Chapter 769
"Damn it, spies have sneaked in, quick, kill them."

"My lords, Zhou Guo sent masters in, please take action!"

The city gate guard hurriedly directed the soldiers to rush down.

On the one hand, he asked the domestic masters guarding the city gate to take action.

There is no need for him to say more at this time.

These masters of Chuyue Kingdom jumped down to the city one after another.

Waving the weapon in his hand, he went to kill the masters of the Great Zhou Dynasty who were wearing the clothes of Chuyue Kingdom.

But they went down fast, and they flew fast when they were hit.

Those who were sent to attack the city gate were naturally the top experts of the Great Zhou.

Led by Nie Gai, Ding Chunqiu, Zhang Sanfeng and others.

The strongest person guarding the city gate of Chuyue Kingdom is only a fifth-rank master.

He was killed by Nie Gai at the first time.

Others were also successively killed by masters of the Great Zhou.


Soon Guan Yu led an army of infantry and rushed there.

Taking the lead, Qinglong concealed the moon knife, slashed straight into it.

Twenty thousand soldiers rushed into the city.


At this time in the palace.

Xiong Wan and the others are still waiting for news.

Waiting for the good news of the elimination of the rebels.

Suddenly someone stumbled and ran into the hall.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. General Zhang rushed out of the city to help. He was ambushed by the Zhou army, and the army was defeated and fled back!"

"Your Majesty, the Zhou army infiltrated the spies in the defeated army and captured the city gate, and the Great Zhou army broke into the people of the capital..."

Like a thunderbolt.

All the officials and Xiong Wan were stunned.

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked on the spot.

"What? Say it again!"

The bear has reached the point where it is about to completely soar.

Scarlet eyes.

Others were also trembling slightly.

Just now, they definitely did not hear wrong.

But... not daring to think about it.

"Return to Your Majesty, the Zhou army has entered the capital, and the army in the capital of our country can hardly stand it anymore!"

After finishing speaking, Xiong Wan on the dragon chair let out a miserable cry, and then fell into a faint with a spurt of blood.

The country was broken.

Chuyue Kingdom is about to end.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

All the people rushed up one after another.

"Quickly send the imperial doctor! Hurry up..."

"What should we do now, the army of Da Zhou has entered the city, and the capital of the country has fallen!"

"How did this happen? Why was it suddenly killed by Da Zhou's army?"

All the officials walked back and forth anxiously, talking endlessly one by one.

The patriarchs of the three clans and five nobles looked at each other.

The Patriarch of the Jing family said: "The top priority is to keep Jiangling. This time, the Great Zhou army came suddenly. I think there will not be too many of them. Our countries will take out all their possessions and drive the Zhou army out of the city first!"

"This is the truth, I will go back and mobilize all the masters and soldiers in the clan!"

"Your Majesty has fainted, there is no one who is in charge, and someone needs to supervise the country!" said the Patriarch of the Qu family.

Everyone instantly looked at the prince who was squatting beside Xiong Wan.

So they all stepped forward and said: "His Royal Highness, the state affairs are in danger, please His Royal Highness supervise the country!"

Xiong Han was stunned for a moment, turned around, and all the officials said: "His Royal Highness, the state affairs are in peril, please His Royal Highness supervise the country!"

Xiong Han was so hot in his heart.

Supervisor, it has been so many years.

He, the prince, is finally about to go to the tomb.

It's just that Xiong Han didn't dare to agree easily, but looked at the fainting Xiong Wan.

"My lords, the emperor is fainting now, should we wait for the emperor to wake up first..."

"His Royal Highness, it is His Majesty who has fainted, and Chuyue Kingdom needs someone to stand up and relieve His Majesty's worries!"

"That's right, Your Highness, please don't hesitate."

"His Royal Highness, the state affairs are in peril, please His Royal Highness supervise the country!"

All the ministers bowed down one after another.

Now is an extremely critical time.

No room for much thought.

Xiong Han saw that all the officials were like this, so he had no choice but to say: "Since all the ministers are so concerned about the country, then Xiong Han offended the emperor, and temporarily took over the task of building the country and supervising the country."

"His Royal Highness is wise!" All the officials of Chuyue Kingdom praised one after another.

Then Xiong Han stood under the dragon chair and arranged for the defense of the city.

Because Xiong Han has been involved in politics for a long time, Xiong Han is also aware of it, and he still understands the basic way of dealing with it.

Soon all the generals will go down, and all the soldiers and horses in the city will be transferred to guard the imperial city. Taking the imperial city as a point, they will gradually regain the capital.

The patriarchs of the three clans and five surnames also went back separately and mobilized their own people to defend the imperial city.

The same is true of the people.

Soon all the officials left, and the hall was empty.

Xiong Han is full of passion, and only the civil and military talents from the Prince's East Palace are around him.

There are only masters from the Prince's East Palace outside the palace.

"You say, can we hold the imperial city and drive out the troops of Da Zhou?" Xiong Han turned his head and glanced at the dragon chair.

At no time is that position closest to him than now.

Everyone in the Crown Prince's East Palace replied one after another: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, there are countless masters in our Chuyue Kingdom, and there are countless soldiers and horses in the city. Zhou people will definitely be driven out."

"That's right, there are several supreme masters in our capital city. No matter how strong Da Zhou's army is, it cannot be stronger than ours..."

There were voices of agreement, but the important strategist of Xiong Han shook his head.

Xiong Han said, "Mr. Huang, why are you shaking your head?"

This Mr. Huang said: "Your Highness, Da Zhou never fights a battle that he is not sure of.

Zhou Jun suddenly appeared, not only infantry, but also navy.

And we don't have any news at all, I am afraid that the country will be in danger, His Highness will make plans early on! "

Hear such an analysis.

Everyone was quiet.

His complexion is not very good.

Zhou Jun appeared strangely.

Come from the west.

It must be that everything west of Jingzhou City has fallen.

Most of Nanjun was captured by Da Zhou.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Today the Great Zhou army can be driven out of the city, but what about tomorrow?

The Zhou army had all reached the capital, but the King Qin's army of the Chuyue Kingdom could not arrive.

Inevitably, the capital will still be at risk of falling.

That was the real catastrophe for Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiong Han also woke up instantly at this moment.

Break free from the joy of prison.

"Then according to Mr. Huang's opinion, what should we do?" Xiong Han glanced left and right at his subordinates.

These people from the Prince's Mansion withdrew from the hall one after another.

It is best not to participate in secret matters.

Otherwise, I don't know how to die.

This Mr. Huang said: "His Royal Highness, you are the crown prince of the empire. Once the country is completely breached and your majesty has an accident, you have to take on the heavy responsibility of the empire.

So Your Highness, you cannot stand under a dangerous wall.

You should leave the city as soon as possible. Once the capital falls, at least you are still there, the Crown Prince, and the Chuyue Kingdom will not perish.

Can form the imperial court again! "

"You..." Xiong Han stretched out his hand to reprimand Mr. Huang.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that what Mr. Huang said was from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it's for him, the prince, or the empire.

This is the worst plan.

It is also the best plan.

Once the capital fell.

The emperor and the prince must keep one person.

Otherwise, the country will be shaken.

Even if Jiangling is not breached today, Chuyue Kingdom will have to move its capital.

Xiong Han was silent for a while.

At this time, abandoning hundreds of officials and fleeing the people of the capital will be criticized.

It's hard to choose.

"Your Highness, if you stop and stop, you will suffer chaos!"

(End of this chapter)

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