I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 792? Zhao Feiyan gave birth to a son named Zhao

Chapter 792 Zhao Feiyan gave birth to a son named Zhao

"That's right, Your Majesty! These people should be severely punished and driven out of the court. The court is a place to discuss important matters for the empire, not a place for them to bark!"

"Your Majesty, the foundation cannot be abolished, let alone turmoil, otherwise Chuyue Kingdom will be in danger!"

The conservative forces are still strong.

And accounted for the vast majority.

The nobles in Jiangling basically disappeared, but when they arrived in Jinling City, it was the local nobles of Yangzhou who entered the court.

Looking at the noisy officials.

Xiong Han was so angry that he slapped the dragon case in front of him hard!

The front of the hall suddenly fell silent.

Both the old and the new factions lowered their heads at the same time, and then quietly glanced at Xiong Han.

Xiong Han didn't bother to look at these people, but cast his eyes on the three Patriarchs of Zhao, Sun and Gou.

The three families followed him all the way from Jiangling, and all matters were handled by the three.

Among the three families, the Zhao family is the strongest and the leader.

Without the Qu and Jing clans, Zhao became a unique existence.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the empire needs to become stronger, there is no doubt that while boldly employing new recruits, it also needs to maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

Newcomers can use it, but they can't increase it too much at once, which is not conducive to their struggle.

People's hearts are desires, and the gaps are difficult to fill. "

"The stability of the empire requires lords, this is the cornerstone that cannot be moved lightly.

Reform is also imperative. It can be piloted and implemented in some enlightened lands where the monarchy is entrusted. As long as their interests remain unchanged, I believe everyone will support the reform of the imperial court. "

After hearing the words of the Patriarch of the Zhao family, everyone nodded.

It is worthy of being one of the three kingdoms of the empire.

The level of speaking is high, and the handling of problems is more reasonable.

Xiong Han's anger also calmed down, and he asked: "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I'll wait for the second!"

Hundreds of officials replied one after another.

This is a workaround.

Satisfied on both sides.

It's hard to say if it's just the actual operation of implementing it.

It is estimated that the conservatives still have the upper hand.

Xiong Han doesn't care about this, Renyang Xinjun still can't see through many things.

How do you know the dirty thoughts in the hearts of the courtiers.

So he waved his hand and said happily: "Okay, it's rare that all the ministers agree, then follow what Zhao Aiqing said!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Baiguan suddenly replied.


The capital of Wei State!

"Bastard, Da Zhou has openly attacked our city!"

"Your Majesty, I really can't bear it this time. Da Zhou is too messy and lawless. He doesn't take us seriously!"

"Your Majesty, let's issue a mobilization order, call the soldiers from all over the country to fight, and fight to the death with the Great Monday."

In the court of Wei State, there was a sound of calling for war and asking for war.

Da Zhou swallowed up the whole Beishi, destroying more than [-] soldiers and horses, it is simply deceiving people too much.

Wei Huang Wei Zeng also had a gloomy face, why didn't he want to shout.

It's just that the current situation is not favorable to Wei Guo.

With the loss of more than [-] troops, the strength of Wei State did not rise but fell.

It's too bad to send troops, money and effort if you don't get anything good.

"Okay, let's put it on hold for now, the Beidai country is the focus of our great Wei country." Wei Zeng glanced at the officials below and said:
"I heard that the Zhou army has entered the Beidai kingdom. Can our soldiers defeat them and take the Beidai back completely?"

, Asked about this, all the officials looked at the people in the Ministry of War.

The faces of the people in the Ministry of War are a little strange.

"Your Majesty, the war in the Northern Dynasties is rotten and stalemate. At the same time, our army has to face the Zhou Army, the Northern Stone Army, and the Northern Dynasties, so..."

"If I give you another [-] troops, can you end the war before the coldest year?" Wei Zeng asked impatiently.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War stood up and said: "I will never die too late. If the war in the Northern Dynasties cannot be resolved before the Great Cold, I will die on the battlefield, and I will definitely not dare to come back to meet Your Majesty!"

"Okay! That's it. The Ministry of Households is adding 15 soldiers to the Ministry of War. No, give them [-]." Wei Zeng gritted his teeth and simply added another [-].

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


After solving the Beishi country, Dazhou has the richest source of coal mines and iron ore.

And this time there is no need to pay.

The output of coal and iron can be doubled several times.

Let Da Zhou's light and heavy industries start to accelerate.

The steady stream of steel blood will be activated.

After capturing Jinyang, Ye Qing directly asked Yue Fei to lead the Kaiyang Army to sit in Bingzhou.

Huo Qubing guarded Tianjing Pass and temporarily assisted Yue Fei and Zhang Liao in defending Bingzhou.

As for the direction of Beidaiguo, Xue Rengui will be fully responsible.

Don't worry about it at all.

The gains and losses of the Northern Dynasties have no effect on the Great Zhou.

Ye Qing mainly wanted to use the land of Beidai to consume Wei's limited resources and energy.

Soon Ye Qing returned to Chang'an.

The first time I came back, I went to Zhao Feiyan's place.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Ye Qing appear, Zhao Feiyan threw herself into Ye Qing's arms.

The Zhao family is gone.

She has no relatives.

Now the only relatives are Ye Qing and the child who is about to be born.

Ye Qing hugged her and patted her lightly: "It's okay, everything is over, I'm here, it's okay, don't be afraid."

"En!" Zhao Feiyan is a very strong woman.

But at this moment there was a shoulder, and finally couldn't help crying out.

Till I get tired of crying.

Only then did Ye Qing carry him back to the bedroom.

Put it on the bed.

He held Zhao Feiyan's jade hand tightly.

"Your Majesty, do you think we are boys or girls?"

Ye Qing said: "Do you want a boy or a girl!"

"Boy!" Zhao Feiyan said directly:
"Your Majesty, I hope our children can inherit something in Beishi Old Land?"

Beishi will die, but the Zhao family of Beishi cannot die.

As the daughter of the Zong family, Zhao Feiyan felt that she had to do something for the Zhao family.

How clever Ye Qing was, he knew Zhao Feiyan's intentions instantly.

After thinking about it:

"How about this, if we have a boy, the first boy will be named Zhao and named King Beishi."

"Your Majesty..." Zhao Feiyan's eyes sparkled with crystal light.

His voice was also choked up, and he held Ye Qing's hand even harder.

After pursing her lips for a long time, she said: "Your Majesty, thank you, it's great to have you!"

Ye Qing caressed Zhao Feiyan's face gently:

"Go to sleep, everything will get better after you sleep, let him pass the past, tomorrow will be better, and the sun will be brighter tomorrow."

Ye Qing stayed with Zhao Feiyan for the next few days.

Because the imperial doctor told Ye Qing that Zhao Feiyan was in labor during this time.

At dawn seven days later.

Zhao Feiyan was born.

Just now the first ray came from the east.

There was the sound of a baby crying in the delivery room.

Soon the midwife came out to report her love and said:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, Zhao Jieyu gave birth to a dragon son, which weighs about two catties."

Dragon again!

All the officials celebrated.

The more Ye Qing's offspring, the more hopeful Da Zhou will be.

Ye Qing gazed at the rising sun in the east, and said with half-eyes:

"Decree, this son follows his mother's concubine's surname Zhao, named Ming, and will be named King of Beishi; Zhao Jieyu will also be named Concubine Rong!"

(End of this chapter)

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