Chapter 790 Night Attack
"Yes, General, it's really time to fight the Great Zhou Emperor this time!"

"That's right, General, the Emperor of Great Zhou is too arrogant. His camp must be empty. We pretend not to know during the day and go out of the city to attack the camp at night. We will succeed in one fell swoop!"

One sentence for you, one sentence for me.

More and more excited.

Pang Jun, who was calm at first, felt his heart warm when he heard it.

Instead of sitting in Jinyang, it is better to make a fortune.

He knew very well that once the chisel platform was captured by Da Zhou, he would really lose contact with Da Wei and become an isolated city.

The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty could gather an army to attack Jinyang at any time.

With his own ability, it is only a matter of time before he falls.

He is not a conceited person, and he is very clear about Da Zhou's siege advantage.

"Okay, tonight's attack on the camp, if we can succeed, we are lucky, if not, we are sticking to the city!" After thinking about it, Pang Junsi finally agreed with the generals' proposal.

The generals were overjoyed upon hearing this.

Finally talked about the general.

So everyone began to add up to the night attack.

A night raid is not simply a sneak attack out of the city.

All aspects need to be considered.

If it fails, troops are needed to respond, and a backup plan is needed.

At the same time, the biggest obstacle to night raids is the problem of night vision.

It must be well planned.

Night comes quietly.

The night was as dark as water, and the wind blew past.

The cold hit, and people's faces were red and red.

The gate of Jinyang City opened quietly.

Not long after, countless Wei Jun walked out slowly.

Then he moved towards the Da Zhou barracks.

Da Zhou's barracks became silent at night.

Not much light.

A few bonfires are only for the patrolling soldiers of Dazhou to warm up.


It was getting closer, but General Wei Jun suddenly called to stop the army.

The soldiers of the Wei army squatted down one after another.

"Come on, go ahead and touch Da Zhou's bell.

It turns out that outside the camp of Dazhou, iron wires were laid, and bells were tied to the wires.

At night, if there are ferocious beasts or enemies approaching, once they meet, they will definitely make a sound.

This is what Pang Junneng has discovered since he lived this period of time.

Therefore, he specially instructed his officers and soldiers.

Wei Jun's elite squad stepped forward one after another.

These people are all masters of the rivers and lakes.

Quick hands and feet, good night vision.

Best for this kind of thing.

Soon Wei Jun's capable team solved this first layer of obstacles.

Then move on inside.

There are also small pits dug out in the middle area, which can be used to deal with beasts and attacking enemy troops.

Once you step on it, you will be injured or killed.

However, these places were quickly marked or destroyed by Wei Jun's elite squad.

The second barrier was destroyed.

Then the elite team of Wei Jun approached the camp wall.

Iron hooks hung upside down on the wall.

If there is an enemy climbing, they will be stabbed.

When Wei Jun's elite team saw it, they couldn't help but gasped.

The army of the Great Zhou is too cloudy.

When we reached the camp wall, we were still on guard.

"How to do this, if you want to destroy it, you can tear down the wall and saw the wood?"

"It's enough to remind the attacking soldiers. The main thing is to open the gate of the camp. If you enter, you will win!"

"That's right, let's open the gate of the camp first! There are four guards there, two on the top and two on the bottom."

"This matter is easy, watch me use hidden weapons to get rid of them!"

The master who spoke quickly moved towards the gate of the camp.

For wearing black night clothes.

Under the hazy night.

Natural camouflage.


Suddenly the throats of the two Da Zhou soldiers on the camp gate were cut and they fell limp.

The two secret whistle below also suddenly became alert.

But the next moment, he was attacked by the same thing.

Also leaning against the wooden fence, there is no air intake.

"Quick, below the city gate, attack!"

Countless soldiers of the Wei army charged forward one after another.

Soon they came to the gate of the camp. At this time, the elite team of Wei Jun opened the gate of the camp with scriptures.


The generals of the Wei army roared angrily and charged forward with the weapons in their hands.

Seeing this, the Da Zhou soldiers in the inspection battalion immediately rang the gong.

He rushed forward with a long gun in his hand.


Those who come up are fast, and those who die are fast.

Soon fell to the ground.

More Wei Jun came in.

Kill towards the inner camp of the big camp.

It's just that those Wei generals who got into the camp to kill the soldiers of the Great Zhou made a strange move.

"No, the tents are all empty."

"This is a trap, go away!"

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Not only was the front battalion empty, but it also smelled of oil.

"Don't go, the little thief of the Wei Kingdom, let's try my Great Zhou's fire attack first!"


Suddenly countless Da Zhou soldiers rushed out.

Then he held a crossbow with an oilcloth tied to it.

The tarpaulin was set on fire and shot into the front battalion.


In an instant the front battalion was ignited.

The fire quickly spread throughout the camp.

All of a sudden, the camp was burned into a sea of ​​flames.

Then outside the camp, countless torches suddenly lit up all around.

There are also countless Da Zhou soldiers rushing over.

"Kill! The little thief of the Wei Kingdom will leave..."

Seeing this, the generals of the Wei army turned pale with fright, and withdrew towards Jinyang City one after another.

The Wei army in the front battalion couldn't withdraw at all, and they were all swallowed up by the fire all at once.

Those who hadn't entered the camp didn't have to withdraw in a hurry, and were soon shot and stabbed by the soldiers of Da Zhou who surrounded them.

And the one who escaped had just arrived at the foot of Jinyang City, when he was rushed over by the cavalry from the left and right flanks.

He was also trampled to death countless times.

"Quick, meet our soldiers!"

There are still more than 2 Wei soldiers in the city, rushing out of the city to rescue the soldiers of their own country!
It's just that they didn't dare to stay longer, because a small group of Zhou cavalry rushed straight to the city gate, and then threw the burning oil tank at the gate of the city.


The gate of the city was also ignited immediately, and the fire was surging.

This caused panic among Wei Jun inside and outside the city.

"Damn it, the city gate is on fire, I can't rush through."

"Go to the west gate, hurry up!"

The south gate was covered by the fire, so go to the west gate.

Wei Jun was not stupid, so he hurried to the west gate.

But this gave Da Zhou Iron Cavalry a chance to chase.

Constantly rushing back and forth.

Batch after batch of Wei troops were intercepted.

The battle lasted half the night.

Da Zhou's front camp burned all night.

The fire did not go out until dawn.

The camp was in a mess, with dead bodies and crooked flags everywhere.

and unowned steeds.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to clean up the battlefield.

Gather your weapons and lift the wounded.

Dig pits to bury the bodies.

Statistics and exploits.

"Your Majesty, according to the statistics just now, 4000 soldiers of the Wei army were beheaded last night, and [-] were captured.

There are less than [-] Wei soldiers left in the city! "Guo Jia sent the most affectionate statistics to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing just stretched his waist and didn't read the report.

Just approved a coat and walked out of the big tent.

Looking at the top of the city, he said: "When the Kaiyang Group Army arrives, attack the city. I believe Yue Fei will bring us good news."

"By the way, you can pass the news to Xue Rengui. When you enter the Northern Dynasties, you can attack the Wei army. Don't be afraid to argue with the Wei army, because we have won the entire Beishi country!"

(End of this chapter)

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