I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 779???My general is 19 years old

Chapter 779 My general is 19 years old

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Huo Qubing asked again: "Then the nearest city from Mount Wangwu is that!"

Ding Ding replied: "It's Dongyuan City!"

"Okay, then I'll go to Dongyuan City and wait for the Beishi people to come over!" Huo Qubing said directly:
"Rest here for the whole night today, you prepare food and grass, and I will set off tomorrow!"

Ding Ding didn't dare to delay Huo Qubing's affairs, so he complied naturally.

The next day.

Huo Qubing led an army of five thousand to Dongyuan City.

Soon several other guards and horses also arrived in Hedong one after another, directly reinforcing Huo Qubing.

Wangwu Mountain.

The [-] troops of Beishi Kingdom passed through the winding mountain road, stood on the mountain, and looked west.

The mountain has a wide view, although it is not a big plain.

But the terrain is low.

"Finally, we have come through, the East of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the era that belongs to our Beishi Kingdom has arrived!"

"Taking here and occupying these fertile lands, we will widen and expand this road in the future, so that we can enter from Shangtang smoothly and conveniently."

"What are you waiting for? Enter Dongyuan City and grab Da Zhou's bed crossbow and trebuchet."

"That's right, this city must have these things!"

No wonder Beishi people don't think so.

Because they didn't seize any decent weapons in Yangqu or Duanshi.

The bed crossbow and the trebuchet could not even be found.


Countless soldiers from Beishi swarmed westward and rushed towards Dongyuan City along the mountain road.

The gate of Dongyuan City at the foot of the mountain was closed tightly, and there was no one on the top of the city.

Not even a flag.

The Beishiren who had just rushed down the mountain hadn't figured out the situation yet.

Then the ground felt a tremor.

Dust kicked up from the north.

Take a closer look, good guy, an iron horse is rushing.

Thick smoke billowed, and the loess filled the sky, like a giant beast.

"It's Da Zhou's iron cavalry, hurry up and fight!"

Just rushing down the mountain, not yet excited for a long time, the scattered and shapeless Beishiren hurriedly faced north.

It's just that in a hurry, there is no decent formation.

Soon Da Zhou's strong bow began to exert force, and countless crossbow arrows flew towards him.


The Beishi people who were hit by the arrow fell to the ground one after another.

The originally irregular formation became even more chaotic.

After three waves of arrows, he came to the front.

"Liannu, shoot Zhou Qi!"

General Beishi was not stupid, he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to start a counterattack.

Regardless of whether it is against cavalry or infantry, without hard armor.

Liannu is definitely a big killer.

Therefore, General Beishi also wanted to use this thing to kill and injure a large number of Da Zhou's cavalry to suppress the cavalry's charge.

Weaken its offensive power.

It's just that no matter who Huo Qubing is, what he is best at is cavalry devious combat.

Directly pointed at the spear.

The cavalry divided into two groups and circled towards the two wings of the Northern Stone Army.

Surrounding the side with a continuous crossbow.

The Liannu soldiers of the Northern Stone Army were all used on the front.

The two wings simply don't have enough bows and crossbows to defend.

All of a sudden, a large area was shot and a large area was vacated.

Huo Qubing seized the opportunity and directly led the army to enter.

Then rush straight to the middle.


Several Beishi generals wanted to intercept them, but Huo Qubing shot and killed them all.

Even those masters who protected the generals in the Northern Stone Army were no match for Huo Qubing.

After all, Huo Qubing is a fifth-rank warrior.

With all the cavalry, they rushed left and right.

The Northern Stone Army was quickly overwhelmed and defeated.

They all fled towards the Wangwu Mountains.

Five thousand cavalry charged back and forth.

Like plowing the field, over and over again, without leaving a living.

Anyone who could breathe was killed.

The sunset glow is like blood, reflecting half of the edge.

There was a bloody mess on the battlefield.

The corpses were scattered all over the place.

Blood flows into a river.

Beishi's army hid in the mountain, and then looked back down the mountain.

All timid and regretful.

I was too anxious when going down the mountain.

I thought that Dongyuan City was within easy reach, but the Zhou cavalry seized the opportunity and killed it instead.

"Huo Shuai, our army killed 200 Beishi barbarians in total in this battle, and there were no prisoners!"

The deputy general came to report.

Huo Qubing said: "Take all the things that can be used on the battlefield, and we will go back to the city. As for the corpses, let the Beishi people clean them up!"


Soon the weapons, armor and so on were collected by the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and then transported into Dongyuan City.

Wait for the Zhou cavalry to leave.

Zhao Tianci, the commander-in-chief of Beishi who led the army, said: "Light the torches, collect the corpses of our fallen soldiers, break through Dongyuan City tomorrow, and kill all the Zhou soldiers defending the city!"

Today, Da Zhou did not leave a single person alive, nor did he take a single prisoner.

Then tomorrow, I, Beishi, will also retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood.

"It's the general!"

A night of north wind, high mountains, naturally cold
In the early morning, countless chimneys rise from the mountains.

The sun shines down from the east, with the magnitude of the climbing height.

More and more black shadows emerged from the mountains.

Squads of Beishi troops formed an army formation and pressed towards Dongyuan City.

On Dongyuan City, Huo Qubing stood proudly among the city gates.

All the soldiers are ready.

All preparations are in place.

The Beishi army who came to the city soon stopped.

Suddenly a rider ran out and said:
"My general wants to know, who is the general who defends the city from Dazhou? Which Dazhou was the one who attacked our army yesterday?"

Huo Qubing said: "Tell Beishi people my age!"

Everyone was stunned.

Report your age, handsome, what kind of operation is this!
However, the personal guard still shouted towards the outside of the city truthfully: "My general is not as weak as the crown, only 19 years old!"


The general of Beishi Kingdom was dumbfounded for a while.

The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth.

Who asked your age, we are here to fight and conquer cities.

Not here for a blind date.

Who cares how old your general is.

"Dazhou people, what are you talking about?"

Chengxia still replied: "My general is not as weak as the crown, only 19 years old!"

All the soldiers also shouted in unison.

This time, not to mention the general under the city, even the Beishi people in the distance knew about it. ,

"General, what nonsense are the people of Dazhou talking about? Why are you acting like a fool!"

The generals are puzzled.

They are all straight-headed and reckless.

It's really not easy for them to use their brains to think about going around in circles.

However, Zhao Tianci, the chief general of the Northern Stone Army, changed his face.

Hard to see the extreme.

A 19-year-old doll beat him.

With [-] cavalry, they smashed their [-] army.

The psychological impact is not small.

"Get ready! Siege!"

The Beishi army who received the order immediately clamored.

Everyone will start to drink orders.

The soldiers below carried the ladder and rushed towards Dongyuan City.



Soldiers flocked to Dongyuan City like a tide.

In the city, there is no need for Huo Qubing to issue orders.

The guards began to issue combat orders on their own.

The bed slave and the trebuchet began to project towards the outside of the city.


The Northern Stone Army was smashed to death and shot countless times in an instant.

However, the people from Beishi were reckless by nature, so they rushed forward with their heads sullen.

Dazhou has these powerful ordnance.

They were already mentally prepared.

The state of battle shown is much better than that of the Kanto countries.

"Continue to charge, go to the city, and capture Dongyuan City. These ordnance are ours."

"Go on!"

Soon the Beishiren rushed to the bottom of the city, set up a ladder, and began to climb.

At this moment, nothing can stop them from attacking the city.

(End of this chapter)

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