I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 768 Attacking Jiangling

Chapter 768 Attack on Jiangling ([-])



The trebuchet was fired simultaneously with the bed crossbow.

Immediately, the stone bullets and crossbow arrows arrived at the warship of Chuyue Kingdom.



The warships of the Chuyue Kingdom were hit one after another, and the soldiers on board were either killed or injured.

Countless warships were smashed and destroyed.

"Damn it, how can Da Zhou throw stones on the boat? The trebuchets are all installed on the boat. Shameless!"

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw."

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy are all experienced people, and they can't rush out.

Da Zhou's fire coverage is so strong.

Naturally, he would not sharpen his head and drill forward like Lengtouqing.

"Attack, tear down the water fence of the Chuyue State Navy camp."

Zhou Yu directed his subordinates to adjust the strategy.

The trebuchet and bed crossbow blasted towards the solid wooden fence.

Soon these water fences were riddled with holes, crumbling here and there, and quite a few were broken.

"Press it!" Zhou Yu ordered again.

The bottom plates of Da Zhou's warships were thick and covered with iron sheets.

It can be overlord.

Rushing directly over, these wooden fences were pressed to the water.

The warship rushed into the camp of the Chuyue State Water Army.

Condescending, start shooting arrows to kill the enemy.

Wang Ping and Zhang Ni landed directly on the shore, started to land, and launched an attack on the naval camp on the shore.

All of a sudden, the entire Xi Daying Camp was filled with flames of war, and the sound of killing shook the sky.


Jiangling City soon received an urgent report from Xidaying.

Seeing that the beacon tower was lit here, although it was a little far away, I don't know what happened in the water village.

But the guard informed the superiors in the city immediately.

Then report level by level, and finally arrived at Xiong Wan.

"What? The west village of the navy outside the city was attacked by the enemy, even the beacon tower was lit?" Xiong Wan thought it was a joke.

The capital was attacked by the enemy.

Where did the enemy come from.

After confirming again and again, Xiong Wan said: "Quickly, go and inform the important ministers in the court, and let the military department gather troops and horses to prepare to support Xizhai."


"Wait, send an order to Dongzhai to let them support Xizhai by water, and the enemy must be wiped out!" After Xiong Wan finished these orders, he began to ponder.

Who is the enemy?

Who came to attack the water village in the capital at this time.

Could it be the troublemaker that Da Zhou burned Lankouju last time?

But it's not right, Dazhou hasn't declared war on us yet.

In Nanyang, there was no unusual troop deployment.

It shouldn't be them.

Soon all the officials in the city knew about the West Village of the water army outside the city.

One by one got angry anxiously.

Especially seeing the soldiers and horses in the city being transferred out of the city to reinforce, they were extremely eager to leave one by one.

"His Majesty is here!"

Soon Xiong Wan came to the main hall, and all the important court officials were present.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Xiong Wan said directly: "I just learned that the enemy has attacked the Navy West Village, and the battle is still quite fierce.

I ordered people to go for reinforcements, and I believe there will be results soon! "

"Your Majesty is wise!" Seeing the emperor, he made a move.

Only then can the officer feel a little more at ease.

Xiong Wan said: "Since everyone is here, I really want to ask everyone, but does anyone know who the enemy is?"

The officials all asked three questions and didn't know anything.

What happened this time was so sudden that they didn't receive any news.

Xiong Wan's face immediately became extremely gloomy.

Yi Pailong said: "My huge Chuyue country doesn't even know that there are enemies attacking the country, what a joke to say.

Or, is it a rebellion? "

Rebellion is worse than foreign invasion.

He was even more feared and hated by the royal family.

All the officials hurriedly knelt down and said: "Your Majesty calm down, I dare not wait!"

Just when Xiong Wan was about to say something, someone suddenly said outside the hall: "Your Majesty, something is wrong. Our army was attacked and the reinforcements were defeated."

"What? Say it again!" Xiong Wan was really angry this time.

Reinforcements were also attacked.

The general came trotting in immediately, and said: "The reinforcements leaving the city were attacked by our army from the west.

The enemy had 2 people. Our army was caught off guard and was defeated, with most of the casualties. "

"Pfft!" Xiong Wan spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He didn't feel sorry for the reinforcements, but he said it right.

It was really an internal rebellion in Chuyue Kingdom.

And a shot is an army of [-].

It's not easy on this scale.

Rebellion is the most taboo thing for kings.

Xiong Wan pointed to the general, his hands trembling with anger:
"Go, I am sending troops to destroy these rebels for me!"

The patriarch of the three clans and five nobles wanted to say something, but when he thought of something, he dared not say it again.

For fear of being beaten by Xiong Wan into the traitor line.

Then there is no argument.

"It's Your Majesty."

At present, some generals will go down and take another [-] infantry out of the city.

The gates of Jiangling City were opened again.

They rushed towards the place of battle. At this time, Chuyue Kingdom, the soldiers who stepped forward to reinforce were already defeated and fled back.

He happened to meet one of his own people, and suddenly disrupted the formation of his troops.

Han Shizhong, Guan Yu and others led the army to kill again.

"Damn it, hold the formation."

"Where are the crossbowmen, move forward, hurry up, block the rebels!"

"Shield soldiers! Shield soldiers!"

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom shouted hoarsely, giving orders one by one.

Guan Yu and others used Liannu with swords and spearmen in front.

All behind are arm crossbowmen.

Shooting at a 45-degree elevation angle.

Soon the crossbow arrows shot into the army of Chuyue Kingdom.


Countless Chuyue army fell in a pool of blood.

Seeing that the weapons on the opposite side are so sharp, and the crossbow shoots so far.

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom also noticed something.

"No, this is not the rebel army. How can the rebel army have better weapons than us!"

"Damn, this is Zhou people, Zhou people, and their armor is all Zhou style."

"I've been fooled, quickly retreat to the city and protect Jiangling City."

At this time, the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to take the army back to the city, but it was too late.

Because they couldn't withdraw, the army was disrupted one after another.

It is difficult to get out of a state of disorder.

Although most of the soldiers are veterans.

But the army was defeated like a mountain.

It is extremely difficult to control so many soldiers.

So some people withdrew directly first, regardless of the army at all.

And Da Zhou's side.A group of masters also mixed into the defeated army of Chuyue Kingdom, and followed these generals towards the city gate.

Soon the city gate was opened, and the defeated army swarmed in.

"Close the city gate, quickly, close the city gate!"

"What are you doing in a daze, close the city gate!"

"General, we still have so many soldiers who have not retreated."

"Leave them alone. The people are not important, the city is the most important. This is the army of the Great Zhou. We cannot let them enter the city, let alone enter the city gate!"

Hearing that the army of Great Zhou had arrived, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom did not dare to hesitate any longer.

Start closing the gates.

But at this time the mutation occurred again.

After retreating into Yihuang's defeated army, someone suddenly killed the people around him.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom screamed and fell to the ground.

Then the Chu and Zhao people who closed the city gate were also beheaded by four great Zhou masters.

The city gate is just a quarter of the way.

Leaving three quarters passable into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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