I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 783 Wei Jun becomes Zao Wou-ki and dies

Chapter 783
"What does Guo Aiqing want to say?" Zhao Wuji asked.

Guo Kaidao:
"Your Majesty, now that Da Zhou has killed [-] of our Beishi army and counterattacked Shangdang, Shangdang may not be able to protect it."

"We need to send troops there as soon as possible. At the same time, we should let Wei Guo enter from Hanoi, so as to pose a threat to the Great Zhou army attacking Shangdang!"

Zhao Wou-ki looked at the others, and they all nodded.

Zhao Wuji thought for a while, and then said: "Decree, [-] Beijing garrison troops will be dispatched from the capital to rush to Shangdang immediately."

"No!" Bingma Shangshu stood up and said.

"The Ministry of Rites stepped up contact with Wei Guo, allowing them to come in from Tianjingguan and Huguan, and assist me, Beishi, in dealing with Da Zhou.

At the same time, let the local people prepare for the reception and prepare the flags for the Wei army to use! "

The Minister of Rites stood up again and said:

After being urged twice a day, the Ministry of Rites immediately sent people to the state of Wei.

It ended up at the border.

Wei Guo's army waited for a long time with the scriptures.

It really surprised the officials of the Ministry of Rites in Beishi.

"Your envoy, my country of Wei learned of the declaration of war against your country by the Great Zhou, so we knew that your country was short of soldiers, so His Majesty ordered someone to bring the troops here." The official of the Ministry of Rites of Wei said:
"Just waiting for your country's release and permission, you can go to the front line to fight now.

But you need to provide us with the flags, after all, Wei Guo hasn't started war with Da Zhou yet.

It is inconvenient for the flag of our country Wei to appear on the battlefield! "

Beishi's envoy from the Ministry of Rites was overjoyed and hurriedly said:

"Good! Your country is worthy of being my Beishi's best friend and our hardcore ally."

"This is a request for help from our country. Please be sure to give it to your Majesty. On behalf of your Majesty, as well as our Beishi soldiers and civilians, I welcome you to come in."

"Don't worry, my Majesty will be very happy to know that! I hope the friendship between our two countries will last forever and the covenant will be unbreakable!"

The two sides were polite to each other.

Then the officials of the Ministry of Rites of Beishi led the army of Wei State into Guancheng of Beishi.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites of Wei State sent the letter from Emperor Beishi to the capital of Wei State.

Entering Guancheng, the Wei army put on the banner of the Beishi army
Then enter Taiyuan County, ready to go to the cloud.

According to Beishi's request, all Wei Guojun who entered through Jingyang Pass went to the north.

Those who enter through Huguan and Tianjingguan will go to Shangdang.

Therefore, the route for the army going north needs to pass through the capital Jinyang.

Two days later, Wei Jun arrived in Jinyang.

Along the way, the Wei army showed great restraint, and marched according to the arrangements of the Beishi people.

Every word and deed is a role model.

Even Zao Wou-ki heard about it, and went to meet him outside the city himself.

Get ready to say goodbye.

Wei Jun's military training is also famous.

There used to be Wei Wuzu, who was known as the strongest army in the Kanto region.

It's just that for some unknown reason, this number no longer appeared.

As a result, the Wei army's combat effectiveness declined.

However, Wei Jun, like Da Zhou, also attached great importance to military law in training.

Therefore, apart from Da Zhou, Wei Guo is the best in terms of discipline.

The neat Wei army lined up outside the city.

The [-] army is magnificent.

I saw that the flags of the [-] army belonged to Beishi.

Let Zhao Wuji have a lot of heroic feelings.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

Suddenly Wei Jun shouted in unison.

With 6 people, the sound shook the sky and went straight to the sky.

Zhao Wou-ki's heart fluttered when he heard it.


"Good! The soldiers are all good!"

Zhao Wuji approached step by step, nodding frequently towards the [-] Wei Jun.

Even the officials of Beishi Kingdom also showed joy when they heard this.

Wei Guo is really awesome.


Soon Wei Jun was divided into two, giving way to a wide avenue in the middle!

"Your Majesty, please review!"

Hong Sheng, a general of the Wei Army, shouted.

Review, this is from Da Zhougao.

The military parade shocked the world at the time.

Now Wei Jun is also using this trick, which really shines in the eyes of Beishi people.

One by one's eyes burned.

Zhao Wou-ki didn't think too much, and walked straight to the middle.

The guards followed suit.

All officials are behind.

Looking at Wei Jun's military appearance, he was very satisfied.

But when Zhao Wuji came to the middle.

Suddenly the generals of the Wei State waved their flags together.


Then the Wei army's formation began to change.

Part of the shield soldiers moved outward.

Some moved inward, and the inward shield soldiers were accompanied by snatchers and crossbowmen.

And the hidden masters in Wei Jun.

"what's the situation?"

Zao Wou-ki thought it was a performance prepared by Wei Jun.

stunned for a moment.

The civil servants were directly confused.

The expressions of the generals changed drastically.

The masters immediately drew their swords.


Wei Junzhong shouted killing at the same time.

Then the bows and crossbows were shot out in unison.



Hundreds of officials from Beishi were constantly shot down by arrows, even the masters were shot.

General Beishi and his masters waved their weapons, knocked out the incoming arrows, and rushed towards Zhao Wuji, trying to protect him.

But the bows and crossbows shot from all sides are really too dense.

Less than three grades, ten thousand arrows will pierce the heart and die at once.

"Damn it, Wei Jun bastards."

"Quick, protect His Majesty and kill him."

"I... poof!"

Zhao Wuji has fewer and fewer high-level soldiers around him, and his life is more and more in danger.

Soon Wei Jun stopped shooting arrows, and the shield soldiers came forward with spearmen between them.


The fifth-rank Beishi master swung his sword, and then jumped forward.

The blade hit the shield, and the shield was torn apart.

A sword pierced over, beheading the spearmen behind him.

But soon a master of the same fifth-rank level was killed in the Wei army.

It was also a sword that directly stabbed Master Beishi's arm.

Then more Wei Guo masters leaped over.

While Bei Shigao was dealing with ordinary soldiers rushing up, he attacked from above.

"court death!"

The sixth-rank master of Beishi leaped out, sweeping horizontally with his saber.

Two fourth-rank realms were directly knocked into the air.

Extremely domineering.

But Zao Wou-ki only has this sixth-grade realm around him.

And Wei Guo dispatched two.

The two rushed over from the other side, and both beheaded a general of Beishi.

Then he killed Zhao Wuji.


Seeing that Zhao Wuji was about to be injured, two masters of the fourth grade of Beishi blocked it with their bodies.


The two supreme beings of Wei State snorted coldly, then turned around, and circled around Zhao Wuji's left and right wings.

One for the top and one for the bottom.

Zhao Wou-ki instinctively drew his sword and struck at each other.

But his force is weaker.

Directly decapitated.

The head rolled to the ground.

He was also stabbed in the abdomen.

Blood spurted like a column.

"His Majesty……"

The eyes of the sixth-rank master of Beishi were scarlet, and he knocked away the fourth-rank master of Wei State with a single blow.

Then he turned around and killed him.


The two supreme beings of Wei State were overjoyed.

The two joined forces to fight.

Soon the three of them formed into a group, and the soldiers of the Wei army scattered around, leaving a certain space for them to fight.

And other Beishi masters under the generals, under the fierce attack of the Wei army.

They fell one by one, and after a while, they all died in battle.

see this result.

The commander-in-chief of the Wei army pointed at the Jinyang City Road with his long sword:
"Siege the city, rush in, and occupy Beishi Country!"

(End of this chapter)

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