Chapter 774
The navy officers and soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom panicked.

It was originally a sure thing.

They can crush the Zhou navy.

Why was it suddenly attacked.

Soon everyone discovered the direction of the incoming stone bomb.

It is on the west bank of the Han River.

The shore kept throwing stone bombs over.

From time to time warships were hit.

The smaller ones were sunk directly.

The warships of the Chuyue State Navy are too dense.

And many of them were entangled in fishing nets.

I can't even leave if I want to.

"Look, upstream!"

Suddenly, the warship of the Great Zhou that was retrograde upstream did not retreat, but rushed downstream instead.

That's not the point, the point is that they are all lit.

The two rows of warships in front began to smoke.

Smoke billowed into the sky, and the fire began to rage on the ship.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire borrows the wind.


All of a sudden, he rushed to the Chuyue Kingdom warship.

"Quick, avoid it, quick!"

This kind of style of play that burns everything together is simply crazy.

The manufacture of warships is not easy, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive.

Da Zhou's gang of soil turtles who don't know how to fight in water.

How can such a waste.

The Chuyue people felt distressed.

At the same time, they were too anxious to dodge one after another.


The fire boat crashed down the current.

In an instant, all the Chuyue soldiers on the warship were overturned and fell into the water.

Our warships were also ignited.

The river was surging, and the warship behind hit it again.

Let the previous ones continue to inertially rush down the downstream.

More and more warships were overturned.

More and more warships were ignited.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom fell into the water one after another, or jumped into the water and abandoned the ship.


Seeing this, the commander of the Chuyue Kingdom's navy immediately said:
"Withdraw, quickly, withdraw to the downstream."

Ming Jin withdraws his troops.

The warships of the Chuyue Kingdom turned around one after another.

One side was attacked by fire, and the other side was hit by a trebuchet.

This section of the waters has been unable to fight.

It is even more unfavorable for the Chuyue State Navy to fight.

The sailors of Chuyue Kingdom had no choice but to retreat one after another.

It is only the size of a battleship with 5 people.

There are too many.

It is not easy to withdraw.

very slowly.

Many warships were still hit by stone bombs.

A water battle, which was supposed to be a sure thing, ended up being lured into the enemy.

He underestimated the enemy and rushed forward and was ambushed.

More than 1 people were damaged in the battle, and three of the warships ended the battle.

The battle situation has returned to Nuoguo City!
Xiang Yan and the others still couldn't believe it.

"Of course I also lost the water."

"The people of Zhou are too despicable to set up an ambush and dare not fight in an open manner!"

"Fortunately, the army withdrew decisively, otherwise most of them would be lost."

Without saying a word, Xiang Yan waved his hand to signal the generals to go down.

After a long time, he murmured: "Di Qing, as expected, in terms of resourcefulness, I am indeed not as good as you juniors."

Xiang Yan was half confident in defending against Di Qing.

Now one more level down.

"Report! Marshal, there is a battle report from the direction of Yicheng. Da Zhou is bombarding stones across the river, and Yicheng may not be safe!"

Suddenly a general came in to report, and then delivered the letter.

"What? Across the river... to attack the city!"

Xiang Yan was really shocked.

He knows how far the catapult can hit.

Projecting across the river, I'm afraid it will be twice as far away as before.

How did Da Zhou's technology improve so much?

With such a long distance, it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future.

"Commander, this matter is absolutely true, our naval warships dare not enter Yishui to reinforce the people of Yicheng!" Lai Jiang explained.

Xiang Yan shook her head and smiled wryly.

"If this continues, Yicheng will be destroyed. Dazhou should build a pontoon bridge upstream, and cavalry will go south soon."

"After all, it still failed to stop Di Qing's Suzaku army."

The general said: "Commander, how about sending colleagues across the river at night to destroy Da Zhou's trebuchet!"

"Last time the Great Zhou was able to send troops to our rear and burn down our camps and cities. We can also sneak attack their rear!"

Xiang Yan waved his hand and said: "Di Qing is not an idiot, how could he not be on guard against us, he is probably waiting for us to plunge in right now."

"Come here, send an order, abandon Nuoguo City, the army will go south, first retreat to Lankouju, and the main defense will be Lankouju and Dangyang!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom who received the news were all stunned.

This is withdrawn.

We dug for a year and built the trench defense line.

This is no longer necessary.

Directly throw away the east of Hanshui in Nanjun.

How can I explain this to His Majesty and the court.

All the generals went to Xiang Yan one after another.

Xiang Yan didn't explain too much, leaving only 5000 people in Nuoguo City.

Then he retreated south with the army.

After crossing the ferry at Lankouju.

Then he received a report from the broken soldiers who fled from Yicheng.

"Commander, Yicheng has been breached by Da Zhou, and the Da Zhou cavalry is behind!"

Xiang Yan seems to have known it long ago.

Not surprising.

Just asked about the specific battle situation.

Then he commanded the army to garrison at Lankouju.

He also sent important generals to Dangyang to preside over the defense.

after one day.

The Suzaku army marched south and advanced to twenty miles below Jucheng in Lankou.

"Commander, Di Qing brought [-] soldiers and horses here, and the navy stayed in Yicheng, and did not go south!"

"Marshal, can we concentrate our superior forces to fight Di Qing in the open field.

Once we let him bring in such a large siege machine as a trebuchet, our Lankouju will not be able to defend it. "

The generals didn't want to retreat, and this time they all took the initiative to fight.

Xiang Yan thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's send the letter of challenge!"

After giving the order, he said to his confidant: "Send a letter to His Majesty, saying that our army is going to fight Di Qing decisively. If we defend the city, we will be too passive. In the end, our morale will be exhausted, our army's morale will be exhausted, and finally the whole army will be defeated.

It's better to play a game, so as not to be forced into a passive position. "

After doing this, Xiang Yan began to worry deeply again.

Doing it yourself is right or wrong.

A stud is very refreshing.

But also risky.

It can directly bury tens of thousands of troops.

The entire northern defense line was completely lost.

Zhou army camp!

"Decisive battle! It seems that Xiang Yan has learned how to be good, and I am afraid that I will be smashed by our army's powerful offensive weapons."

The generals said: "Commander, it's fine if we don't fight. If we hit us, we will directly use the trebuchet to smash them until they lose their morale!"

Di Qing smiled and said: "No, we must fight, give this General Xiang the last bit of face, he can't be retreating.

Either die here, or fight! "


Xiang Yan didn't sleep, didn't take off her battle armor, and sat like this all night.


The cold wind blows in through the curtain and blows over the cheeks, making it a little cold.

"Marshal, everything is ready, do you want to go out to camp!"

Suddenly a general came in and asked.

Only then did Xiang Yan open her eyes.

Raising the sword, he said, "Let's go!"

The small Lankou Jucheng couldn't accommodate many people at all.

Therefore, the army of Chuyue Kingdom basically camped outside the city.

The 11 army moved towards the direction of Da Zhou.

The darkness is overwhelming, and the swords and guns are like forests.

Di Qing also led an army of [-] out of the camp.

The two armies stood in an open place.

The last official field battle between Chu Yue Kingdom and Da Zhou was in Chang'an.

At that time, there were more soldiers and horses in Chuyue Kingdom than in Dazhou.

And majestic, infinitely arrogant.

He was so aggressive that he wanted to destroy Da Zhou in a single battle.

As a result, this time, it was Da Zhou who came aggressively and wanted to destroy Chuyue Kingdom.

Soon, a general from the two armies rushed out, each carrying a battle flag.

(End of this chapter)

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