I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 781 Destroying the Northern Stone Army

Chapter 781 Destroying the Northern Stone Army

Soon the city gate opened.

All the riders rushed out following Huo Qubing.


Da Zhou's iron cavalry rushed out, directly crushing the Beishi army outside the city.

Being pinched back and forth by fierce fire oil, the Northern Stone Army was in a state of confusion.

Feel timid.

No heart to fight again.

The team was even more disorganized.

How can it withstand the impact of the Great Zhou iron cavalry.

So it was another one-sided massacre.

But this time Huo Qubing fought more easily.

At the same time, he also brought four sharp knives.

After the big Zhou cavalry rushed out,
The rear guard then followed out of the city.

"Grandma, Xiao Huo Qubing, what a fire boy, it's so hot!"

"Follow me and chop up Beishi's soul balls!"

Cheng Yaojin is also a fifth-rank warrior, wielding a double-axed axe.

Slashing from the left to the right also killed the Northern Stone Army crying for their father and mother.

After the back guard broke out of the city, the front guard also broke out under the leadership of Yu Jin.

Go in the other direction.

Followed by Yizhou Wei and Bazhou Wei.

Constantly expand the results.


Zhao Tianci bared his teeth when he saw it.

But he was helpless, the moment Huo Qubing rushed out of the city, he already understood that it was too late.

I still lost to such a young man.

With so much fire and oil, Da Zhou was so extravagant.

Willing to use so much oil to fight.

This is no war, this is simply showing off wealth.

Following Zhao Tianci's order.

The Beishi army began to retreat one after another, and ran towards the Wangwu Mountains.

As soon as the main general withdrew, the army completely lost the will to resist.

The Northern Stone Army has turned into a desperate contest to see who will advance to the mountain.

Let's see who can run fast so as not to be killed.

But this time, Huo Qubing didn't simply charge for a while.

He led the army straight to chase Zhao Tianci.

The main flag is his goal.

Charge all the way, as if entering no man's land.

The horse chased after him, and the distance became closer and closer.

Soon he caught up with Zhao Tianci.

Zhao Tianci was so frightened that he hurried back to fight.

He didn't want to be attacked from behind.

"General Han, don't force me! Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Zhao Tianci's personal guards roared angrily and rushed towards Huo Qubing with red eyes.


Huo Qubing snorted coldly, swung his long spear, and stabbed left and right.

Zhao Tianci's personal guards fell one by one.

It was Zhao Tianci's turn, and Zhao Tianci swung his sword.

Sword Qi flew over.

The leaping horse flew out, locked onto Huo Qubing, and stabbed him with a sword.

Huo Qubing leaped and bounced high.

Sword Qi used to pass through from below.

Only a strip of horse hair was shaved off.

Zhao Tianci was taken aback when he saw Huo Qubing soaring into the sky, and immediately stepped on the head of Huo Qubing's war horse.

Then chase upwards and stab past.

But at this moment Huo Qubing turned over and stabbed downwards.

With a fight of long spears, several guns danced.

"Clang clang..."

The sword and the spear intersected, and there were several golden cries.

There was a flash of lightning, and then Zhao Tianci let out a scream.

hit the ground hard.

Then Huo Qubing stabbed down with his long spear.

Directly pierced and exploded Zhao Tianci's head.

Can't die anymore.

Zhao Tianci was killed.

The Beishi soldiers below were even more terrified.

Scared to run faster.

One by one, they ran towards the distance with all their strength.


Generals of the Great Zhou, continue to hunt and kill.

Except for Huo Qubing's Shenwuwei, it was inconvenient to enter the mountain to pursue them.

Cheng Yaojin's rear guard, Dian Wei's Yizhou guard, and Le Jin's Bazhou guard all chased into the mountain. ,

Continue to hack and kill.

They continued to kill until dark, and then returned one after another.

Dongyuan City!
Bright all night.

Clean up the battlefield and gather supplies.

Soldiers returned one after another and escorted the prisoners.

The people in the city kept cooking, so that the soldiers who came back could have hot meals.

At dawn, all the statistics were compiled.

Huo Qubing also didn't close his eyes all night.

Standing in front of the gate tower.

Like Dinghaishenzhen.

It attracted all the soldiers to report and praise.

"Huo Shuai, according to statistics, in today's battle we killed [-] enemies, captured [-] prisoners, and gathered countless weapons and armor."

Huo Qubing didn't have much joy on his face, he just asked, "How many casualties are there in our army?"

"Back to Huo Shuai, the Hedong Army had 800 casualties, 120 and eight Shenwu Guards, 340 casualties in the front guards, and 510 and nine casualties in the rear guards!"

"Bazhouwei killed 450 people, Yizhouwei killed 360 people, and Minzhuang killed 98 people!"

"In this way, the casualties of our army are not small!" Huo Qubing said with a little emotion.

The lieutenant general said: "Huo Shuai, because we have to drag the Beishi people today, there is no way, the casualties are still within the controllable range.

And we have brought so many doctors, I believe that the wounded in Beifen will not die and can return to the army. "

"And today's battle basically wiped out the invading Beishi people, and brought peace to the southeast of River East."

"That's right, send an order, rest for a day and a night, we are entering Wangwu Mountain!" After seeing the last wave of returning soldiers, Huo Qubing finally turned around and went back to the city to rest.

The army rested for a day and a night.

Then set off into the mountains.

Huo Qubing separated from Yu Jin and went to recover the Duan family and Yangcheng together.

The Beishi people who attacked here had already withdrawn.

The [-] army was destroyed, and they couldn't stop Da Zhou's revenge.

So he wisely returned to Shangdang.

They retreated, but Huo Qubing didn't intend to stop there.

Continue to advance to the party with soldiers and horses.

"Huo Shuai, after crossing the Qin River, you will be Shangdang." The spy pointed to the other side of the river.

The only big river on Wangwu Mountain.

Cut things off.

Thinking about the past, one is Tonghe noodles.

The second is to pass through the valley and go downstream.

The Beishiren entered Hedong through the second method.

Huo Qubing jumped off his horse and walked ten miles along the river bank.

Every time a certain distance is passed, a stone will be picked up and thrown into the water.

After swimming, he patted and said: "The river is wide, but the water is not deep.

In addition, now is the dry season, you can cross the river. "

"Huo Shuai, you mean to build a floating bridge?" Le Jin asked.

Huo Qubing said: "That's right, to build a pontoon bridge, the reason why the people from Beishi didn't come from the river is because they are not good at building bridges.

But we don't have this problem. We can repair rivers wider than this, so it is convenient to build bridges.

A good bridge will also facilitate logistics and transportation! "

In Beishi country, there is no big river in the whole territory.

Even if there is a short section of the Yellow River, it is in a remote place.

Therefore, there are no big rivers in the hinterland of Beishi.

Therefore, the technical accumulation of bridges is naturally very little.

Only in this way can we look far away and go around the valley to attack.

But Da Zhou does not have this problem.

Soon the engineers in the army began to work.

At this moment, Yu Jin ran over and said to Huo Qubing:
"General, the bridge will be repaired soon, but there is a big problem, that is how to protect the bridge, once the bridge is known to the Beishi people.

People will definitely be sent to destroy it, so our troops crossing the border to Shangdang will be in danger.

It's easy to be alone. "

(End of this chapter)

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