I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 771? Breaking the Imperial City

Chapter 771: Breaking the Imperial City


"His Majesty died?"

The Patriarchs and the generals all stood there blankly for a while.

The emperor died suddenly.


The prince ran away and the emperor died.

Jiangling is completely out of play.

"Your Majesty seems to have been poisoned acutely, and died as soon as he woke up!"

The junior of the Jing family explained.


Everyone suddenly thought of something!
Back then, Chuyue Kingdom also used poison to murder Emperor Ye Zhen of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Now Xiong Wan also died of poison.

It's all like revenge.

At the same time, it is also telling the Chuyue people what your Chuyue country did to Da Zhou.

Da Zhou responded with an eye for an eye.

The Patriarchs looked at each other.

Before he could speak, a change occurred on the wall.

It turned out that the soldiers of Da Zhou climbed up the ladder.

Started a hand-to-hand fight with the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

Although the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom are also elite soldiers.

Those who guard the palace are all old soldiers.

But at this time the army was in disarray.

The emperor died and the prince ran away.

The original supreme masters also disappeared.

In terms of morale, it can be said to be very bad.

So he didn't have the heart to fight at all, and was beaten back and forth.

Even with a Liannu in his hand, he didn't dare to fight to the death.

"Go, go quickly!"

The Patriarchs of each family are old men who have experienced countless storms.

Turn around and run away.

There is no point in guarding the palace now.

Even the capital is not worth defending.


Soon the gate of the city was knocked open, and the soldiers of Dazhou rushed in from the main gate.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom completely lost their belief in fighting.

They all ran towards the depths of the palace.

Soon Guan Yu was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, and sat down on a bloody BMW.

Majestically broke into the court hall of the Chuyue Kingdom.

"It would be great if my emperor was here at this time!" Guan Yu glanced at the dragon chair above, lifted the rope, turned his horse's head and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Come here, seal this hall."

"Follow me to the harem of Chuyue Kingdom!"

"It's the general!"

Guan Yu captured the palace.

Han Shizhong commanded the army to capture the entire Jiangling City.

Capture and guard the gates of the cities.

Then came the lockdown.

All the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom were hunted down, and the important ministers of the Chuyue Kingdom were also arrested.

Or confiscate the mansions of some aristocratic families who were on the blacklist of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The entire Jiangling City was once again shrouded in a murderous aura.


In the southwest of the city, the West Village of the Chuyue State Navy was captured by the Great Zhou Navy.

Soon the thousand-mile ship that was watching on the river returned.

"Commander, all the Chuyue Kingdom's sailors from Dongzhai have come out, and are coming towards us!"

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said: "Beat the drums, issue the flags, and the warships will sail out, set up in a wide area, and wait for the Chuyue National Navy's Dongzhai."


The matter on the ground is handed over to Wang Ping and others.

Only then did Zhou Yu, Wolong Zhuge Liang and others take the building boat to the surface of the wide river.

It happened that the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty could take a rest.

The Chuyue naval army rushed to the side of Xizhai, full of wind and dust all the way.

Although there was no battle at this time.

But the boatman was a little tired.

I saw the Dazhou navy lying on the river, waiting in full battle.

I can't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Da Zhou's battle flag is a dazzling eye.

It is a flag that Chuyue people do not want to see.

The huge warship is even more suffocating.

How can there be such a big ship in the world.

And even killed their Chuyue Kingdom.

Look at the size of the opposing fleet.

There are more people than yourself.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy, who have always been famous for their navy, lost a bit of confidence at this moment.

A little more fear.

There is also a strong sense of unease.

Today's battle, even if it can be won, is tragic.

"Soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom, cheer up, this is the only enemy we have encountered since we became an army, and it is also the most powerful enemy!"

"In today's battle, no matter whether we win or lose, we are all heroes, because we are the Chuyue navy, and because we didn't retreat."

"Sacrifice Xuanyuan with my blood, and defend me, Chuyue!"

"The glory lost by the infantry, our sailors will fight back!"

"Beat the drums... attack, and die in battle will die on the way to attack!"

This is the real navy of Chuyue Kingdom.

The most elite navy.

They are all veterans of more than ten years, and they have always been proud of the prosperity of Chuyue Kingdom.

Enjoying the best treatment in Chuyue Kingdom.

This year they will face the Great Zhou Navy.


Rush forward.

The sailors of the Chuyue Kingdom also showed their best form.

Started to kill towards the big Zhou navy.

At this moment, Zhou Yu put down the binoculars.

He murmured softly: "This is the navy of Chuyue Kingdom that I want to fight the most, the strongest navy in the east, and it needs to be defeated with dignity.

They need a decent farewell ceremony, and my great Zhou navy rises, and I also need a decent opening ceremony! "

"Beat the drums, attack, and tell all the soldiers to show our true strength and take it seriously."


The ships of Dazhou received the signal.

Also began to act according to the command.

The warship also started to kill the Chuyue army on the opposite side.

View from the sky.

The wide water surface of the river is filled with all kinds of warships.

The two fleets passed through the water like arrows leaving the string, rolling out waves and rushing towards each other.

A flying eagle flew by in the sky and let out a long cry!
The warships of the two armies below seem to be blending together.

In fact, the two armies were close enough to engage in battle.

Da Zhou took the lead in attacking.

The bed crossbow on the boat and the trebuchet were launched to project.

"call out!"


Countless crossbow arrows and stone bullets bombarded down.



Numerous naval warships of the Chuyue Kingdom were hit.

Riding the wind and breaking the waves, the Chuyue navy with high fighting spirit suddenly changed their colors.

High morale is one thing.

Dare to fight is one thing.

But whether we can fight or win is another matter.

"Why did Da Zhou move the bed crossbow and trebuchet to the boat!"

"How can we fight like this? With such a long-range shot, we were smashed before we got close."

"Da Zhou is despicable, so clumsy, he dare not fight us in real water!"

The Chuyue National Navy was so angry and helpless.

Facing such a powerful ordnance of the Great Zhou.

I don't even give a chance to close combat.

"Rush over, hurry up, rush up with the fastest speed.

As long as we are in close combat, we will win! "

The navy generals of Chuyue Kingdom did not give up.

They still want to save it.

Wars are fought with people, not weapons.

People are alive, weapons are dead.

"Speed ​​up, hurry up, everyone paddle."

"Hurry up, rush over!"

All the warships of Chuyue Kingdom were speeding up.

However, he was still mercilessly bombarded by the big Zhou bed crossbow and trebuchet.

Countless warships were smashed to pieces.

Countless warships sank.

But there are also countless warships rushing to the front of the Great Zhou warship.

But the front is just an appetizer.

This is the real purgatory.

The huge warship hull directly crushed and hit it.

Countless warships of the Chuyue Kingdom were directly smashed to pieces.

The Chuyue people on the boat also fell into the water one after another.

More warships were crushed under the floor of the ship.

The screams were endless.


Even if they were not hit, they were shot and killed by the soldiers of the Great Zhou on the Great Zhou warship.

After all, the Chuyue people wanted to shoot upwards.

There are definitely some disadvantages.

The bows and crossbows of the two sides fought, and both sides suffered casualties.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to join the gang, but the warships of the Great Zhou Dynasty were too big for them to climb up.

Even if you lose the hook rope, you can climb up safely and worry-free.

What's more, behind the big ship, there are countless big Zhou warships.

They also rushed over.

Many of these warships are still larger than those of the Chuyue Kingdom, and even if they are smaller, they are similar to the hulls of the Chuyue Kingdom.

The deck is full of crossbows.

The front of the warship is covered with iron sheets!

(End of this chapter)

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