I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 793? Discussion at the annual meeting

Chapter 793 Discussion at the annual meeting
Surnamed Zhao!

North Stone King!
The meaning is unusual.

Everyone can't help but think about it.

The mother and concubine belong to the Beishi royal family.

What is His Majesty planning?
Is it simply to accept the hearts of the people of Beishi?

People don't know.

In short, Zhao Feiyan was very happy when she found out.

When the people in Beishi heard about it, they were also very happy.

Their emperor is gone, but a new king is ushered in.

One month later, the Great Cold comes.

It snowed in the north for three days and three nights.

The earth is covered with thick white.

The war in Beidai country also immediately pressed the pause button.

The soldiers of the Xuanwu Army of the Great Zhou retreated back to Bingzhou one after another.

The Wei army gathered heavy troops, and they were still fighting to the death in the stronghold of Beidai Kingdom.

Whether it is supplies or soldiers and horses, there is nothing missing.

Taking advantage of the cessation of wars in the world, Ye Qing transferred the main guards from all over the country to have a meeting for the New Year.

At the eating and drinking conference years ago, Teten Teng set up a hot pot.

Inside the hall, the main civil and military personnel gathered together.

The hall is full.

"My lords, after these years of struggle, we have come all the way from Xiaoyao Mansion, dominated the Great Zhou, and led the Great Zhou to carry forward the past and achieve immortal feats." Ye Qing stood up, raised his wine glass and said:
"My Great Zhou has doubled in size. It can be said that the meritorious officials have contributed a lot, and I would like to offer you a toast."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up one after another and hurriedly drank the wine in their glasses.

"Sit!" Ye Qing signaled everyone to sit down, but he still stood and said:

"During the ups and downs, Dazhou is not easy. Our Dazhou's ambition is to wipe out the Kanto countries and become a unique oriental country.

I want you to follow and lead all the people in the east to embark on a road of prosperity and live a prosperous life.

To build a beautiful country that everyone is in awe of and yearns for, I believe that as long as we have a reasonable plan and put it into action, we will succeed in the end! "

"It's His Majesty, with His Majesty here, everything will come true!" Everyone praised in unison.

Ye Qing filled himself with wine again, raised his glass again and said:
"Next, we talked while eating. Today is a rare gathering for everyone to get to know each other. You are all loyal and brave people of my great week, and you are all talents of my great week. You should be united.

There may not be many such opportunities in the future. I hope that people can get to know each other and cooperate together for the great week! "

Everyone stood up one after another, raised their glasses at the same time, swept around, and nodded to everyone.

Here are the core civil and military forces of the empire.

In charge of all the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou and government affairs.

Each counts.

Without anyone, the big week will not run smoothly.

No one can underestimate anyone.

"Okay, let's all sit down, let's talk about the next year, or even, the direction of my big week's development in the next few years while eating hot pot!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Then everyone started talking freely while eating hot pot.

"Your Majesty! Since our focus is on Kanto, I think we should start from Bingzhou first, go east to Wei State, and destroy Wei State." Xue Rengui took a piece of beef, dipped it in sauce, and ate it in one bite.

The soldiers of the Kaiyang Group Army and Huo Qubing of the Shangdang New Army all agreed.

No way, they are all in Bingzhou.

They must be the main force to fight Wei Guo first.

There is no one who does not support Xue Rengui's proposal.

Ye Qing didn't express his opinion.

It was Han Xin of the Qinglong Army who stood up and said, "Your Majesty, according to Yichen, South Korea should be dealt with first. If we can eat South Korea, we can extend our power directly to the Bohai Sea.

In the future, no matter whether it is fighting Wei with Bingzhou.

It is extremely convenient to attack Chuyue Kingdom with the army of Yuzhou and Jingzhou.

Or if they fight against Northern Qi, they also have a chance. "

After finishing speaking, Han Xin took a sip of the wine in his glass.

Let out a refreshing sound.

Chang Yuchun stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think Marshal Han's words are justified. If you attack South Korea first, you can become the hegemony, and you can wipe out all the countries in the Kanto region in the shortest time!"

After Chang Yuchun finished speaking, Lu Xun stood up: "Vice Marshal Chang, you are a bit biased. You are a member of the Qinglong Army, so naturally you are helping Marshal Han to speak, everyone thinks so!"

Everyone booed one after another: "That's right, that's right, Chang Yuchun, your words don't count!"

"Little Luzi makes sense!"

Little Luzi!Lu Xun was about to cry.

Lu Xun quickly stated:

"In my opinion, Chuyue Kingdom should be attacked first. Although Chuyue Kingdom has lost Jingzhou and Runan, they still have Yangzhou and the territory of the original Donghai Kingdom.

The strength is still not weak, the products are rich, and there are many soldiers.

If you let them recover some vitality, it will be difficult to fight in the future! "

"Hey, Lu Xun, you're also biased, and you actually help yourself with work." Chang Yuchun raised his glass to Lu Xun, and then he was bored.

Lu Xun moved his throat.

Just as he was about to pay back, Di Qing stood up and pressed Lu Xun's shoulder, and said to the crowd with a smile:

"We have just obtained the information of Jinling that the Chuyue Kingdom is reforming, and intends to learn from my Great Zhou, trying to start with military, politics, economy, and culture.

If they want to change their ways and try to become stronger, if they succeed, even if it is half done, the strength of Chuyue Kingdom will be doubled.

If we don't take advantage of its weakness and solve the Chuyue Kingdom in one fell swoop, it will definitely become an obstacle for us to sweep the Kanto in the future. "

Everyone turned their attention to Li Ru and Yu Huatian.

Jin Yiwei is the leader of intelligence.

Yu Huatian stood up and said: "Marshal Di is telling the truth, Chuyue Kingdom really wants to reform and become stronger.

However, their new king does not have the courage and ability of our Majesty.

The new imperial court in Jinling also had internal struggles between old and new factions.

The reforms are quite modest and have not had any effect yet. "

Cheng Yaojin stood up and asked, "Old Yu, just tell me whether the reform of Chuyue Kingdom can be successful! Grandma, if their reform can be successful, I will support the Suzaku Army to attack Yangzhou first!"

Yu Huatian thought for a while and replied: "The probability of failure is very high, success only accounts for [-]%!"

Only [-]%.

The odds are indeed small.

An activist like Cheng Yaojin sat down immediately.

Others didn't speak indiscriminately, Ye Qing looked at the generals of the Yaoguang Army and Tanlang (Tianshu) Army.

Luo Chengdao: "Your Majesty, I think what Rengui said makes sense. First go north and then go south, and deal with the north bank of the Yellow River, strike while the iron is hot!"

Wang Jian said: "I think it is feasible for the Suzaku Army to break through first, Chuyue Kingdom has already realized its own problems.

There are some dangers with such a potential adversary.

The Suzaku Army can borrow the navy of the Tianji Army to go eastward along the river, capture Yangzhou, destroy the new court of the Chuyue Kingdom, and completely solve the problem in the southeast corner. "

The generals insisted on their own opinions.

Ye Qing looked at the civil servants and counselors.

Du Ruhui first said: "Your Majesty, actually, I just want to know, after the Suzaku Army captured Yangzhou, what new problems will our Great Zhou face? Will there be any new enemies?"

"Where is the south of Yangzhou, and what country is it; where is the east of Yangzhou? What enemies are there? Will it threaten our rule of Yangzhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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