I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 782? Inviting Wei to join the war

Chapter 782: Inviting Wei to Join the War

Yu Jin was not afraid of the army coming to destroy Qiaoxiu, but the masters of Beishi coming.

Huo Qubing said: "It doesn't matter, as long as our large ordnance can go there, I will send experts to garrison here, and General Cheng will be here personally when the time comes!"

Cheng Yaojin is a fifth-rank general, more than enough to guard a joe.

Beishi Kingdom didn't have many masters, let alone Qiao Feng beheaded a sixth rank.

There are not many masters in Beishi country.

You can also take our bridges.

Just put a bait, ambush and kill a batch.

All the masters of Beishi were wiped out.

In this way, in the next siege, it will be smooth.

Hearing what Huo Qubing said, Yu Jin naturally had no objection.

He is the deputy coach, and the opponent is the coach.

As long as there are no major differences, try to avoid conflicts.

Soon the engineers of Dazhou built a bridge.

Dazhou's bridge and tunnel technology has been digested a lot.

A simple pontoon like this is still very easy to make.

"Cross the river and attack Shangdang!"



"Beishi Kingdom betrayed our Great Zhou without any reason, and his heart can be punished!"

In the main hall, Ye Qing looked solemn and angry, and said in a cold voice: "Decree, issue a declaration of war to Beishi, and notify the Kanto countries!"

"Ten days later, the imperial conquest will be held in person, and all ministries are ready!"

All the officials said one after another: "It's Your Majesty!"

The busiest are the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Etiquette.

One wants to mobilize troops, and the other wants to send personnel to various parts of the Kanto to show that the Beishi people started the war.

Dazhou treats his allies well, but the allies renege on the contract, tearing up the bottom line of peace.

Then you can't blame Da Zhou for being unrighteous.

Followed by the Ministry of household.

Grain dispatch.

The envoys of various countries in Beijing were all horrified when they received the news.

Beishi is trying to die.

So they sent the news back home.

Finally, the Propaganda Department of Dazhou began to copy newspapers with great power, and sent these newspapers to counties and counties in Guanzhong countries through the channels of the Ministry of Commerce.

Soon everyone in the world knew that the Northern Stone Barbarian was reckless again.

Wei Kingdom!

"Your Majesty, the good news is that Ye Qing has declared war on Beishi, and the alliance between the two countries has officially broken. Now Beishi has no allies and no forces to rely on."

Officials from the Ministry of Rites of the State of Wei entered the palace overnight to report the good news to Wei Zeng.

Wei Zeng was also overjoyed when he heard the words.

"Okay, okay! Beishi Barbarian, finally fell for it."

"A group of idiots, there is nothing worthy of praise except fighting recklessly."

"Pay close attention to the movement of the Great Week!"

An official from the Ministry of Rites of the State of Wei said, "Promise!"

The officials from the Ministry of Rites left, Wei Zeng said directly to the eunuch: "Decree to summon Pang Jun, Gongsun Xi, Le Yang and others from the Ministry of War to enter the palace. I have something to explain!"

Jinyang City of Beishi Country!

"Report! Your Majesty, the Emperor of Great Zhou has just issued an edict officially declaring war on our Beishi Kingdom."

The voices of officials from the Ministry of Rites sounded outside the main hall of Beishi Kingdom.

Then the envoys stationed abroad hurried in.

After declaring war, Da Zhou expelled the Beishi officials.

Take back the embassy.

Beishi officials had no choice but to detour back to Wei Guo.

This is just the first batch.

"Declaration of war is declaration of war, what's the fuss, anyway, we have already started fighting!" Zhao Wou-ki said without hesitation.

Beishi's officials also smiled and didn't take it seriously.

They've been beaten, and they still engage in these vain things.

Not practical at all.

The official of the Ministry of Rites continued: "Your Majesty, Da Zhou is here for real this time, the kind of endless death, I am afraid that we and Da Zhou will have no chance to quell the war.

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty will personally conquer and mobilize the Jingwei, and send troops ten days after declaring war, and now there are only six days left. "

Never die!

What a big breath.

It is true that the Great Zhou is invincible and can destroy our Beishi.

In the past few years, it was only when the army went deep alone that it was defeated by Emperor Zhou.

This time we Beishi had experience.

Not afraid of Da Zhou at all.

But hearing this, Zhao Wuji still felt a little apprehensive.

But when he thought that his daughter was still Ye Qing's concubine.

Naturally, I am not afraid.

The son-in-law fights with the father-in-law.

If you lose, you just admit your mistake.

Where will it really be immortal.

"Your Majesty, Da Zhou will definitely mobilize the army this time. In my opinion, can we recruit reinforcements to subdue Da Zhou and capture Hedong and Shuozhou?"

Guo Kai, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, suggested.

The current Guo Kai is not the former Guo Kai.

After returning to China, he received strong support from Lu Buwei.

The official luck is prosperous.

All the way up.

Soon he became Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

And in terms of dealing with Da Zhou, he was also the first to stand up and instigate war.

Therefore, he gained the trust and support of Beishi Baiguan and Zhao Wuji.

Seeing Guo Kai's suggestion, Zhao Wuji asked:

"what do y'all think?"

All the officials looked at each other and said: "Your Majesty, now our relationship with Da Zhou has been broken, and we have to start a war.

Naturally, a firm ally is also needed.

The Great Wei Kingdom is willing to support us, it couldn't be better. "

"That's right, Your Majesty, the Great Zhou seized the land of the Wei State, and has not released its [-] soldiers. The Wei State has always wanted to deal with the Great Zhou. This time they can send troops to fight under our banner and deal a severe blow. Take the big week."

"Your Majesty, I agree."

There was a voice of approval below.

Let Zhao Wuji be extremely proud.

Look, this is the Great North Stone Kingdom where I am united.

The attitude towards Da Zhou is highly consistent.

Zhao Wou-ki stood up directly, and said sonorously:
"Okay! Then invite Wei Guo to help. When the time comes to capture Hedong and Shuozhou, I have weapons in Beishi Cable. I can distribute some to them so that they can also take back Luoyang and other places!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the officials below praised.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites had just left for a while, when a city gate guard ran in and said:

"Your Majesty, something is wrong, something happened to Shangdang!"

The whole court was silent.

problem occurs.

What else can happen?

Is it...

"Come in, tell me the details!" Zhao Wuji's face straightened down.

The city gate guard held a letter and handed it to the eunuch in front of the palace, then knelt down and said:

"Your Majesty, the army attacking the southeast of Hedong has been defeated."

"General Zhao Tianci and the army were almost wiped out, only a few thousand fled back, and most of them died in Dongyuan City."

The entire Beishi court hall exploded.

Even Zhao Wou-ki staggered a bit, and fell back to his seat.

"How could this be, the whole army was wiped out again!"

"Didn't it go well a few days ago? After a series of battles and victories, several cities in Dazhou were captured, and now..."

"Da Zhou, it's so..."

There was a lot of noise below, and there were all kinds of discussions.

Zhao Wou-ki rubbed his temples, slowly pulled out the letter and opened it!

I saw the letter read:

"Huo Qubing, commander of the Great Zhou Dynasty, led an army of [-], and took back Yangqu, Duanshi and other places.

And attack Shangdang on a large scale, Shangdang is in a hurry and asks for reinforcements! "

The strength in Zhao Wuji's hand increased.

The letter paper was directly pinched into a ball.

Close your eyes slowly.

Zao Wou-ki's mind is filled with the images of more than 4 soldiers dying in foreign lands.

The last time they attacked Da Zhou, about [-] people died as well.

I didn't expect so many people to die this time.

And the opponent is not Ye Qing, Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But a 19-year-old kid.

There are not many troops.

"How come there are so many talents available in Dazhou?"

"Where is the difference between my Beishi country? Or is it that my Beishi country is similar to other countries in the Kanto region!"

Suddenly the whole court fell silent.

Only then did Zhao Wuji come back to his senses.

Swipe down.

I saw Guo Kai standing up.

Everyone focused their attention on him.

(End of this chapter)

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