I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 776?? Xiang Yan was defeated and the army died

Chapter 776 Xiang Yan was defeated and the army died

Da Zhou's entire army was dispatched, and [-] troops rushed towards the forward of Chuyue Kingdom.

Chu Yueguo was in a hurry.

All the generals asked for battle one after another:

"Commander, Di Qing's entire army has been mobilized, can we go to battle now!"

"Marshal, I'm afraid the striker can't stand it anymore, I request to play!"

"Marshal, I request to fight!"

Glancing at the generals, Xiang Yan said, "As soon as my central army moves, the five thousand cavalry behind will rush over.

Our army will be dispersed and temporarily unable to move!"

"Marshal, isn't it like watching the brothers in front die in battle?"

"Marshal, let me go out, I am willing to attract the cavalry of Da Zhou!"

"I'm also willing to lure Da Zhou's cavalry!"

Just when Xiang Yan wanted to speak.

Suddenly a ride came.

"Report! Jiangling Military Report! Jiangling Urgent Report!"

The cavalry charged all the way, and all the troops gave way one after another.

He ran directly to Xiang Yan, and then fell off the horse.

The person ignored the pain and hurriedly said:
"Marshal Xiang, Jiangling was attacked by the Zhou army, the capital fell, His Majesty died, and the crown prince fled..."

Like thunder.

Everyone's brains were buzzing.

The Zhou army attacked Jiangling.

The capital has fallen?
His Majesty is dead.

This... is too sudden!
"Don't talk nonsense, disturb our army's morale, you are a spy!"

As soon as Xiang Yan said that, she was about to draw her sword and kill this person. Whether it was true or not, the news came at an inopportune time.

The visitor knelt on the ground, kowtowed and cried:

"Marshal Xiang, it is true that the Zhou army came from the west, and the southwestern part of Nanjun was completely lost, and [-] sailors were killed.

General, your family was also wiped out by Da Zhou! "


Xiang Yan's eyes bulged when he heard this, a pool of blood gushed out of his chest, and he vomited directly to death.

Then fell off the horse!

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

The crowd will be shocked.

have stepped forward.


After saying two words, Xiang Yan fainted directly.

The news hit him too hard.

Jiangling is over.

The emperor died and the prince fled.

Even his Xiang family is gone.

The last trace of his spirit was also emptied.

"Withdraw, hurry up, Mingjin is lost, retreat to Lankouju!"


Everyone shouted and urged their subordinates.

The order to retreat was issued.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom fell into chaos all of a sudden.

One by one, they ran towards Lankouju like desperately.

Nine thousand cavalry took the opportunity to hide and kill.

The corpses of the army of Chuyue Kingdom were killed all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers.

Of the 11 troops of the Chuyue Kingdom, only [-] fled into Lankou Jucheng in the end!
The rest either died by the knife or were captured.

Many soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom lost their fighting spirit.

The country is gone.

The emperor is dead.

Chuyue Kingdom is finished, who will be loyal to?

"Commander, good news, great news, this news is even better than our attack on Xiang Yan!" After questioning the prisoners, all the generals came over one after another.

Di Qing said with a smile: "Jiangling has been captured by the Tianji Army!"

"Uh! How do you know, handsome?"

The generals are puzzled.

I still want to report the good news, so I have to be frightened, which bastard is the first.

Di Qing said: "It's very simple, if Jiangling hadn't been captured by us, Xiang Yan's central army could not have suddenly become chaotic. At that time, he should have received bad news and was not in command.

This caused chaos in the army and was overwhelmed by our army's [-] cavalry! "

"The commander is really amazing. That's right, the commander. Jiangling was captured by Zhou Yu's gang, and that fellow Xiong Wan was also killed."

"Commander, I know why Xiang Yan fainted, because the Xiang family was wiped out by Zhou Yu and the others."

Only then did Di Qing show a clear expression.

No wonder Xiang Yan is like this.

What a poor general.

Not to mention the wrong empire, now there is no family.

"Come here, report the good news of the two places to His Majesty. Jiangling has been captured. Next, our task will be easy."

Lankouju still has [-] pawns, but it's okay.

The only worry is that the more than 3 Chuyue National Navy will take the opportunity to flee south.

"Come here, contact Zhou Yu and tell him the truth here. Be sure to intercept this Chuyue navy!"

"Come here, let me know that the navy of our Suzaku Army is going south to monitor the Chuyue Kingdom's navy. If the Chuyue Kingdom's navy wants to escape, I will bite them."

"It's handsome!"

To avoid long nights and dreams.

The next day, Di Qing launched an attack on Lankou Jucheng.

The larger the return cannon, the wall of Lankouju City was smashed down in an hour.

The frightened Chuyue infantry directly abandoned the city and fled south.

In the end, he was overtaken by the cavalry of the Great Zhou Dynasty, beheaded four thousand, and all the rest were captured.

The Chuyue National Navy saw that Lankou Jucheng was gone.

He also directly gave up the water village and fled south into Jiangxia County.

Then in Yunmengze, he was stopped by the Tianji Army Navy.

Defeated and fled north to Jingling.

He was defeated by the Suzaku army chasing from behind.

At this point, the [-] navy army of Chuyue Kingdom was completely annihilated.

In the next half month, Di Qing and Zhou Yu joined forces to capture Jiangxia County.

Xiong Han, the prince of Chuyue Kingdom, and the remaining three families fled to Danyang County, Yangzhou.

He ascended the throne in Jinling City, and established Jinling as the capital of Chuyue Kingdom.



"Your Majesty, Di Qing and Zhou Yu are here to report! Jiangxia County has been captured, and according to your instructions, the army is stopped at Xiazhi! Not in the east!"

"Your Majesty, Lu Xun came to report that the army captured Runan, stopped at the Huai River, and did not enter the Lujiang River!"

"In writing, Chang Yuchun came to report that the army captured Nanpei County, but the army has not yet moved east!"

Ye Qing stared at the sand table, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

Finally look away.

He leaned back and took a deep breath.

"Send Zhou Yu an order to hand over all Bazhou defense to the Yaoguang (Pojun) Army!"

"All the remaining [-] soldiers of the Tianji Army were transferred to Nanjun, and the [-] soldiers of the Yaoguang (Breaking Army) Army who came out were merged into the Tianji Army.

Tianji Army expanded to [-] troops! "

"The Light (Pojun) Group Army also expanded to [-] on the spot!"

"At the same time, an order was sent to Zhou Yu that in addition to guarding Jiangling, the Tianji Army will attack Changsha County, Wuling County, Yiling County, Guiyang County and other places in the south if conditions permit! Jingzhou will be completely annexed to my Great Zhou!"

"Order Di Qing to hand over all defenses to the east of the Hanshui River to the Suzaku Army!"

"Order Chang Yuchun to move all the population of Nanpei County to the west, and all of them will be transferred to the customs. From the center of the pass, these people will be transferred to Shuozhou and Hexi Governor's Mansion! The prefectures and counties along the way are ready for resettlement work!"

Guo Jia said: "Your Majesty, you want to evacuate Nanpei County and use it as a buffer zone between us and Chuyue Kingdom, so as to avoid stationing too many soldiers and horses there, and lengthen the front line and logistics!"

"Those who know me will be filial piety!" Ye Qing pointed at Guo Jia with a smile and said:

"That's right, for the time being, we don't want to compete with Chuyue Kingdom in Nanpei County, Guangling County, Xiapi County, Donghai County and other places. This will expose our flanks to South Korea's knives and increase our strength too much. Armed with troops.

At the same time, we can also use this excuse to move people from Jianghuai and other places to the west and north to enrich the frontier.

Kill two birds with one stone. "

(End of this chapter)

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