Chapter 772


The warship hits.

The warships of the Chuyue Kingdom capsized again.

Where is the energy to climb the big ship.

They can only save their own lives.

If the second wave is spared, the third wave will come again.

The same is colliding together.

Even if the warships of the Chuyue Kingdom did not capsize, they were smashed to the side one after another.

"Get ready, jump gang!"

When the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty heard the order, they sent out the bows and arrows in their hands one after another.

After a wave of shots, the hook ropes were thrown out one by one, and they were hung on the opposite Chuyue Kingdom warship.

Or on the mast.

The soldiers of Da Zhou nimbly jumped over the rope.

Board the opponent's warship, and then hack and kill.

The Chuyue people were not bad either, they waved their weapons and started fighting.

Only then did the entire navy battlefield have a little more traditional flavor.

Shouting and killing, all kinds of noise.

The sound of falling into the water and the capsizing of warships still continued.

However, looking down from the air, it is obvious that the Chuyue Kingdom's naval warships disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within half an hour, the surface battle was basically over.

The surface of the river was red.

There are countless corpses.

Countless broken planks and overturned warships with a small corner exposed.

It can be described as tragic.

More than 1 Chuyue National Navy, the whole army was wiped out.

Some warships of Da Zhou also suffered losses.

About 800 people were killed or injured.

It is mainly due to melee combat or being shot by the opponent's crossbow after jumping.

"Go south and take over Dongzhai, the navy of Chuyue Kingdom." Zhou Yu glanced at the messy battlefield and waved his hand.

He commanded a part of the warships to go southward and went to the Dongzhai of Chuyue State Navy.

Some of them cleaned the battlefield, and then returned to the West Village of the Chuyue State Navy to rest.

By the time they took over the two water villages, the battle in Jiangling City would have ended long ago.

Zhou Yu and others arranged the defense of the water village and handed over the work, and then led a group of people into Jiangling.

The generals met at the office of the sixth department of the palace of Chuyue Kingdom.

Everyone had joy on their faces.

Smile as brightly as possible.

After all, Zhou Yu is the coach, so he took the first place.

On the left and right are Guan Yu, Han Shizhong, Gan Ning and others.

"Today, our Tianji Group Army successfully captured Jiangling City, the capital of Chuyue Kingdom, everyone has worked hard!"

"In this way, I will drink this cup to the brim, and congratulate my army on victory, congratulate me on the victory of the Great Zhou, and congratulate Your Majesty on your wisdom and martial arts!"

All the generals got up and raised their glasses one after another: "Congratulations to my army for victory, congratulations to my great week victory, and congratulations to Your Majesty for your wisdom and martial arts!"


After Zhou Yu finished drinking, he signaled everyone to sit down.

After everyone sat down, he said: "All departments report the results of the battle!"

Guan Yu was the first to stand up and said: "Our army broke through the imperial city, the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom was killed in the palace one step earlier, and our army captured all the concubines in his harem, as well as the princesses of Chuyue Kingdom and several princes!
Kill five thousand enemies!Three thousand prisoners. "

This is a great achievement, capturing the imperial city.

But Xiong Wan didn't die in the hands of Tianji Army.

It was in Jin Yiwei's hands.

This credit should be distinguished.

Then Han Shizhong said: "Our army broke through its capital and captured all the important places in the city.

The city gates, granaries, armories, and money banks were all completely taken over.

As well as attacking [-] Chuyue troops in the city and taking [-] prisoners.

120 five noble families were destroyed, and [-] families were seized.

Received countless money and food. "

Zhou Yu said, "Outside the city, how many enemies did you two kill together?"

Guan Yu and Han Shizhong looked at each other.

Han Shizhong replied: "Kill [-] enemies."

Zhou Yu took a look at Gan Ning and Wang Ping!
The two also reported the water village and the results of the battle on the water.

The [-] Chuyue State Navy was not a dead prisoner.

Or disappear.

After everyone's report, Zhou Yu said: "Report to Chang'an truthfully, and at the same time send a copy to Xiangyang for His Majesty to review."


Then Zhou Yu said: "The result of today's battle is brilliant, but we still have a little regret, that is, the prince of Chuyue Kingdom escaped.

There are also three patriarchs of Zhao, Sun and Gou who escaped from the city. "

"According to my estimate, Xiong Han will soon ascend the throne in the east with the support of the Zhao, Sun, and Gou families.

Therefore, the Chuyue Kingdom has not yet perished, and our task is still great. "

"Because we don't have horses to accompany the army, it is inconvenient to pursue."

"The next task is to guard Jiangling and deal with the remaining noble forces of the Chuyue Kingdom."

"And control Dajiang, follow Yunmengze!"

The Tianji Army has only so many troops, and half of them are sailors.

Therefore, it is impossible to advance the offense in a large area.

Being able to defend and manage Nanjun well is the best support for Ye Qing and others.



Estimating the time, Ye Qing began to issue orders to all parties.

"Order! Order Chang Yuchun to go out of Yingchuan to attack Runan!"

"Order! Order Lu Xun and Liu Bowen to go out of Nanyang and attack Runan!"

"Order! Order Di Qing to lead the army southward and attack Lankouju!"

The war on the northern front was personally arranged by Ye Qing.

All armies and generals received orders one after another and marched towards Chuyue Kingdom.

It was the soldiers and horses of the two group armies that attacked Runan.

A total of 13 field troops and [-] logistical militias totaled [-].

Divide left and right into Runan.

Jing Hong and Sun Miao are still guarding Runan.

Facing the big Zhou army going south in two directions.

Jing Hong could only divide his troops to resist, 15 each way.

However, the main army had cavalry, so they directly crossed over and attacked the rear of Jing Hong and Sun Miao, and captured the small town first, with a small encirclement, cutting off Jing Hong, Sun Miao's connection with the counties to the east.

Then the heavy armaments attacked Ayutthaya.

Super Trebuchet.

Take turns smashing.

The two lines of defense were broken in an instant.

Jing Hong and Sun Miao led the remnant army to retreat to Lujiang.

On the way, they were intercepted and attacked by Zhou cavalry.

In the end he died unexpectedly.

Dazhou took only ten days to capture Runan.

Then Lu Xun and Chen Bing Huaishui confronted the Lujiang soldiers and horses of Chuyue Kingdom.

Chang Yuchun's troops entered Nanpei County.

Defeated the [-] troops of the Chuyue Kingdom, and at least captured Nanpei, but did not continue eastward.

Looking back at Di Qing, he went south in person.

Fifty thousand soldiers of the navy marched southward in mighty strength.

The opponent is still Xiang Yan from Chuyue Kingdom.

Since Xiang Yan retreated into the Dabie Mountains last time, only 1 troops survived.

But this ten thousand is absolutely elite.

It is the seed army in the hand.

It is a pity that Chuyue Kingdom does not have the system of Dazhou.

The Lord put these seeds down to the various armies to become grassroots soldiers.

Used to enhance the overall combat force strength.

Instead, they form a lean ace force alone.

It was used as the first line of defense against Di Qing going south.

Nuo Guocheng!
This is Xiang Yan's first line of defense.

Behind is the navy gathering in the blue mouth.

The entire front, 20 soldiers.

Xiang Yan personally guarded the first line of defense in order to deal with Da Zhou's trebuchet.

Xiang Yan specially asked You to start digging a trench five miles outside the city.

Construct wide trenches in disorder.

For the past year, he has done nothing but specialize in civil engineering.

Therefore, outside the north gate of Nuoguo, there are ditches and small ponds with potholes.

"Marshal, this time we dug all the outside of the northern city, and Da Zhou's trebuchets couldn't get a foothold.

Even the cavalry couldn't kill them quickly.

It is necessary to fill up the trench little by little before we can attack our city.

This gives us plenty of time to react! "

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom were all proud when they saw the masterpiece outside the city.

It was quite an accomplishment.

First, the troops of the Great Zhou were highly mobile, and the cavalry came and went like the wind.

Second, the siege weapons are powerful.

This is the most important factor restricting Chuyue Kingdom.

The small trench completely offset General Zhou's advantage.

This time, the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom finally felt more at ease, not afraid that the Zhou army would suddenly kill the city.

(End of this chapter)

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