Chapter 770

"All right!"

"Mr. Huang has said so. It seems that we can't stay in the capital for a long time."

Xiong Han said: "Notify our people in the Prince's Mansion to prepare to move out of the city from the east gate!"

Mr. Huang said: "Your Highness is wise, it is estimated that the family members of the three clans, five nobles and many officials are already on their way out of the city!"

"Mr. Huang..."

Xiong Han knew that what Mr. Huang said was right.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

Don't look at how generous the officials were just now.

What kind of ambition, what a high spirit to fight against Da Zhou.

As soon as they went back, they were scared one by one.

Few families would stay in the city with their soldiers to fight the Great Zhou to the death.

He will definitely send the most direct descendants out of the city.

Yitu made a comeback.

If the aristocratic family is like this, it doesn't matter if he, the prince, abandons the capital.

The fierce supervisor left the main hall, and immediately issued various orders to the people in the Prince's Mansion.

Everyone was not surprised.

On the contrary, each one felt at ease.

They were afraid that the crown prince would be stupefied and would definitely defend the capital.

Finally die together.

The power core of Chuyue Kingdom there has nothing to do with them.

After all, who would remember a dead prince.

If the country is lost, it can be regained.

Just escape and set up another court.

The prince is the emperor.

Chuyue Kingdom is still Chuyue Kingdom.

Losing a capital, losing a Nanjun, is at most losing some land and face.

In the face of real interests, it is nothing.

Seeing that none of his subordinates came out to object.

Xiong Hanxin's decision was further strengthened.


Gangneung City.

All the armies of the Chuyue Kingdom rushed to help stop the advance of the Zhou army.

However, in front of the Zhou army who was like a wolf and a tiger with high morale, the Chuyue army that came one after another was defeated.The masters of the three clans and five nobles, as well as private soldiers, also killed one after another.

However, under the steady advancement of Guan Yu and others.

The private soldiers of the three clans and five nobles suffered heavy casualties.

One by one masters were also beheaded.

The real sovereigns of Chuyue Kingdom did not come alone, but all gathered in the imperial city.

That was the last line of defense of the Chuyue Kingdom against the Great Zhou army.

The imperial city is definitely not against each other.

The emperor can't have an accident.


Soon the Dazhou army reached the gate of the imperial city.

At this time, the Great Zhou Imperial City was completely closed.

The imperial city is full of Chuyue troops.

On the wall of the imperial city, the most elite imperial guards of Chu and Zhao Kingdom and five supreme masters also stood on the wall.

"My lords, be careful, the Zhou people are cunning, and the masters are mixed with the ordinary soldiers."

"Hmph, Da Zhou really thinks that there is no one in Chuyue Kingdom. Even if they die today, they will definitely not let them invade the imperial city. Don't even think about hurting Your Majesty!"

At this point, Chuyue Kingdom has no retreat.

Fight to the death!
Still fight to the death!

The Patriarch of the Qu Family said: "Quickly invite His Highness to come over, His Highness is here to inspire the soldiers!"

The heads of the other families glanced left and right.

It was found that there were not many families who came to reinforce the palace.

Except for the three clans and five nobles.There are only a few.

Most of the officials did not bring their soldiers over.

"It's not good, His Royal Highness is out of the palace and is going to the east gate of the city!"

Suddenly someone ran back and shouted anxiously.


The people of the three families and five nobles were stunned when they heard this.

"His Royal Highness, for some reason, suddenly led a group of soldiers out of the palace from the Jiade Gate, and headed towards the East City Gate with the people from the East Palace!"

The visitor explained.

People from the three clans and five nobles and the soldiers guarding the palace heard it clearly.

Each one was like a thunderclap.

So numb.

The prince ran away first with the people from the East Palace.

What's the deal with this.

The patriarchs of the three clans and five nobles vomited blood in unison.

We are still working desperately to help you stabilize the government and block the soldiers of the Great Zhou, so you should run away first.

There is no such thing as supervising the country.

"Quickly, go and see if His Majesty is awake. As long as His Majesty is fine, I, Chuyue Kingdom, will be fine!"

The Patriarch of the Jing Family directly led a group of people to Xiong Wan's bedroom.

We can only hope that the emperor Xiong Wan wakes up.

This can also inspire the hearts of the soldiers and the people.

Lead the Chuyue people to resist the Great Zhou.

Otherwise, how could such a turbulent heart be determined to block Da Zhou.

Outside the city, Guan Yu pointed at the sword and said, "Shoot me with the God Arm Crossbow!"

The god-arm crossbowmen in the army raised their god-arm crossbows obliquely one after another.

Then pull the trigger.

Countless crossbow arrows flew towards the head of the imperial city.


The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom guarding the city were shot by arrows one after another.

Want to fight back, but found that the range of our crossbow is not enough.

Even with a bow, there is still a lot of distance.

There is no threat to the generals of the Zhou Dynasty at all.

"What kind of weapon is Da Zhou, and why is it so strong!"

"Evade, hurry up, this is Da Zhou's new weapon."

Even if the Liannu was stolen, the ordnance was still worse than Da Zhou's.

The soldiers of Chuyue were quite aggrieved when they were passively beaten.

"Keep shooting and hit the palace gate!"

Guan Yu gave another order.

The soldiers of the Tianji Army grabbed the bumper and rushed towards the gate of the Chuyue Kingdom's palace.

There are five official gates on the front.

I don't believe it with the city gate.

The five palace gates are divided into one, one, two, two, and two.

The largest main entrance is for the emperor to enter and exit.

The two-two middle gates are high-ranking officials such as hundreds of officials and courtiers.

The two small ones were brought in by low-level officials and local officials from other places.

Or surrendered to Jin, the leader of the Nanyue Zhongyue tribe in Dazhou.

Therefore, attacking the imperial city is easier than attacking the city gate.

There are five gates that can be attacked, Da Zhou Lishi rushed forward and pushed hard.

The banging on the wood knocked the city gate loudly.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to throw stones and trees.

In the end, they were all shot to death by Da Zhou's divine arm crossbow.

"Continuing like this is not an option, the imperial city will be destroyed as soon as possible."

"My lords, please go out of the city to attack and kill the main general of the Great Zhou, please!"

The patriarchs of the three clans and five nobles are willing to seek the Tao from several supreme beings.

"My lords, the future of the empire depends entirely on you, and I ask you to take care of the empire!"

"All the masters of our eight families will also be dispatched by you, and they will all go out of the city!"

Faced with the invitation from the three clans and the five nobles, the five lords had no choice but to say: "Okay, let's go out and do our best for the sake of the empire."

The masters guarding the palace and the masters of the three clans and five nobles all gathered here.

"Three, two, one!"

Everyone jumped down from the top of the city.

After landing, he quickly flew towards the front of the Da Zhou army on the opposite side.

At this time, the masters of the Great Zhou had already been waiting.

"court death!"

Nie Gai, Ding Chunqiu, Zhang Sanfeng, Zhuge Zhengwo, Qiao Feng and others rushed out one after another.

Master to master, supreme to supreme.

Fight each other.

They fought fiercely with each other, and every move was fatal.





Countless people fell in a pool of blood.

The masters of Chuyue Kingdom also suffered heavy losses.

Fewer people fought in Vietnam.

Although Chuyue Kingdom also has seventh-rank realm.

But these sixth and seventh ranks are no match for Nie Gai.

One by one, they were wounded, or left the battle group with a fight, and ran to a nearby private house.

The masters of both sides fought and disappeared.

Guan Yu was even happier.

Increased offensive power with a wave of both hands.

"On the ladder!"

"Break through the imperial city and capture the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom alive!"

"Kill, capture the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom alive!"

Just as the Great Zhou army was attacking frantically, a junior from the Jing family ran from the direction of the bedroom in the imperial city.

"No, His Majesty passed away suddenly...!"

(End of this chapter)

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