I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 775? It's time to end

Chapter 775 It's time to end
Soon the generals of both sides planted the battle flags on the ground.

Twenty steps apart!
"Do you want to fight!"

The general of the Great Zhou Kingdom asked.

The general of Chuyue Kingdom on the opposite side replied: "No fight!"

The Chuyue Kingdom had many soldiers and horses.

Naturally, he didn't want to fight.

It's easier to call directly.

If there is no fight, the generals of both sides will return separately.

Report to the chief general.

Xiang Yan drew his sword and pointed: "Attack!"

The drums of war were beating.

Fifty thousand Chuyue soldiers began to move forward.

The phalanxes moved slowly one by one.

Like a mountain like a sea, it threatens to kill.

On this side, Di Qing also slowly drew his sword.

However, he only dispatched four regiments, with 8000 people at the front.

But to cooperate with these 8000 people, there are nearly 1 auxiliary soldiers.

Bed crossbow, trebuchet.

The two wings are guarding the cavalry, ready to fight.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Both armies roared in fury, and the sound of killing shook the sky, soaring straight into the sky.

"Charge, rush over as fast as you can!"

"Be careful to avoid Da Zhou's stone bombs!"

"Shield soldiers, lean in! Defense arrow array!"

Chu Yue Kingdom just finished reminding.

On Da Zhou's side, the trebuchet and bed crossbow were activated.

In the next moment, countless stone bullets, mixed with long crossbows, flew into Chu Yue's attacking army.



Countless Chuyue soldiers fell to the ground dead or wounded.

The ground shook from time to time, and the long crossbow nailed the corpse to the ground.

The shield hand is better, and the inward slope can remove a lot of cuts.

The crossbow hit the shield, so it won't cause any casualties.

"Continue to attack, don't mess up the formation, hurry up!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom were hoarse and roared continuously.

It is inevitable that people will die in battle, even if all 5 people die in battle, as long as they can fight hand-to-hand with Da Zhou's army.

As long as they can be entangled together, the bed crossbow and trebuchet will not work.

That's worth it!


The one at the front was the one who followed Xiang Yan through the Dabie Mountains.

Ten thousand elite soldiers died once.


Risking the stone bullets and crossbow arrows falling on his head, he kept rushing forward.

With them leading the way, the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom in the back also rushed forward with their heads depressed.

"Push the crossbow forward, withdraw the shield!"

Suddenly, in front of the Eight Thousand Suzaku Army, the shield players moved one after another.

The platoon crossbow behind him is exposed.

There are ten to eighteen crossbow bolts on these platoons.


One command.

The odd number of crossbows inspired the machine gun.

The crossbow arrows above flew out one after another.

The shield soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushing forward were knocked down one by one.

"Let it go!"

Another order was issued, and the even-numbered crossbows were activated.

Countless crossbow arrows flew out.

He directly plunged into the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were not protected by shield soldiers.

"Puff puff……"

Rows and rows of Chuyue soldiers were wounded.

What was even more frightening was that the Great Zhou Divine Arm crossbow kept shooting.

It shoots far and has strong lethality.

In a dense army formation, it is better than bed crossbows and catapults.


Pieces of Chuyue soldiers fell under the crossbow arrows.

It was quite tragic, and before hand-to-hand combat, one-fifth of them died.

Xiang Yan and others in the Chinese army could not calm down anymore.

In field battles, it is still difficult to get close to the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

There is such a heavy price to pay.

Ten thousand elite old soldiers were lost.

"Handling, send out [-] troops from the left and right sides, attack the left and right wings of Dazhou, and strengthen our front team!"

Xiang Yan knew that she must continue to devote herself.

A large number of forwards died in battle, without reinforcements, they will soon be defeated.

Then it will be too late to save.

It must be output early at this time.


2 horses rushed towards the left and right wings of the Suzaku Army.

The corners of Di Qing's mouth rose slightly.

Xiang Yan couldn't wait any longer and became impatient.

This is good!
Di Qing immediately said:

"On the left and right flanks, dispatch four thousand cavalry each to give the commander the infantry that will crush the Chuyue Kingdom."

There is a general leading the order now.

Then Di Qing said again: "Send out five thousand cavalry, go around from the west, and attack Chuyue Kingdom's rear team, if you can't rush, let me hold them firmly."

Use 5000 people to contain 4 people.

It's a good deal.

Soon another [-] cavalry rushed out.

There were only one thousand cavalry left in Di Qing's army, and twelve thousand infantry remained unmoved.

He brought a total of more than 4 horses; 1 soldiers and more than [-] auxiliary militiamen.

Soon the two wings began to fight.

Eight thousand cavalry attacked twenty thousand infantry.

Whether it's directly pedaling or riding and shooting, they all have an advantage.


Finally, on the frontal battlefield, the army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed over.

At this time, the red eye is so red, how can I dare to live.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom had only one thought, to rush over and overwhelm the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The platoon crossbow was pushed down.

Eight thousand infantry, with shields and guns.

After the knife and cart, the Liannu followed.


The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom stabbed with spears.

The generals of the Great Zhou dug a small groove in the ground.

The shield is stuck on the ground.

Bend your knees to withstand it.

The long spear came over.

The shields are as stable as Mount Tai.

Don't move.

On the contrary, the pikemen of Dazhou took the opportunity to stab.

Harvest the lives of the Great Zhou soldiers outside.

The spears of both sides come and go.

Undead someone fell in a pool of blood.

Each other's crossbows also took the opportunity to shoot.

Shoot each other.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Soon the army of Chuyue Kingdom paid a heavy price and gnawed down the shield soldiers on the first line of defense.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also experienced, so they took the opportunity to withdraw.

Rely on the knife cart to resist the enemy.

Knife cart!
As the name suggests, the car is full of knives.

Whether it is front, left, right or above, they are all double-edged weapons.

No matter where the Chuyue soldiers crossed from, they would be mercilessly cut or stabbed.

"Repeated crossbow! Use the repeated crossbow, shoot me!"

"Fire oil tank, throw it into the Chuyue army!"

One side attacks, the other side defends, each according to its own ability.

The fighting situation was extremely tragic, and a large number of soldiers on both sides died unexpectedly.

Soon the [-] cavalry who circled around appeared behind Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiang Yan had seen this earlier.

After all, he is not blind.

If you don't know how to deal with such an obvious movement of sending troops, you will be a fool.

But this is Di Qingren's overt conspiracy.

The purpose is to contain the 4 horses that Xiang Yan has not yet moved.

From this point of view, Di Qing still won.

Xiang Yan could only defend passively.

The [-] troops shrank in the formation, not daring to dispatch reinforcements to the battle ahead.

Just have to wait.

Waiting for the results of the battle between the left, center and right armies.

Obviously, the battle situation on the two wings is very unfavorable to Chuyue Kingdom.

Infantry against cavalry, too bad.

Like a massacre, one-sided posture.

In the middle, it was a stalemate, and the two sides fought close to each other.

"It's almost time to end!" Di Qing glanced at the battle situation on the left and right wings, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised again, showing a knowing smile.

Immediately before the long sword pointed:
"The whole army presses forward, surrounds, divides, and devours the forwards of the Chuyue Kingdom!"

"A thousand war horses will follow my middle, today the sword will drink the blood of the enemy, and the horse will step on the corpse of the enemy. For my great week, let's build another brilliance!"

"The sword drank the enemy's blood, and the horse stepped on the enemy's corpse. For our great week, let's build glory again!"

All the soldiers got the order, gripped their weapons tightly, raised their arms and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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