Chapter 780

"Liannu, quick, shoot!"

Bows and crossbows rained down on the city.

The Beishi people below were shot by arrows one after another.

From time to time, stones and trees were thrown down from the city.

Followed by hot water.

The Beishi people under the city were hit one after another, and fell from the ladder from time to time.

"Counterattack, where is our crossbow! Shoot me!"

"Come on, repeaters, hurry up!"

Soon the Liannu soldiers of the Northern Stonemen also stepped forward.

Lift the crossbow and shoot.

All of a sudden, a rain of arrows flew up and down the city.

But there are many people in Beishi.

All of a sudden, it overwhelmed the generals of the Zhou Dynasty at the top of the city.

"Hahaha, good, good shot!"

"Continue for me, that's it, let the people of Dazhou also taste the taste of Liannu, and let them feel aggrieved for a while."


Countless Beishi soldiers rushed to the city.

Densely packed.

Crazier climbing.

"Huo Shuai, the enemy is about to attack, can we use the ultimate weapon?" the city defender came to ask for instructions.

What is the ultimate weapon.

It is the fierce oil of Dazhou.

This thing is powerful.

Hedong was ready early.

Just wait for the Beishi people to come.

Huo Qubing didn't answer, but asked instead: "How long will it take for Yizhou Wei, Bazhou Wei, and Houbuwei to arrive!"

The personal guard stepped forward and replied: "Huo Shuai, all the guards in the capital have reached ten miles west of the city!"

"Okay! We're almost there." Huo Qubing's expression changed slightly:

"Send an order to all the guards of the capital to hurry up. If anyone is late and our army will attack and destroy the enemy, then go back and plead guilty to His Majesty!"

"It's Huo Shuai!"

Someone is going to pass the order.

Here Huo Qubing said again:
"Deploy troops to the wall immediately, don't rush to use fierce fire oil!"

"It's Huo Shuai!"

Soon more soldiers came up to the city wall.

Fight with the Beishi army that climbed up.

The battle was fierce, and the casualties both above and below the city accelerated.


The gate of the city was knocked down, shaking the city so much that sand fell from it.

But Huo Qubing stood in place.

His eyes were still fixed on the front, as if he was out of it.

Suddenly, killing intent flashed in Huo Qubing's eyes.

He drew his sword and waved.

The next moment, a Beishi master jumped onto the wall in front of him.


Come fast, go fast.

The Beishi master was directly knocked into the air, and he vomited blood in the air.

He stumbled into the Beishi soldiers below the city.

Then more Beishi masters jumped down.

"kill him!"

One by one, they leap forward like cats.

Huo Qubing's figure shifted in a flash, and with a wave of his long sword, he moved freely.



The Beishi masters who came up came and went quickly, neither hurt nor hurt.

They all went down to the city.

"The idea is tough, at least a fourth-rank general!"

"Leave it to Master Zong Sheng!"

Seeing how fast and sharp Huo Qubing's shots were, the masters behind the stone immediately judged his strength.

Quickly evacuate the city gate tower and hand it over to the fifth and sixth rank masters on our side.

It's just that they wanted to leave, but Huo Qubing refused to let go, and flew to kill them.

After a few hand-changing gestures, the long sword was swung.

There were several screams again.

"Hmph, what is it to bully the juniors, I, Zongsheng, are here to fight you!"

A sixth-rank Supreme suddenly appeared at the top of the city.

With a wave of the broad knife, he slashed at Huo Qubing.

However, Huo Qubing ignored it and continued to chase and kill other Beishi masters.

And a person suddenly appeared behind him.

With a slap of the palm, he directly blocked the opponent's broad knife.

"My lord, you have to die!" Zong Sheng from Beishi Kingdom slashed at him with a knife.

Every time he swung it, the blades formed by Qi Jin rushed out.

However, Qiao Feng on the opposite side directly met with his palms.

Unable to hold it, it flashed over directly.

Then he slammed a palm close to him like an avalanche.

The two fought more and more fiercely, and directly fought from the front of the city gate to the top of the building.

Finally, they hit the city from the top of the building.

With one knife and two palms, it is extremely fierce.

The strongest warrior of the Northern Stone Army was transferred away.

The others are no match for Huo Qubing.

Even two masters of the fifth rank are not Huo Qubing's opponents.

One was wounded and the other was beheaded.

Others below the fourth grade will die if they touch it.

And the battle in the city was even more tragic.

Zhou Jun kept coming up to fill in.

Beishi soldiers also climbed up continuously.

It is also getting braver as you fight, one by one screaming.

Huo Qubing beheaded a Beishi expert, and the others did not dare to stay near the gate tower, they all jumped down and sneaked into the army.

Huo Qubing glanced left and right.

Then he cut off a yellow flag next to it and flew it down the city, stabbing into the Beishi army below the city.

"The yellow flag is gone!"

"What? The yellow flag is gone!"

"It's really gone!"

Under the inner city, someone immediately shouted: "The yellow flag is gone, Huo Shuai has an order, go up the wall. Send everything up, hurry up!"

Soon, the soldiers who had been waiting picked up the fierce oil tank beside them and charged towards the city.

The trebuchet troops below also replaced the stone bombs with oil bombs.

"Ignite, shoot!"

Soon, the ignited fuel tanks flew out one by one.

out of town!


This time, the Beishi people discovered that what they projected were no longer cold stone bullets.

But a ball of fire.

After landing, the rain scattered flowers one by one.

The scattered oil and fire stained his body and ignited immediately.

Anything can light up.


Soon, one by one, the firemen waved their hands blindly to the surroundings, howling pitifully.

More fireballs fell down.

Groups of fire, linked together.

Form a sea of ​​flames.

More Beishi soldiers were ignited, one was stained with two, and two were stained with four.

Spread like the plague.

"what is this?"

"Tung oil, quick water, put out the fire with sand!"

Beishi generals ordered their subordinates one after another, but these methods were useless.

The fire on his body was still burning.

City head.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to ignite the burning oil tanks and threw them down the city!

In an instant, there were explosions in the city.

Groups of fire came out.


There were endless screams.

The Beishi soldiers who were densely packed under the city were all burned.

Even those who climb ladders are no exception.

With more raging oil cans thrown out.

The fire raged and spread. .

Burn the city into a sea of ​​flames.

The Beishi people's attacks were all hindered, and they retreated one after another.

At this time, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the city finally began to exert their strength.


More soldiers rushed up and joined the counter-kill.

Even the soldiers of Shenwuwei came up to support.

Their archery is more famous.

They have support from behind.

Beishi soldiers on the city were beaten back again and again.

At this time, it is impossible for them to jump to the city.

They could only be surrounded and gathered in the city, and finally wiped out one by one.

"Huo Shuai, the remaining enemies in the city have been wiped out!"

The guard will come and report back immediately!

"Report! Huo Shuai, the four guards are here! Let's enter the city now!"

What Huo Qubing wanted to hear most was the latter report, and he immediately said: "Tell the trebuchet troops to stop projecting heavy oil."

"Shenwuwei officers and soldiers listen to the order and will go out of the city to charge and kill."


The Shenwu guards were all excited when they heard this.

It's time for our cavalry to take advantage again.

At this time, if you rush to kill, you will be able to kill the Beishi people again.

(End of this chapter)

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