I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 787 ? ? Action, attack Guancheng

Chapter 787 Action, attack Guancheng

"Your Majesty, the State of Wei has sent more troops to Chiutai!"

Guo Jia walked in and handed in the letter that Jin Yiwei had just sent:
"At the same time, the State of Wei sent heavy troops to defend Hanoi, but the Beidai Kingdom did not send troops into the country, but only displayed them on the border. It seems that they did not intend to protect the Beidai Kingdom, and tried to wait until the Beidai Army destroyed Beidai before taking action."

"Wei Zeng is too greedy. He wants to eat Beidai all at once. He can't swallow a single Beidai. If he wants to eat Beidai, he will soon suffer from indigestion!" Ye Qing sneered, not caring.

Such a result was already expected.

Guo Jiadao: "The key is that with us, Wei Guo can't do anything."

"The new Shangdang army that transferred Huo Qubing is here, and Tiandongguan and Huguan will be handed over to the commanders of Yizhou Wei and Bazhou Wei." Ye Qing thought for a while and said:

"Divide our [-]-strong army, and reorganize the original Beishi Army into the Taiyuan New Army, with the commander of the new army Yue Fei."

"At the same time, the Kaiyang Group Army will be built. The commander of the army, Yue Fei, the deputy commander, Zhang Liao, and the military adviser, Jia Xu. The number is [-]. It is composed of some soldiers from the original Hedong County and the Beishi Rebel Army!"

Another group army was built.

Da Zhou is strong again.

"Bingzhou was established, the four counties of Shangdang, Taiyuan, Yanmen, and Dingxiang were under the jurisdiction of Bingzhou, and Yunzhong was changed to Shuozhou for management."

"By the way, there is an imperial decree to establish Luozhou; Luoyang is the capital of Luozhou, and Hongnong County, Dongchuan County, and Yingchuan County are under the jurisdiction of Luozhou."

"At the same time, Yuzhou was established. The jurisdiction of Yuzhou was Nanyang County, Runan County, and Pingyu City, the state capital. Xiangyang was designated as Nanjun, and Nanyang was no longer in charge of Xiangyang."

A series of imperial edicts were issued, and soon Da Zhou's cabinet was busy again.

Redrawing and printing of maps.

They are also needed for the selection and assignment of officials.

Continue to look at the situation in Taiyuan.

The two armies lived in peace for ten days.

Da Zhou's new group was organized and practiced under Wei Guo's nose.

Every move attracted Wei Guo's attention.

"Your Majesty, the news just came from the north, and the Beidai kingdom finally failed to stop it. It was broken by the remnants of the Beishi army, and the Beidai royal family was destroyed.

The nobles of the Northern Dynasty were basically killed. At this time, Wei Guo should start to cross the border and enter the Northern Dynasty to fight! " Guo Jia said:

"In a few days, the Wei army will fall into the attack and resistance of Beishi and Beidai soldiers and civilians respectively, and the Wei army should increase its strength by then.

There are no more soldiers and horses to help Jinyang and other places. "

"Just wait, we are not in a hurry, anyway, there is still food left over, let the new Shangdang army continue to penetrate and occupy all the valley entrances in Taihang Mountain.

When an order is issued, the entry and exit gates can be blocked. "Ye Qing thought for a while and said:

"In order to let the Wei army relax its vigilance, the Tanlang (Tianshu) group army can be withdrawn from Taiyuan and go to Yanmen County to stand by."

Guo Jia immediately sorted out several ideas in his mind.

This move of the Son of Heaven can paralyze the enemies of Jinyang and at the same time put pressure on the mainland of Wei.

Yanmen is next to the Northern Dynasty, and the Wei people are probably most worried that the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou will enter the Northern Dynasty to stir up trouble.

It will definitely focus on the Northern Dynasties, and the march of troops will be accelerated without any delay.

The result of this is eagerness for success, and the loss of troops will also increase.


Soon the news of the northward transfer of a group army in the Great Zhou Dynasty spread into Jinyang City.

All the Wei generals breathed a sigh of relief.

Da Zhou finally withdrew his troops.

Two days later, it was discovered that the Xuanwu Army had also withdrawn fifty miles north.

Although the Wei generals were no longer worried about Jinyang, they were distracted by Beidai.

Da Zhou withdrew two group armies one after another.

Obviously, it was aimed at Beidai, who is now stalemate in the war.

"Immediately send someone back to the country to deliver this important news to His Majesty. I hope it will come in a hurry!" As a general, Pang Jun naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly issued a death order to his personal guards.

Soon the Wei army in Jinyang City left the city.

The generals of the Great Zhou did not intercept them.

Because this is what Ye Qing wants to see.

Soon Pang Jun's letter was sent to the chief general of Changshan County in Wei State, and the chief general then sent someone to deliver it to the capital of Wei State, and then sent someone to report to the coach who entered Dai State!

All of a sudden, everyone in the Wei Kingdom focused their attention on the Beidai Kingdom.

Wei Guo didn't want Da Zhou to intervene in a situation like Beishi's.

Intertwined with their own territory.

"Your Majesty! The Shangdang New Army and the Taiyuan New Army are in place!" Guo Jia pointed to the sand table in front of him and said:

"The section from chiseling the platform to Shang'ai has been under the close surveillance of our army, and the Wei army in various places has been somewhat lax."

Ye Qing glanced at the sand table and said: "Notify all ministries that we will act the day after tomorrow. I will personally watch Jinyang. You can act with confidence. The [-] Wei army will never come out to interfere!"

"It's Your Majesty! I'll make arrangements now!" Guo Jia immediately walked out of the military tent.

Two days later.

Go to Aiguan City!

In the north-south direction of the vast Taihang Mountains.

Countless eyes stared at Shangaiguan City.

"This telescope is really good. It can see clearly from such a distance. These damned Wei people almost regard our Beishi as their own home..."

"Bei Shi died, now we are the new army of Da Zhou!"

"No! Now we are still the Beishi Army. We will be the real new army after this battle. This battle is not for His Majesty Zhou Huang, but for our Beishi Majesty!"

"Yes, for His Majesty Beishi, this battle has nothing to do with the state of Zhou. We Beishi people do things ourselves, and we will take care of them ourselves!"

"What are you waiting for, the time has come, go down the mountain!"

Soon countless Beishi soldiers came out of the valley, and then approached Ai on the city with camouflage clothes.

It was almost at the bottom of the city, when the roar broke out.


The sound of killing suddenly alarmed Wei Jun.

Wei Jun was shocked.

"No, the Zhou army launched an attack, no...is that the Beishi army?"

"There are also northern stone savages in the east of Guancheng. Damn it, why do these guys still exist? Aren't they..."

"Don't be long-winded, hurry up, send troops up, and shoot me arrows!"

"Stone! Wood..."

Soon the Northern Stone Army rushed to the foot of Guancheng, raised the crossbow and shot, with a strong bow, the Northern Stone Army was no longer the original army.

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

"Quickly, install the bed crossbow and shoot the Wei people in the city!"

"As for the small trebuchet, set it up for me too, and smash the Wei army on the city to death!"

"Ladder! Come on, put it up for me, I'm going to fly to the city!"

Above and below the city, there were countless voices of shouting and cursing.

One side attacked the city bravely and fearlessly.

One side defends the city and refuses to give up an inch of land.

The two armies entered a fierce battle from the very beginning, and the battle was fierce.

What made Wei Jun a little anxious most was that the Beishi people were obviously more organized than before.

Attack Guancheng and divide it into east and west sides.

What puzzled them was how the Beishi people quietly moved most of them to the east.

"Don't worry about the east side, a few thousand people are enough to guard it. The northern rock barbarians can't fly, and there are not many who can go around. Give me a focus on guarding the Xicheng Pass. Go to the Xicheng Pass soon!"

The guard general of the Wei army is obviously also an experienced veteran, so he immediately transferred the main force to the west.

The attack was fierce, and the west side of the war crisis was stabilized at once.

(End of this chapter)

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