I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 784 Means, You Can Die

Chapter 784 Means, You Can Die

There is only one sixth-rank supreme being left, so it will not be a problem.

This operation killed Zhao Wuji's important officials of Beishi court in one fell swoop.

The North Stone Center has been destroyed.

With an order, Wei Guo's army suddenly rushed to Jinyang City.

The Beishi army in the city was stunned.

"This...how could this be..."

"Your Majesty...it seems!"

"Quick! Close the city gate!"

The guard reacted quickly, and hurriedly said:
"Move up troops, bring up supplies, hurry up!"

Returning to God's subordinates, they took action one after another.

But at this time, Guo Kai walked up from the stairs and said directly: "Don't close the city gate!"

"What does Guo Shangshu mean by this?" The guard was puzzled.

Guo Kai approached and smiled at him.

A dagger protruded from his sleeve.

It stabbed directly into the guard's chest.

"It means, you can die!"

When the general's personal guards saw it, they were all horrified.

One by one, they grasped their weapons tightly and wanted to kill Guo Kai.

At this time, Guo Kai's personal guards moved early.

In an instant, the surrounding guards were beheaded.

Guo Tianchao said to others:
"Wei Jun was invited by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Your Majesty died and the Crown Prince ascended the throne. Do you want to rebel?"

"Guo Kai, it's you who want to make a law, you hook..."

The lieutenant general who defended the city rushed forward from the other side and angrily reprimanded Guo Kai.

It's just that Guo Kai's men shot the longbow and killed the lieutenant directly.

"Those who don't surrender will die, and they will end up!"

"Surrender to your grandma!"

Beishi people are all brains, very reckless.

Even if Fan listened to Guo Kai, they gathered around and rushed to kill.

Guo Kai was outnumbered, so he retreated to the city.

At this time, the Wei army rushed into the city cave.

Guo Kai hurriedly shouted: "I am Guo Kai, come and protect me, the defenders on the city are resisting, kill them quickly!"

When Wei Liao heard this, some rushed into the city, and some immediately climbed the stairs and rushed upwards.

In the end, Beishi on the city was outnumbered and died in battle one after another.

When Wei Jun entered the city, the Beishi people in the city were stunned.

The Beishi army who responded came rushing from everywhere.

All ready to defeat and kill.

In the end, the imperial city fell, and so did the East Palace.

Wei Jun set off two fires, directly burning the imperial army and the East Palace.

To destroy corpses.

Then they ransacked their homes in the city and killed Beishi's important civil and military personnel.

The family members of the generals who were outside gathered together.

In order to blackmail the Northern Stone Army in other places.

"Master Guo, this time I, Wei Guo, can win Jinyang in one fell swoop, and you should take the lead." Wei's coach and general Pang Jun opened an imperial decree:
"Guo Kai made great contributions to the Great Wei Dynasty. He was granted the title of Marquis of Jinyang, ten thousand households, ten thousand gold rewards, one thousand pieces of silk cloth, and five thousand acres of fertile land!"

Guo Kai was overjoyed when he heard the words.

After receiving the imperial decree, he replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Marquis of Jinyang, although Jinyang has been captured, there is no Taiyuan County, nor do other counties. There are still many troops in Beishi, and we still need to rely on you!" General Pang Jun laughed.

Guo Kaidao:
"Don't worry, General, Guo Kai will do his best for our Great Wei, and help the General take over the entire Beishi territory and gather the army in the area under his jurisdiction!"

"Hahaha, that would be great." General Pang Jun couldn't help laughing, and patted Guo Tian casually.

He likes such dog legs.

In this way, Da Wei can save a lot of heart.

When Jinyang changed greatly, Wei Jun who came in from Huguan and Tianjingguan also took the opportunity to seize two passes.

And capture nearby cities.

Then he watched the battle between the Da Zhou and Bei Shi armies.


"Report! Huo Shuai, Jin Yiwei has an urgent letter!"

Huo Qubing, who was about to attack Gaodu, received a secret letter from Jin Yiwei.

Huo Qubing opened it and read it, and hurriedly said to his subordinates:

"An order to stop attacking Gaodu and Xuanshi."

"The army retreated twenty miles!"

The generals were taken aback for a moment, the fight was about to start, why did it stop.

However, Huo Qubing did not change his order, so the generals had no choice but to go down and lead the army to retreat.

"Come here, send a letter to the Beishi people in the two cities, saying that a certain Wei Guo has seized Tianjingguan, Huguan and the nearby cities. Wei Guo is not here to help them deal with my Dazhou, but to swallow Beishi !"

Soon the letter was sent to the two cities.

At first Beishi General, who was guarding the city, thought it was Huo Qubing's trick.

But the more I think about it, the worse it gets.

How did Dazhou know that Beishi invited Wei Jun in.

So he hurriedly sent someone to the two gates to check.

As a result, there was no news from those who went.

It was as if the world had evaporated.

Until more cities in Shangdang also lost contact.

The Beishi generals guarding the Shangdang became vigilant and realized that something was wrong.

But it was too late.

Soon they received news from Taiyuan again.

"The general is in trouble, Jinyang is over, His Majesty and the prince are over!"

"Wei Jun suddenly attacked me, Beishi, His Majesty, they were all fooled, and they were all murdered!"

The guards were a little dizzy, only feeling that there was some darkness in front of them.

Zhao Wuji is dead!
The country was attacked by Wei Jun.



Countless popularity, but directly spit out blood.

"Say, is there any more bad news?"

The visitor replied cautiously: "Guo Kai surrendered to the State of Wei, was made a marquis, and helped the State of Wei invade and occupy our city.

I also sent a message to the generals, if you don't surrender to Wei, then kill all the generals' families and clansmen! "

"I call him Guo Kai's Immortal Banban!"

"Guo Kai, you must die!"

"Wei Guo is shameless!"

Countless curses sounded.

"Let's kill the general!"

"General, let's kill Wei Jun and kill this shameless Guo Kai!"

"Kill back, where are your family members, where are your clansmen!"

The generals were silent.

"General, what can I do if I don't kill him back? I can't surrender to Wei, I can't help Wei!"

The Lord Jiang Qian pondered for a while and said, "The only one in Beishi who still has royal blood is the third princess!"

The third princess Zhao Feiyan!

Wei Guo was too ruthless, and the entire royal family in Jinyang was wiped out.

Don't leave yourself a little trouble.

"General, you don't want to invite the third princess back! But..."

The Lord General Qian waved his hands and said:
"I know that everyone definitely doesn't want to sacrifice their lives for Wei Guo, and at the same time they don't want their family to be killed.

So we were captured by the Zhou army, and we had the best of both worlds. "


The generals were even more confused.

Surrender Da Zhou!

We have just started the war, and Da Zhou killed our [-] troops.

Yu Qian said with a wry smile: "Give up the city and give it to Da Zhou, let Da Zhou fight Wei, and whoever wins in the end is none of our business!"

"After all, the third princess is the concubine of the Great Zhou Emperor, and the Great Zhou Emperor has always followed the rules and emphasized benevolence. Surrendering to the Great Zhou should be treated kindly!"

The lesser of two evils.

The generals looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, they all said:
"That's fine, we'll just listen to the general. Surrendering Da Zhou will at least make us feel safe, and Da Zhou won't kill us casually."

It's not that Dazhou didn't capture Beishi people, and they also released them back to the country.

So as long as they don't mess around in Dazhou, the captives are relatively safe.

If you work, you will not be short of food.

They are assured of this.

If he followed Wei Guo, he might have to fight Da Zhou again, then he would be cannon fodder.

I don't know how to die.

They don't want to do things with Wei Guo, who is plotting to seize their own country.

In comparison, Da Zhou came in with dignity, relying on real skills.

They are convinced.

Beishi is reckless, but he respects the strong more.

(End of this chapter)

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