I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 791??? Under Jinyang City

Chapter 791 Under Jinyang City
In Jinyang city!

Pang Jun had a look of pain on his face.

More than 4 people died in World War I.

Despite having a second set of plans.

But still failed.

After all, he is still not the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Da Zhou had such a sharp method of attacking with fire.

Thinking of this fire attack, his liver hurts.

Brothers Xin Wenxiang and Xin Wenyan fell for the Great Zhou Fire Attack method.

Unexpectedly, he was also taught a lesson by Huo Gong.

"General, Jinyang was besieged to death by the Great Zhou, but there is no sign of attacking the city!"

The deputy general came to report the situation outside the city.

Pang Jun rubbed his temples and said:

"This is the worst case scenario. It means that the Emperor of the Great Zhou is waiting for the Kaiyang Army to arrive. It is estimated that the chisel platform is really gone!"

"Then General, don't we..."

Totally hopeless.

The lieutenant general couldn't say anything.

Pang Jun waved to the lieutenant general
"Make all preparations to defend the city. The day after tomorrow at the latest, the Emperor of Zhou will attack us. How long can the city be defended.

It can be regarded as buying time for the main force in the direction of Beidai! "

Killing one's life and becoming a benevolent is what Pang Jun has to do.

He didn't expect to be able to defend Jinyang anymore.

Just wish there was a little more delay.

Day three.

Yue Fei arrived with Kaiyang Group.

Ye Qing let Yue Fei rest for a whole day.

And let the soldiers go to Jinyang City to promote it for a day.

This allowed Yue Fei to command the siege.

"Every army is in place, and the mechanism bird is launched to provide our army with a real-time overview of the city!"

"Use stone bombs instead of fierce fire oil bombs. We need a complete Jinyang City, and more importantly, an army and civilians who have handed over to Beishi!"

"Use the god arm crossbow to suppress the defenders in the city."

"City on all sides, attack at the same time..."

Soon the [-] army attacked the city and launched a fierce attack on Jinyang City.

There are 6000 Wei troops in the city, with [-] defenders at each gate.

Not too little, but not too much either.


Soon the violent siege began.

Within half a day, more than half of the Wei troops in the city were killed or injured.

In the evening, the west city gate was breached first.

Then all the gates fell.

Pang Jun led his people to resist stubbornly in the city, and finally the people of Beishi in the city joined the sequence of crusade against the Wei army.

When it was dark, most of the Wei army, including Pang Junzai, were killed.

A few surrendered.

So far, Jinyang was taken by Da Zhou.

The whole territory of Beishi Country has a big income week.

The outcome of the battle in Beishi was full of twists and turns.

It has completely refreshed the three views and insights of people in the world.

Beishi's unrighteousness will be the first to attack Dazhou.

The alliance between the two countries broke down.

I thought it was going to be a protracted war.

Can consume Dazhou's resources.

South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom were applauding.

As a result, Wei Guo, the shit-stirring stick, was killed halfway.

He unexpectedly attacked Beishi and wiped out the Beishi royal family in one fell swoop.

It was simply amazing.

Wei Guo is simply Da Zhou's god assist teammate.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Da Zhou and Wei Guo were not teammates and did not unite.

Da Zhou rushed into Beishi backhandedly, taking the Beishi land that should have been stolen by Wei Guo into his pocket.

In the end, more than [-] Wei troops were beautifully wiped out.

The whole Beishi was rounded up.

Wei Guo was busy, but got nothing.

I really lost my wife and lost my soldier.

Chuyue Kingdom!
Jinling City!
The new court has just been established.

The capital is still being expanded.

The palace wasn't finished yet either.

Xiong Han, the new king of Chuyue Kingdom, glanced at the officials below and said, "Yours, the war between Beishi and Dazhou is now over, and it went smoothly. What do you think about our Chuyue Kingdom?"

Beishi failed to consume Da Zhou, but was killed instead.

Send the five counties to Da Zhou's hands.

It will inevitably disappoint the Chuyue people.

Da Zhou seemed to have a halo around him.

Always bless them.

The officials below, you look at me, I look at you.

The war is over, so what else.

Even if the war is not over, they can only watch and do nothing.

Beishi's betrayal of Da Zhou actually bought some respite for Chuyue Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, I thought the war in the north would not be over yet. Da Zhou destroyed Beishi, but they snatched it from Wei Guo. There is still a battle between Da Zhou and Wei Guo."

"We can continue to wait and see, or we can send envoys to contact Wei Guo and form an alliance so that we can fight against Da Zhou in the future!"

Others also said one after another: "That's right, now that Great Zhou occupies Beishi, he can directly face Wei State and attack Wei State with a high position, just like attacking us back then, Wei State will be in big trouble now!"

"Next, Great Zhou will definitely attack Wei State first. We should seize the time to prepare the army and raise supplies."

Chuyue Kingdom could no longer afford another defeat.

If Jinling is also lost, the country will really be completely destroyed.

Xiong Han was relatively young, he patted the dragon chair lightly, looked at the officials below and said: "If you want to accumulate the strength to fight against Da Zhou, the previous method will not work. Do you have any good ideas!"

Young people focus on reform.

The strength of the Great Zhou was brought about by the reforms.

There must be a change.

If you don't change, you will die.

Once Jiangling was broken, the stubborn forces of Chuyue Kingdom were basically gone.

Xiong Han, who ascended the throne hastily, promoted many young people without any hassle.

This also greatly changed the court of Chuyue Kingdom.

At that moment, a young court official stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, we should learn from the Great Zhou Dynasty, reform the internal affairs and military, as well as the economy and people's livelihood, so that we can liberate our people, use the least amount of land, and grow the most food.

Utilize the least number of soldiers to train the strongest army, otherwise the army of the Great Zhou will fight again, and we will really be completely subjugated! "

"Your Majesty, my ministers seconded the proposal. It is not that our Chuyue Kingdom lacks talents, but is blocked at the grassroots level. Only when the ascending channel is opened, there will be a steady stream of talents coming up. Whether it is the army fighting or the strategy of governing the country, it will be stronger. Stand up!"

"Your Majesty, if the common people cannot be fed and clothed, those who farm the land have food to eat, those who weave mats have beds to sleep in, and those who build houses have houses to live in, then the people of our Chuyue Kingdom will live on their own without Da Zhou fighting. You rose up to rebel. Therefore, Your Majesty should give more land to the people, and take the land in the hands of the lords as national property!"

Reformists took the opportunity to make proposals one after another.

Xiong Han couldn't help but nodded.

This is the talent you have promoted yourself.

These are the future pillars of Chu Zhigong's revival.

It's just that there are reformers, and naturally there are conservative forces.

They don't care about the situation of the Xiong family.

Once it involves your own interests, immediately pick it out and oppose it.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, the law of the ancestors cannot be abolished, otherwise it will cause endless harm!"

"Your Majesty, conferring the monarch is the foundation of the country. How can we lightly move it? Once the conferring monarchs of various places is moved, our Chuyue Kingdom will surely fall into civil strife. At that time, the Chuyue Kingdom will perish without the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty attacking!"

"Your Majesty, the foundation of the country lies in the nobility, in the aristocratic family, the court manages the lords, and the lords of the localities manage the localities. Only in this way can a stable and normal state be formed, and our Chuyue Kingdom can stand forever. If the power of the lords is deprived, It is bound to lead to civil strife, the country will not rule the country, and the government will not rule. Please don't believe the slander of villains. These people must be spies sent by the Great Zhou to harm our Chuyue Kingdom. Please punish them severely... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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