I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 786? Wei Guo's Attitude

Chapter 786 Wei State's Attitude
"This this this..."

Gongsun Hao was dumbfounded.

What kind of logic is this? Outside of Jinyang, it will not belong to our Great Wei Kingdom.

What we mean by occupying Jinyang is that the whole of Taiyuan belongs to our Great Wei, not just one city of Jinyang.

"Let's just leave it at that, you Great Wei took the best part of the Beishi Kingdom, and you took all the money, food, morals, and land. I don't want to say anything, after all, I don't want to hurt the peace between the two countries.

As for other places, everyone depends on their own abilities, and whoever captures them will own them. "

After speaking, Ye Qing ignored Gongsun Hao and signaled his subordinates to take Gongsun Hao down.

Don't talk to him about it.

Gongsun Hao had no choice but to return to Jinyang City.

"Your Majesty, it's useless for Wei Guo to occupy Jinyang. The rest of the place belongs to me. They are trapped inside, unable to enter or exit." Qing's plan.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Of course, if Wei Guo doesn't spit out Jinyang, then Jinyang is just an enclave, and the food and grass inside will be exhausted as soon as possible, and they have no way to replenish it.

If we don't need to fight, the Beishi people inside will drive Wei Jun out! "


Gongsun Hao returned to the city and told the situation.

General Pang Jun and the others were a little confused.

Ye Qing's way of playing is tantamount to being more rogue than their big Wei.

How can there be such a thing, Taiyuan has been captured by us, and Beishi Kingdom has been destroyed.

You still continue to advance under the banner of advancing troops.

Now we have to attack other places.

"General, why don't we go out and capture the Emperor of Zhou, so that not only Beishi Kingdom is ours, but Luoyang and other places can also be recovered!"

"That's right, General. If we simply kill the Emperor of Great Zhou, then Great Zhou will inevitably fall apart. At that time, Great Zhou will be busy with civil strife and struggle for power. We can unite with the countries in Guanzhong and take the opportunity to carve up Great Zhou."

"This method is good, South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom will definitely agree with it."

Pang Jun shook his head in a cold voice: "No, there are [-] soldiers in my city, and [-] troops in Dazhou, our army has fewer soldiers than him, and our army has no advantage in field battles."

"General, don't we have [-] in Yangyi? There are [-] in total, and the north and south attack may not be able to defeat the Great Zhou Emperor." Someone reminded unwillingly.

Pang Jun stared at the man's eyes and said: "Shangdang's relatives also have a large army of Zhou, and Huo Qubing has at least [-] troops.

What's more troublesome is that the two group armies of the Great Zhou in the north went south from Yanmen with the classics, and arrived in Jinyang in a few days. "


Yanmen, Yunzhong, and Dingxiang were all captured by Da Zhou.

What are those Beishi people thinking?
Do they know what a stupid thing they are doing.

They started a war with Da Zhou, and even enlarged Zhou's soldiers and horses to come in.

The Wei generals couldn't figure it out.

The Beishi people who have always been reckless, why are they suddenly not reckless this time.

It turned out to be so easy to talk, so that the soldiers and horses of Da Zhou entered the country.

"Then general, what should we do now? It's obvious that the Emperor of Zhou didn't want to retreat, and wanted to occupy the entire Beishi Kingdom, but the Beishi we worked so hard to conquer has fulfilled him instead!" asked the unwilling general.

Others also had some reluctance.

Da Wei planned for so long, but it turned out that Da Zhou was the one who picked the peaches.

This deal is a bit of a loss.

Pang Jun said: "Notify the army in Yangyi City to retreat to the chiseled platform, and be sure to defend here. We cannot live without a place of compassion in Jinyang City.

The east of the chiseled platform cannot be lost, it is the only way for our great Wei country to go west, if something goes wrong, we will be finished. "

"It's the general, I'll do it now!"

Two days later, Xue Rengui went south with the Xuanwu Army to Jinyang.

Huo Qubing captured Yangyi.

Dazhou's 15 troops gathered in Jinyang.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

The State of Wei also continued to draw reinforcements from the country, trying to gain an advantage in military strength.

But at this time, there was a quarrel in the court of Wei State, and there were huge differences on the number of reinforcements.

The military general in the direction of the Ministry of War stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the heart of the Great Zhou Emperor is clearly revealed.

If Taiyuan County is not reinforced, Dazhou may really attack Jinyang. The minister thinks that the more the better. "

"Your Majesty and ministers are seconding the proposal! We must increase our troops on the front line of Jinyang, and completely suppress Dazhou, so that Dazhou will not dare to go east again. Put away your covetousness for Jinyang."

Wei Zeng was a little moved by what he said.

Jinyang, it was he who worked so hard to win it from the Northern Stone Barbarian.

How could it be easily captured by Da Zhou.

Most of the Northern Stones were taken by the Great Zhou. If even the Imperial Capital was taken by the Great Zhou, then this trip would be a waste of time.

The civil servant immediately jumped out and said:
"Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to send more troops to Jinyang. It is best to maintain the status quo, otherwise the Emperor of Zhou will find an excuse to make trouble."

"Your Majesty, now that Da Zhou has captured Shangdang, Huguan and Tiandong Pass have also been captured by them. Hanoi's defense pressure has increased, and heavy troops are desperately needed."

"Your Majesty, the Beidai Kingdom has asked us for help many times, and now the remnants of the Beishi army are attacking the Beidai Kingdom and taking revenge on us indirectly. If we don't send heavy troops to protect the Beidai Kingdom, then we will lose this vassal. barrier."

This is also a big problem. The problem between Hanoi and Beidai also caused Wei Zeng a headache.

The general immediately said:

"Your Majesty, I thought Hanoi didn't need to take care of it. Da Zhou still dare not attack the inherent territory of our Wei Kingdom. As for the Beidai Kingdom, the king of the Beidai had some renunciation towards us. Why don't we use the strength of the remnants of the Beishi army to attack us?" It’s good to destroy Beidai country.”

"At that time, we will march into Beidai, destroy the remnants of the Beishi army, and by the way, completely bring the Beidai kingdom into our Great Wei's territory."

It's a good idea.

Wei Zeng was very excited, and his heart began to turmoil.

He has long wanted to eat Beidai too.

The last time Ji Kingdom was killed, some of the Northern Dynasties' Classics were violated.

Now is the right time.

The civil officials stood up and said: "Your Majesty, you can't, if this will chill the hearts of the people of the Beidai Kingdom, the people of the Beidai Kingdom will definitely resent us, saying that we do not have the bearing of a big country because we stand idly by.

Say we..."

"That's enough, Wang Miao, do you think His Majesty doesn't know this? Your Majesty is wise and mighty, so he will judge for himself.

The Northern Dynasties are too important to our country, how can this place fall into the hands of others, even if it is to defect to Dazhou! "

Anything that involves the big week.

The problem is serious.

Like a thorn.

It made Wei Zeng's heart bleed.

The four counties of Luoyang were lost, [-] troops were captured, and about [-] were burned alive.

This stroke was bloody, and Wei Zeng couldn't lift his head under the pressure.

"Okay, Great Wei of the Northern Dynasty is going to send troops, but don't be in a hurry to enter the country, let's send [-] troops!"

"Hanoi can't be lost, otherwise my country of Wei will move its capital to the east just like Chuyue's."

"As for Jinyang, we are sending an additional [-] troops to chisel the platform. For the time being, we will send more troops to clash with the Emperor of Zhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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