Chapter 773 Battle of the Han River
Great week barracks!

"Marshal, this is the situation. The north of Nuoguo City is full of potholes and ditches. Xiang Yan has spent a lot of energy this year.

Dig all over here. "One of the group leaders explained.

Di Qing said: "I took a look at the trench, and it was deep and wide, and it was irregular. If it was a normal attack, it would take a lot of time to level it.

It will greatly affect the speed of our army's attack.

You can have a good strategy to defeat the enemy. "

Someone stood up and said: "Commander, don't we have a trench car? It can quickly repair the ground. The only trouble is that the soil has been transported away by the Chuyue people. We need to dig in the rear, and we can't attack it in a short time. Nuo country!"

A regiment leader also stood up and said: "In my opinion, we give up attacking the Nuo Kingdom and focus on the Chuyue Kingdom's navy that broke through the Han River.

As long as we can control Hanshui, we can cut off the connection between Lankouju and Nuoguo.

Nuoguo is an isolated city, we decide when to fight and whether to fight or not! "

"This method is good, but our naval army is not as good as that of Chuyue Kingdom, both in terms of numbers and warships are far inferior to the opponent!" Someone stood up and said:
"In my opinion, we should make a detour, go south west of the Han River, attack Yicheng first, go to Bian County, and bypass Lankouju."

"Bypass Lankouju? The people of Chuyue will definitely set up a large number of soldiers and horses in the direction of Yicheng, and there are also a large number of naval forces in the direction of Yicheng, so it is difficult to cross the river!"

"What's so bad about this, last time we were in Zhonglu, didn't we attack Yicheng on the upper reaches of the Yi River?"

All the generals quarreled for a while.

Everyone has their own opinions.

Di Qing's face turned dark when he heard that.

With a final cough, everyone stopped.

All eyes were on Di Qing.

Di Qing said: "I understand your thoughts, and after summarizing, I also feel that if you want to capture Lankouju, you must first defeat the Chuyue National Navy.

It is difficult for Nuo Guo to fill the trenches in a short time.

We don't have the energy to play with Xiang Yan, he likes being in Nuo Country, so let him stay here! "

"Decree, No.11 to No.18 regiments are attacking Nuo Country. The main task is to fill in the trenches. No matter what method you use, fill them up as soon as possible!"

"Decree, all the sailors will go south and defeat the Chuyue Kingdom's navy in the Han River!"

"Decree, No. 19 regiment to 25 regiment, attack Yicheng, smash the opposite city for me across the river! Suppress the Chuyue National Navy on the river!"

"Decree, No. 20 Sixth Regiment to Thirty Regiment assist our navy to defeat the Chuyue Kingdom navy!"

The commander-in-chief was passed on, and the ministries began to act.

The Nanyang Navy of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to go down the south of the Yangtze River.

Nuo Guocheng!
"I knew that Di Qing couldn't afford it, so he would send out a navy. Unfortunately, his navy is far inferior to ours. If he wants to go south, it's not enough to keep all of them." Xiang Yan smiled rarely after receiving the information about the division of troops in Dazhou. .

Only then did he order: "Let the navy go out and wipe out the Dazhou navy on the Hanshui River. This time, Chuyue Kingdom must win."

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who received Xiang Yan's order were very excited.

Finally, the navy of the Great Zhou arrived.

This time they Chuyue Kingdom can regain a level.

Soon the Chuyue Kingdom's navy also set off from Lankouju and headed northward.

The two water armies met at the confluence of the Han River and the Yi River.

There are only [-] navy troops on the side of Dazhou, and not many warships.

And it is far less big than that of Chuyue Kingdom.

Most of them were previously seized.

The newly built shipyards are also unable to digest the technology, resulting in large ships.

On the side of Chuyue Kingdom, there are [-] sailors.


Looking down from the sky, it looks like carp crossing the river, all over the river.

Stretching from the front to the back, it seems that there is no end in sight.

It can be seen how much determination and capital the Chuyue Kingdom has made in order to defend the capital Jiangling and consolidate the northern defense line.

"Hahaha, Zhou people should be dumbfounded!"

"That's for sure. Seeing so many of our warships, Yi Jing is probably scared and terrified!"

"On land, we lost, but in water, we will win!"

Soon the chief general of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy waved down the command flag himself.

"Beat the drum to attack and wipe out all the Zhou's navy. Today I will use the corpses of the [-] Great Zhou's navy to feed the fish in the river!"

The drums of war drummed.

The warships of the Chuyue Kingdom's water army accelerated and rushed towards the opposite Da Zhou water army.

And the Dazhou navy seemed to be scared, and even started to retreat on their own initiative, and the rear team became the front team.

He retreated in the direction he came from.

"Hahahaha, the big Zhou navy is scared, attack, hurry up, don't let them go!"

"Come on, kill the Da Zhou navy, don't let a single ship go."

Seeing that the water army of the Great Zhou was afraid to retreat back, the water army of Chuyue Kingdom became even more excited, and they were so excited that they wished they could fly over.

Constantly urging the boatman to row.

The distance between the two armies is therefore getting closer and closer.

Each can see each other's face.

"Fire arrows!"

Although the boats on Da Zhou's side are not as good as Chuyue's.

The sailors are also newly recruited and trained this year.

The combat power is indeed too little.

But the new god arm crossbow equipped by Da Zhou.

Shoot far, back and forth.

The sailors on the warships of the Chuyue Kingdom were recruited one after another.

The Chuyue people gritted their teeth in anger.

Can only continue to urge forward.

"Shield soldiers come up and block the opponent's crossbow arrows for me."

Soon in front of the battleship of Chuyue Kingdom, the shield soldiers erected their shields to block the front.

It's just that the god arm crossbow is not like a continuous crossbow, it can only shoot flat.

Instead, it can be projected.

Use parabolic curves.

The shield soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom can't play any role.

In addition to Da Zhou's side is still a bed crossbow equipped on the ship.

A long crossbow arrow flew over.

The destructive power is amazing.

It doesn't matter if the boards on the warship are shot down.

Even the shield soldiers on the ship can be shot down by the collision.

"Damn, hurry up!"

"Closer the distance, prepare to kill with a crossbow!"

There is only one arrow away, and the crossbows of Chuyue Kingdom can also play a role.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were overjoyed and were about to issue orders.

At this time, countless drums were seen thrown from Da Zhou's warship.

There are also many sundries.

These drums are connected with the drums and sundries with net ropes.

"Da Zhou, what does this mean!"

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy were a little confused.

Are you throwing these things down to save weight so you can row faster?

But soon they will know.

Because these nets entangled their warships at once, and the other side also entangled other warships.

The two ships were connected together by these nets, the speed was suddenly reduced, and the direction was not easy to adjust.

At this time, the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy became frightened.

Then what made them even more frightened was that huge stones fell from the sky.



Both the surface of the water and the warship were hit by stone bombs.

The warship pitched and pitched.

The waves of the water rushed in.

"How did you come back, where did the stone bomb come from!"

"It's impossible to put trebuchets on the warships of the Great Zhou Navy?"

(End of this chapter)

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