoshui military camp.

The Chuyue Kingdom's water army camp was built extremely large.

It is estimated that [-] to [-] troops can be stationed.

The warships of the Great Zhou Navy appeared on the river, and soon the water village of Chuyue Kingdom discovered the situation.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, unable to believe what they saw.

The battleship of Chuyue Kingdom was suspended, and it was mighty.

"This is our ship? When did we have such a big ship?"

"Who knows, such a huge battle fleet, according to their volume, it can hold at least [-] or more!"

"Are there so many sailors upstream? How come I only remember that the total didn't exceed [-], which is several times higher!"

Suddenly someone had a quick mind, a bolt of lightning struck down, and he opened his mouth and said, "Could it be Da Zhou's?"

"Dazhou, how is this possible, the navy of Dazhou is in Yizhou and Bazhou, and they have to pass through the thousands of miles of waterway where birds can't pass, how can they fly here!"

"That's right, as long as it's Dazhou, you can't come to our capital quietly."

Just when the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were watching and discussing.

The navy generals also ran out of the barracks.

Come to the open space and look out.

The complexion of each of them changed suddenly.

"No, this is not our warship, our Chuyue Kingdom does not have such a ship!"

"Damn it, it's Da Zhou, it's Zhou people, the enemy attacked!"

"It's over, the Western barbarians zoomed in. Zhou's boat passed Dawu Mountain, it's over!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and ring the alarm bell, hurry up and light the beacon fire.

The country is in danger, go and inform His Majesty! "

"Assemble the army, board the ship, and prepare to meet the enemy!"

All of a sudden, the West Camp of the Chuyue National Navy was in a mess, causing all the soldiers to run and bump into each other.

Soon Da Zhou's warship rushed directly to the place 200 meters in front of the gate of Shui Buying Village.

The warships of the Chuyue State Navy were rowed out one after another.

It was blocked and could not be opened.

"Attack, throw stones, and smash the warships of Chuyue's navy!"

"Prepare the bed crossbow, aim directly..."

(End of this chapter)

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