I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 789 Zhang Wuji's Great Teleportation

Chapter 789 Zhang Wuji's Great Teleportation

"Marshal! All the roads into the city have been blocked by fire!"

A team leader came over with a bitter face.

This fire not only helped the Kaiyang Group Army, but also prevented the soldiers of the Group Army from charging into the city.

Yue Fei laughed and said, "It's okay, I have my own way!"

After speaking, Yue Fei rushed back to the city wall, found Zhang Wuji who was pushing all the way, and said:

"Master Zhang, the fire in the city has prevented our army from entering the city, please Master Zhang to act!"

Seventh Grade Supreme.

It is powerful and should be able to solve this problem.

Zhang Wuji smiled and said, "Don't worry, Shuai Yue, it's a small matter!"

For other supreme beings, this is a big problem.

But for Zhang Wuji, it was too simple.

I saw Zhang Wuji jump directly from the inner city wall into the flames.

The left and right hands turn into yin and yang.

The whole person was wrapped in a ball of true energy.

After landing, he turned around a few times and danced yin and yang with his hands.

"The universe has moved!"

Following Zhang Wuji's shout.

The surrounding fire clusters gathered above his head one after another.

The fire on the ground disappeared, leaving charred earth and wood.

And the top of his head was like a fire tornado, sucking all the wind and fire into it.

Until the fire on the entire main street is gone.

There is also news of the fire within ten meters of the two wings.

Only then did Zhang Wuji stop drinking again.

Push the fireball above the head to the east of the city.

The fire ball rolled across the sky like a kerosene bomb.

Swept past the city.

Then it crashed three miles east of Chiutai City.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The sky in the east of the city seemed to be darkening.


"Master Zhang's martial arts are really... powerful!"

"It's so scary!"

"Fortunately we followed Da Zhou, otherwise..."

The eyes of countless former Beishi soldiers were full of panic.

Can't help but rejoice.

Such a master, I am afraid it is a ninth rank.

Can put away the fire.

This is equivalent to a dozen trebuchets.

There will be no disadvantages in such a big week.

Even Yue Fei was shocked for a long time.

Swallowed his throat.

This is what Your Majesty gave me to help and suppress me.

Originally thought that Zhang Wuji was young, and his strength was at the sixth rank at most.

I didn't expect it to be far more than that.

At least it's all eighth grade.

Of course, he didn't know that although Zhang Wuji's strength was at the seventh rank, he had a lot of martial arts, and each set was top-notch.

It is simply a self-propelled Buddhist scripture pavilion.

The open life needs no explanation.

Zhang Wuji also enjoyed the gazes of the soldiers.

Although he was a little weak after using this move, most of his internal strength was used up.

But he could hold on.

With an unmoved expression on his face, he turned around, shook his robe, and walked towards the city.

Other than what he passed, the people of Beishi all worshiped him.

Even Wei Jun in the city dropped his weapons directly.

The big fireball just now was made by this man.

"Enter the city, take over the city, and pursue the Wei army!"


In the east of the city, Zhang Wuji's big fireball directly killed all the Wei troops within 100 meters.

There were minor and serious injuries within 200 meters.

One dead and one wounded blockbuster.

Wei Jun stood there in shock.

The fire that was still burning in the pit stopped many Wei Jun who wanted to escape from the city to the east.

Looking at the fire belt in front of the city, listening to the sound of chasing and shouting from behind.

The generals of the Wei army had long been fearful in their hearts.

Until the Kaiyang group army chased after them, the generals of the Wei army didn't know who took the lead, so they threw away the weapons in their hands.

Where there is one, there are two.

Countless people lost their arms.

surrendered directly.

Yue Fei had people round up the captives.

He didn't go out of the city to pursue it, because Zhang Wuji didn't come out to subdue the fire belt in the city.

Let it burn out.

After digging a platform, Wei Jun has only one way to go, and that is to go to Shangai.

If nothing else, Shang Aiyi was taken down by Huo Qubing.

Sure enough, Wei Jun, who fled all the way to Ai, was ambushed by Huo Qubing soon after he was about [-] miles away from Shangai.

Rocks fell from the mountain and rolled down.

Countless Wei soldiers were directly smashed to death, facing the barbarians from Beishi who charged over.

Wei Jun couldn't hold on anymore.

Finally completely defeated.

It's just that at this time they have no way to escape, the north and south are the vast Taihang Mountains.

They can't find their way out.

Without food and supplies, they would starve to death within a few days.

He dug a platform in the west to break it, and he was captured or beheaded by the Zhou army when he returned.

It would be better to surrender to Huo Qubing directly.

At least [-] Wei troops were either beheaded or captured.

Half of the Wei army that entered Beishi was wiped out.

Only the [-] Wei army in Jinyang remained.


Jinyang City!
"General, things are not very good! The liaison personnel we sent to dig the platform and other places have never returned."

"We seem to have lost touch with the chisel!"

General Pang Jun frowned upon hearing this.

"What's going on? We lost contact with our country? How long has it been? Why didn't we report it in the morning!"

Facing the questioning of General Pang Jun.

The military officer in charge of this matter replied:
"General, it's been two days, and at first we thought they were delayed on the way.

When I felt something was wrong, I sent several batches of people in a row, but they disappeared. "

Pang Jun's face sank like water.

After pondering for a moment, he said again:
"Then... what happened to the Great Zhou army outside the city!"

Mentioning this, a strange light flashed in someone's eyes, and hurriedly said:

"General, the Emperor of the Great Zhou seems to have been outside the city, but... it seems that the number of the Great Zhou has decreased.

The Kaiyang Group Army built by the new line is gone! "

"I thought it was because they retreated from Da Zhou, but now that I think about it, it might be..."

"It's not possible, but it must be transferred to attack and attack." Pang Jun is not an idiot to be a general.

Soon Ming Zi understood Ye Qing's intentions.

Da Zhou finally made his move on Da Zhou.

First paralyze them, and then quietly dispatch troops.

What Da Zhou really wanted to touch was not Beidai.

Instead, he wanted to eat up the entire Taiyuan County while Wei's soldiers and horses still had energy to focus on solving the Northern Dynasties.

"This... the general is unlikely. The emperor of Zhou wants to use these soldiers and horses in the south. I'm afraid they won't be able to eat us!" Some people still didn't believe it.

There are 12 horses in this side.

Dazhou's total troops in the south were less than 12.

12 siege and 12.

Big week...

"Hehe, do you think 10,000+ troops are quite a lot?" Pang Jun reminded coldly:

"Da Zhou used less than 60 yuan to annihilate [-] or [-] people from Chuyue Kingdom, and finally captured Nanyang. Chuyue Kingdom lost all temper!"

Chuyue Kingdom has become a negative example.

At the same time, it is also alerting the Kanto countries.

For Shang Da Zhou, one must not take it lightly.

It is even more impossible to simply use the number of troops to determine the outcome.

Da Zhou is good at winning more with less, and every battle can be a classic.

"Then general, isn't the Great Zhou barracks under the city very empty!" A bold general said:
"Why don't we go out of the city, break through Da Zhou's barracks, and capture Ye Qing alive.

Since the Emperor of Great Zhou dared to lie to us, let's play for real with him and expose his tricks directly! "

(End of this chapter)

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