I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 785? Jinyang belongs to you, but other places belong to Dazhou

Chapter 785 Jinyang belongs to you, but other places belong to Dazhou

"Huo Shuai is a great thing, a great thing, Gao Du and Xuan's Northern Stone Army surrendered, please enter the city to take over the city!"

Tanma rushed back to report.

The generals couldn't believe it.

This surrendered without a fight.

It's not like the style of the northern stone barbarians.

Huo Qubing said with a smile: "Give the order, the army will move out and take over the city."

Soon the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty occupied the two cities.

Seeing Huo Qubing, Yu Qian handed over the city, soldier talisman and sword and said, "I don't know what General Huo is going to do with us!"

All the soldiers of Beishi focused their eyes on Huo Qubing.

There are many hopes in the eyes.

Huo Qubing glanced around, then raised his sword and said:
"Although Beishi started the war with my Great Zhou first, which belongs to innocence, my Great Zhou was not righteous.

However, my Majesty once said that the world is originally one family, and there are many intermarriages between Beishi and me in Dazhou.

We are all relatives, now your Majesty has been killed, the capital of the country has been attacked, the country has been destroyed and the family has perished..."

Having said that, Huo Qubing deliberately paused.

All the soldiers in Beishi sighed, and some of them burst into tears.

"So, I, Huo Qubing and Da Zhou, will not care about Beishi's mistakes.

I will not regard you as invincible. Now that you surrender with sincerity, our army will accept you with the greatest tolerance! "Huo Qubing took off his saber and threw it to Yu Qian.

"Receiving the sword is like receiving an order. I, Huo Qubing, order you to put on the clothes of my Great Zhou and put on the flag of my army. Fight for my Great Zhou, and for yourselves!"

"You can live again. From now on, you will be the Zhou army from the Zhou Dynasty. Your troop number is the Shangdang New Army, responsible for capturing the Shangdang wars of Tianjing Pass and Huguan.

Leave the matter of Taiyuan in the north to me, and I will ask you for an explanation! "

Yu Qian caught the sword, with a crystal light shining in his eyes.

With a choked voice, he said, "No!"

"Thank you Huo Shuai!" None of the other soldiers were moved.

As the Northern Stone Army, they really need to be cautious.

You can't send your army north to Jinyang.

But as the army of the Great Zhou, they can attack the Wei army in the Shangdang area.

So rightly so.

can take revenge.

With such a considerate approach, Huo Qubing immediately won the hearts of all the soldiers of the Shangdang New Army.

Huo Qubing stayed in Yujin here to coordinate the new Shangdang army, while he led the troops northward.

With the same trick, cities and counties along the way opened their arms to Da Zhou one after another.

Soon Huo Qubing reached Chengne County, the last county in the northern part of Shangdang.

Killed to the border of Taiyuan County.

Wei Jun was horrified when he received the news.

Pang Jun, the great general of the State of Wei, was still a little unconvinced.

"How could the Great Zhou army advance so quickly? Before we even captured all of Taiyuan, he penetrated Shangdang?"

"General, the news is absolutely true." Lai Renhui reported.

"Where are those Beishi generals and the army? Where did they go?" Pang Jun was puzzled.

The visitor shook his head:

"This subordinate doesn't know either.

They seem to have lost contact all of a sudden, or they were defeated and wiped out! "

"Destroy, how is it possible? Even if Huo Qubing can fly, he can't wipe out so many Beishi troops all at once. There must be something wrong!"

Just when Pang Jun couldn't figure it out.

Guo Kai walked in.

"General, something is wrong.

Zhang Liao of Yong'an sent troops into Taiyuan, and the generals along the way either surrendered or ran into the mountains! "

This time Pang Jun finally knew what was wrong.

Beishi army let Zhou army in.

These people are not surrendered at all.

Did not listen to Wei Guo's dispatch order.

"General, what should we do now, the army of Great Zhou is about to come to Jinyang!" Guo Kai said anxiously.

Pang Jun suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of Marquis Jinyang, so what if the Zhou army is here?"

Guo Kai was a little confused.

Come and not kill us all?
Pang Jun explained: "We, Wei State, did not go to war with Zhou.

We are here to help Da Zhou beat Beishi, Da Zhou should thank us and give us a reward.

Why should we be afraid of them! "

It seems to be the case.

Pang Jun asked his deputy commander, "Have any of our follow-up troops from Wei entered the country?"

The deputy commander replied: "Back to the general, our country's [-] soldiers and horses have already arrived in Yangyi, which can prevent Huo Qubing from going north!"

"Okay! Then you go to take charge of the overall situation and tell Huo Qubing that Shangdang can make him Da Zhou, but Taiyuan can't, let them stop coveting the land of my Great Wei Kingdom!"

"It's the general!" The deputy commander immediately went down and rushed to Yangyi.




"Your Majesty, the royal family of Beishi Kingdom and most of the officials were killed by the Wei army, and Jinyang was captured by the Wei army!"

"However, just like Mr. Jia's plan, Beishi people hate Wei Guo's actions very much.

So they switched to me Da Zhou.

Now Wenyuan and the others have entered Taiyuan with the scriptures.

Huo Qubing won Shangdang.

Tianjingguan and Huguan are still in contention.

Yu Jin did not support the new army of Shangdang. "

After listening to the report of the governor of Hedong, Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go north tomorrow, let's go to Jinyang and see what kind of city Jinyang is!"

Ye Qing went north the next day.

A few days later, they arrived in Yong'an. At this time, they received news from Xihe County that the Beishi Army there had gone south directly to attack Dai County.

"Your Majesty, not only the Beishi Army from Xihe has moved eastward, but even the Beishi Army from Yunzhong, Dingxiang, and Yanmen have gone eastward to attack Dai Commandery.

The three counties directly opened the road, allowing the Tanlang (Tianshu) army and the Xuanwu army to go south! "

After listening, Ye Qing smiled even brighter.

Immediately said: "Send it, go to Jinyang, tell Wenyuan, don't rush to fight."

A few days later, Ye Qing brought all the guards to the city of Jinyang.

At this time, Zhang Liao had an army of [-], part of which was the Hedong Army, and part of which was the surrendered Beishi Army.

And Ye Qing also brought [-] over.A total of [-].

The [-] army is mighty.

Wei Jun was also a little apprehensive when he saw it.

Pang Jun hurriedly sent someone to communicate again.

It has been repeatedly shown that Wei Jun fought for Da Zhou.

So it is a matter of course to occupy Jinyang.

Soon Pang Jun's envoy arrived at the big tent of the military palace.

When the visitor saw Ye Qing, he said: "The foreign minister, Gongsun Hao, pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

"Tell me about your reason for coming, what conditions does Pang Jun want to offer to send me away?" Ye Qing asked directly without bothering him.

This Gongsun Hao replied: "Your Majesty, I, Wei Guo, helped Your Majesty get rid of Beishi and killed Zhao Wuji who broke the covenant.

, Your Majesty, I beg your understanding, Jinyang City was taken down by Wei Guo after untold hardships.

I hope His Majesty will not be in..."

"Okay, I promise you, Jinyang City belongs to your country of Wei!" Ye Qing said generously.

Gongsun Hao was taken aback.

You said yes.

So easy to convince.

Did I not wake up, or heard wrong.

"Your Majesty, you mean that you will not compete with Wei Guo for Jinyang City anymore."

Ye Qing knew: "Of course, since Jinyang was brought down by you, I will give it to you."

Gongsun Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words.

This mission went too well.

But before he could shine for a long time, Ye Qing went on to say:

"But outside of Jinyang City, I will not admit that it belongs to the Kingdom of Wei.

Wherever there are Beishi people, there will be our Da Zhou's soldiers, and wherever our Da Zhou needs to attack. "

(End of this chapter)

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