I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 778? Yue Fei Zhang Wuji

Chapter 778 Yue Fei Zhang Wuji

"Ding! Master, Wei Guo wants to know how Dazhou will deal with Beishi's provocation and attack, and whether it will go to war in an all-out way. Wei Guo wants to take corresponding countermeasures! Will you sell it if you are willing to spend 5 taels of silver?"

"Ding! Master, South Korea would like to know if Dazhou captured the capital of Chuyue State and captured the land of Chuyue State, but did not go east. Do they want to turn around and enter their South Korea to prepare for this? Willing to spend eight Ten thousand silver as reward, whether to sell it!"

Four pieces of information in a row!
After reading it, except for the Korean one, which is a little bit tangled.

Everything else is fine.

"Forget it, it doesn't make any difference whether South Korea knows or not. I won't touch South Korea within a year of Dazhou. The information they obtained should also be about the near future, and it's not a scam!"

Ye Qing replied decisively:
"System, all four intelligences are sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 128000 taels of silver, and 4 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing said directly: "System, draw!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for drawing a Famous Official Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a data card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts character card!"

Ye Qing said without hesitation:

"The system uses cards!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining Da Song Yuefei (rank five)!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the Famous Minister card and getting the great man Zhang Qian!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the data card and obtaining a set of technical data such as batteries, telegraphs, electromagnetics, and electricity!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and getting Zhang Wuji (Rank [-]) from "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"!"

Yue Fei, loyal to the country, a hero who is loyal and loyal to the emperor.

Rank five, very high martial arts.

Zhang Qian!

That big man, Time and Space, was ruthless when he went on an envoy to the Western Regions twice.

The famous official who opened the eyes of the great man, left his name through the ages, and the great hero who will go down in history.

Technical data such as batteries, telegraphs, electromagnetics, and electricity are great things.

Especially the telegraph, electromagnetism, and electricity are enough to bring Dazhou into another era.

The current method of conveying information is simply too primitive.

Transfer speed is really slow.

If the telegram is completed.

With telegraph lines laid, the situation on the front line can be sent back to the capital immediately.

Don't be too convenient.

It is more conducive to Da Zhou's governance and control of the newly occupied land.

Completely rule the entire East.

Zhang Wuji's seventh rank is another top master.

Zhang Jiaozhu's martial arts is also unique, and the seventh rank is also normal.

Nine Suns Divine Art, Great Shift of the Universe, Qishangquan, Dragon Claw Hand, Taijiquan, Taiji Swordsmanship, Sacred Fire Order, Wudang Tiyun Zong, Gecko Swimming Wall Kungfu, Nine Yin Scriptures, Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon Master Zhang all learned pass.

All of these martial arts are the unique skills of the great masters.

This guy is the lucky one among the lucky ones.

The biggest hanging B.

"This time the generals are more abundant, and Da Zhou can use them to a higher level!"



Yongan City!
The battle is fierce.

The Beishi people are still attacking frantically.

They obtained part of ordnance technology from Da Zhou.

But when facing Da Zhou, it was a bit difficult.

The feeling of unstoppable bitterness is still no less than that of other countries.

Although Yong'an is an important military town on the border, it is not comparable to Wuguan and Hanguguan.

But here the pass is narrower.

There is no way around it.

The city is small and strong, not suitable for large corps operations.

If the sneak attack fails, it becomes a refueling battle.

This kind of battle is the favorite of the defenders.

Zhang Liao transferred the troops to be on duty in turn.

In order to achieve the purpose of military training.

The soldiers in other directions have been tempered and accumulated experience in these years of expansion.

And Hedong has been peaceful.

Most of the soldiers in the county are recruits who have never been on the battlefield.

After this battle.

Also got exercise.

From the top to the top of the city, I was nervous, apprehensive, and even a little timid.

To calmness, excitement, excitement, and the satisfaction of longing for the enemy to go out and kill the enemy for meritorious service.

Soon Zhang Liao patrolled the city.

The guard came to report the information.

"General, the situation is still the same. There has been no change. The Beishi people are stubborn. They know that they can't fight this way, but they still come to fight. It's a gift!"

Zhang Liao was not happy, but was touched by the words of his subordinates.

"Knowing that you can't beat him down, you still come to give away the head." Zhang Liao muttered:
"Beishi people are reckless, but not stupid, how could they do such a stupid thing!

It seems that there must be a conspiracy behind it!What exactly are they trying to do? "

Wait for Zhang Liao to return to the mansion in the city.

At this time someone came in and said, "General, Mr. Jia has a letter!"

"Oh! Letter from Wenhe!" Zhang Liao asked someone to submit it.

Take it apart and see.

I saw it said that the Beishi people sent troops to attack Duan's and Yangcheng and other places.

Only then did Zhang Liao show a clear expression.

It turns out that the people from Beishi had the idea of ​​making a fool of themselves.

Make trouble in the north, and find another way in the south.

"Seeing a letter is like seeing me, Wenyuan still needs to prevent Beishi people from attacking Xihe from Taiyuan County.

Let people in Yuanyang, Yuanyin and other places pay attention to Beishi Country, and be careful of their sneak attack on the south of Xihe River! "

Zhang Liao frowned after reading it.

Xihe borders Beishi Country, so it is not that there is no way to enter through Yong'an.

There are still several mountain roads at the junction.

The Northern Stone Army could attack Xihe just as it had attacked the Duan clan.

"Come on, go to Xihe immediately, get in touch with the defenders of Xihe, and say that Beishi Kingdom may sneak attack.

Be sure to guard the city and send troops to patrol the mountains to the east. "


Someone followed Zhang Liao's order and went down.

Zhang Liao stared at the sand table for a long time before saying, "I hope you people from Beishi will not be so ambitious.

Divide the troops into multiple routes, and the front will be very empty. If you give me a chance, you will lose miserably! "

Beishi originally had a small population, and even fewer soldiers and horses.

There are only five counties.

Now divide troops to attack the cities of Da Zhou.

Not only is the inner hinterland empty.

There won't even be too many soldiers and horses on the front line.

"Come here, inform the generals, and prepare to send troops."


Anyi City!
Ding Ding, the prefect of Hedong, waited for the first batch of reinforcements from Chang'an.

"Ding Ding, the prefect of the river, pays homage to Huo Shuai!"

Huo Qubing brought Shenwuwei to Hedong immediately.

He didn't get off his horse, but took a look at Anyi City, and said: "Prefect Ding, how is the situation in the southeast now?"

Ding Ding then reported the current situation in this way.

Huo Qubing said: "In this case, the road is still difficult, hindering the advance of the Northern Stone Army!"

"What Huo Shuai said is that the east is Wangwu Mountain, with layers of mountains and twists and turns. Not only is it difficult to march, but it is also difficult to transport grain and grass." Ding Ding explained:

"However, once you pass through Wangwu Mountain, the road below is very easy to walk, because not only is the terrain flat.

More importantly, we are at the forefront of the country in building roads and expanding infrastructure in Hedong.

Therefore, the official road is very convenient, and it is all cement and asphalt roads. "

(End of this chapter)

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