Chapter 777: The North Stone Country Is Gone

"Your Majesty, do you want to touch South Korea?" Guo Jia asked tentatively.

Now the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Great Zhou East is no longer Chuyue Kingdom.

After Chuyue Kingdom was hit hard this time, it couldn't recover for five years, and it only had two prefectures and nine counties.

It is difficult to develop into the original Big Mac.

After all, Jingzhou is a piece of fertile land.

And the big Yuechao county like Runan was also lost.

The river defense of Chuyue Kingdom is not stable, and self-protection is still insufficient.

How about a threat.

So the main enemies of the Great Zhou came to Wei and South Korea.

After all, Wei State is separated from Beishi by a river, so it needs to attack from a long distance.

Some effort.

Korea is right around the corner.

Now Dazhou half surrounds South Korea from the west and south.

With one bite, most of Korea will be gone.

Ye Qing shook his head and said:

"South Korea is not in a hurry, without a suitable excuse, it is really hard to move them.

Just now Wenyou sent a message that Beishi Kingdom was successfully instigated by Wei Guo.

Beishi took the crown prince back to the country, and it's time to turn his face in a few days! "

"Bei Shi is going to turn his back on him! Zhao Wou-ki is too impatient, don't wait for the war on our side to end." Guo Jia sneered, feeling amused.

There are not many people in Beishi country with normal brains.

Ye Qingdao: "It's very simple, Wei State has just united with Beidai State and attacked Xianbei together with Beishi State.

The Xianbei army was defeated, and the Beishi people captured 20 horses, [-] sheep, and [-] cattle.

No wonder it doesn't float! "

"There are such things!" Guo Jia suddenly thought of something: "It can't be Jia Xu and Lu Buwei who did it!"

Ye Qing smiled again: "I knew it, I can't hide anything from you."

"The idea is that Jia Xu will help the Beishi people go out, and Guo Kai will offer advice to Zhao Wuji.

The information was obtained by Lu Buwei through the Ministry of Commerce and sold to Beiqi. I heard that Lu Buwei made no money, enough to take a dozen concubines. "

"This Lu Buwei, he can use anything to make money." Guo Jia scolded with a smile.

Then put away his cynical look and said:

"Then Your Majesty, it's time for us to send troops to Hedong!"

There is only Zhang Liao in Hedong.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers in the great county.

Not a single field army.

There is even a shortage of masters, and there is no supreme master sitting in charge.

Now Hedong is the most important place in Dazhou.

The salt, iron, and coal of Dazhou are all there.

The industrial city is the lifeline.

A steady stream of blood transfusions for Dazhou's economy and armaments.

"Don't worry, I've already transferred Nie Gai, Qiao Feng and others, and the Beishi people won't take advantage of it!"

"Let's pack up, we should return to Beijing, once there is a war in Hedong, we will take the train from Chang'an!"

Hedong is the first place to build trains and railway tracks besides Chang'an.

Currently completed.

However, because of the Yellow River, the east railway cannot be connected with Guanzhong.

You need to take a car from Chang'an to Dawangcheng.

After the transition, take the train from Pupo.

All in all, it's still convenient.

Wait for Ye Qing and Guo Jia to rush back to Chang'an.

Hundreds of officials greeted each other, just after entering the city, Bai Qi from the Ministry of National Defense said:

"Your Majesty, just sent a battle report from Hedong! The Northern Qi Dynasty sent us to Dazhou to launch an attack on the grounds that we lost money in trade, that my Dazhou merchants unjustly deducted the wages of the Beishi people, squeezed and abused the Beishi people."

"Beishi's [-] troops have attacked Yong'an!"

"At the same time, troops were dispatched from Shangdang to attack along the small roads, capturing Ruishi and Yangcheng.

At present, its army is blocked in the Wangwu Mountain area. "

Ye Qing asked, "Is there no problem with Yong'an?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Zhang Liao personally supervised the battle of Yong'an. Yong'an city defense has been repaired three times, and it is strong enough. It is impossible to break it even if a hundred thousand soldiers and horses are given to Beishi people!" Bai Qi replied confidently.

Ye Qing didn't even think about it and said:
"Order Yizhou Guards, Bazhou Guards, Shenwu Guards, Front Guards, and Back Guards to help Hedong!"

"Let the Beishi people from the direction of Wangwu Mountain come in, Huo Qubing, the commander of the southern line, and Yu Jin, the deputy commander!"

"Order, Xue Rengui leads [-] Xuanwu troops to the Hequ area in Xihe County, Shuozhou, and fights with cameras!"

"Order, Luo Cheng moves to defend Jiuyuan City, and fight with cameras!"

"Order! Ye Yu transferred the White Tiger Army to officially take over the defense of Liangzhou Northland."

"Order, all the armies of the Jingwei, prepare for the expedition."

In addition to Luanjia, the book order officer recorded it one by one.

Then it was sent to the Ministry of National Defense, and the officials of the Ministry of National Defense dispatched troops one by one.

On the way, Bai Qi and others reported other things to Ye Qing.

When returning to the palace, go to the aisle of the imperial study.

A carriage blocked the front.

Zhao Feiyan, dressed in gorgeous palace attire, knelt on the cold stone slab.

"Your Majesty, it's Zhao Jieyu!"

Only then did Ye Qing lift the curtain, and saw Zhao Feiyan knelt there haggardly with her head bowed.

"Back to the palace!"

Ye Qing only had two cold words.

Zhao Feiyan didn't get up, and begged earnestly:

"Your Majesty, please don't argue with my royal father, and don't attack Beishi Kingdom."

Ye Qing frowned slightly.

He stared at Zhao Feiyan's belly and walked out of Luanjia.

"When did you have a bad pregnancy? Why didn't I receive a report!"

Zhao Feiyan replied: "I wanted to surprise His Majesty, but I didn't tell anyone."

Ye Qing jumped off the Luanjia and walked over.

One step at a time, each step is not rushed, steady and powerful.

The king's arrogance is scattered everywhere!

When he got closer, he stopped.

Zhao Feiyan said earnestly: "Your Majesty, you also know that I, a Beishi person, is simple-minded and reckless. My father must be bewitched by others to do such stupid things!"

"Your Majesty, please give Beishi another chance."

"The flames of war are not good for both countries. The harmony between the two countries is good for the people and the country!"

Ye Qing squatted down, held Zhao Feiyan's hands and said:
"Family and country affairs are not for you and me, let alone your father.

But the child in your womb is up to us as parents to decide. "

"At any time, he can't be wronged, let alone be someone else's bargaining chip, and let him be someone else's mistake to pay for!"

"Treat him better, treat yourself better, you are Jieyu of Dazhou, and you will be the concubine of Dazhou in the future."

Zhao Feiyan is also a stubborn person, also very reckless, because she inherited the genes of Beishi people.

But at this moment, he was moved by a few words of passiveness.

Mother of people.

That bad guy in his stomach is enough to make him cute.

Zhao Feiyan got up slowly.

Ye Qing picked it up, and then changed the way to Zhao Feiyan's bedroom.

When he walked out again, he stamped his feet a little.

"Decree, if our Great Zhou army invades Jinyang, as long as the Zhao royal family does not resist, no one will be killed!"


At present, someone went to the cabinet to pass on Ye Qing's order, and someone else drafted the order.

Then send it to Hedong and Shuozhou.

Ye Qing just walked into the imperial study.

A mechanical sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Master, Beishi Emperor Zhao Wuji would like to know, Beishi and Dazhou broke up, will Dazhou give him a chance to reconcile? So that we can prepare for the next strategy! Willing to pay [-] taels of silver! Is it for sale?"

"Ding, master, the officials of Beishi Kingdom would like to know how the battle between Dazhou and Chuyue is going? How much did Dazhou lose, so that we can adjust tactics for attacking Dazhou! Are you willing to spend 1 taels of silver, will you sell it?"

(End of this chapter)

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