Chapter 794

Du Ruhui's words immediately reminded everyone.

It brought the people who were vying for the right to start the war to a more realistic issue.

Ye Qing looked at Li Ru and Guo Jia: "Wen You, please tell Feng Xiao!"

Li Ru gestured to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia stood up and said, "That's for me to say, after all, there are some things about Wenyou's Jinyiwei that cannot be announced!"

"According to Jin Yiwei and the map I collected in the direction of Chuyue Kingdom and the news revealed by the people of Chuyue Kingdom in Yangzhou area.

In the south of Yangzhou, in the mountains to the sea, there are all Nanyue people.

It is called Shanyue by the people of Chuyue country. "

"Keep going south, and across the sea, there is a large island named Yizhou. Yizhou is as big as its name, almost as wide as our state in the Central Plains, and there are countless people on it.

How exactly remains to be seen. "

"However, as long as we don't go to sea and attack Yizhou in the south, there should be no conflicts or wars with it. So Yizhou will not affect our use of troops and rule over Yangzhou!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, even Zhou Yu, who was mainly in the navy, had nothing to interrupt.

The navy is just rampant on the river.

The sea has not yet been wiped.

Then Guo Jia said: "The east of Yangzhou is full of sea, and the southeast of the sea is the island country of Liuli. The country is only a few counties, but the sea area is huge.

In the northeast of Liuli, there is the island country Waguo, which is as large as one state, and consists of three main islands, one sub-island, and thousands of small islands.

Its country and its people are tough and brutal, but their national strength is not strong, and they are good at water warfare, which will not affect our attack and annexation of Yangzhou.

However, it is necessary to prevent the Chuyue Kingdom from inviting the troops of the Liuli Kingdom and the Wa Kingdom to help. After all, they all have naval forces, which is convenient for communication. "

"In this way, after attacking Chuyue Kingdom and taking Yangzhou, we still need to beware of Liuli Kingdom and Wa Kingdom's attack from the sea, and we need to deploy a certain amount of troops along the coast and at the mouth of the river." Du Ruhui bowed to Ye Qing and said:
"Your Majesty, I think we can stop attacking Chuyue Kingdom for the time being. We should train more naval forces and increase our troops to prepare for coastal defense in the future."

Ye Qing looked at the others.

Xun You stood up and said, "According to Mr. Du, attacking Wei State is also an unacceptable strategy at this stage.

Because there are Xianbei and Liao, Jin and other barbarians in the north of Wei State, the east of Wei State is also the sea, and there are people of Goguryeo and Sanhan on the other side of the Bohai Sea.

In this way, once Wei is conquered, I will face more enemies in Zhou Dynasty, and I will need more soldiers and horses in the north and east. "

Xun You is the military adviser of the Qinglong Army.

The subtext of this statement is that the central region is blooming, and South Korea will be the main focus first.

This is to help Han Xin.

Everyone has selfishness!
Although both serve the empire, it is essential to strive for merit and fight for battle.

Within the limits of the security of the empire.

There is nothing wrong with striving for reasonable interests for the various armies.

Xue Rengui coughed and said:

"The barbarians in the north are easy to fight. As long as Wei is conquered, the enemy in the north can be taken care of by our Xuanwu Army, and the mainland of Wei and the east can be taken care of by the Kaiyang Army. There is no problem at all."

"And we have what the grassland tribes need. We can benefit from each other without going to war, and we can live in harmony for the time being!"

As the northern army, Xue Rengui can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb.

His Xuanwu Army has been playing cooperatively, and has never really been the protagonist.

After all, all parties and armies have made great contributions, but he became a passerby.

If you don't fight for it, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army should make trouble.

This time it was very lively.

The north, south and middle three roads all compete for interests.

They all want to do the first shot of the coming year.

Ye Qing still didn't make a statement, and still looked at the civil servant.

Shang Yang stood up and said: "General, Zhang Shangshu, can our soldiers and horses support the three forces to advance together? Can our food and grass support at least 30 troops to move at the same time?"

Legalism never favors any side, it is fair, just and open.

If Da Zhou is strong enough and rich enough.

Why not fight Wei, South Korea, and Chuyue at the same time.

The three countries have all been defeated by the Great Zhou, and they are bound to form an alliance secretly.

Whichever country is attacked, the other two countries will secretly support it.

Simply destroy the Three Kingdoms at once.

If it was in the past, Shang Yang would never have had such arrogance and would not have dared to have such extravagant hopes.

But now in Dazhou, the country's territory has more than tripled.

The population also more than tripled.

National power and financial resources have greatly increased.

Good development in all aspects.

It's not that you can't go to war with the Three Kingdoms at the same time.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Shang Yang's words.

Fight the Three Kingdoms at the same time, and march on the three routes at the same time.

How dare you think about this.

Bai Qi and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other.

Then Bai Qi stood up and said:

"Soldiers and horses are enough, but because the newly received land is too big and needs soldiers and horses to guard, it is not appropriate to deploy too many soldiers and horses to the front line in a short time.

What I mean is that I still live on stability. The most important thing in my big week is time. After I have digested the occupied space, I will move forward and it will be smoother! "

"Furthermore, the road to Bashu and the straight road to Shuo Prefecture have not yet been completely connected, and it will take time. When these two roads are completed, we can mobilize more soldiers and people to move towards the east."

Zhang Juzheng also said:
"With our current money and material resources, we can support 40 troops to operate simultaneously for half a year, but I don't recommend attacking the three countries at the same time, because the transportation in the occupied land is not perfect, the legal system is not perfect, and the land reform has only just started. start.

The people's sense of belonging has not yet come up, and now to recruit money, food and soldiers will easily cause the resentment of the people in the newly acquired land, which is not conducive to our future management! "

"So, just pretend I didn't mention it!" Shang Yang nodded and sat down.

With the expansion of the empire, there are too many new lands.

The aftermath is the hardest.

It is not difficult to seize the new land, but the difficulty is governance.

Zhang Liang stood up and said: "What Shang Yang said is nothing more than worrying about the Triple Alliance, attacking one country and the other two countries will support it. So in order to avoid the Triple Alliance and form a unification, and to avoid some troubles in the future, I think we can fight in the north and the south. Harassing advances to involve the energy of Wei State and Chu Yue State.

Then the main force is to break through South Korea. Once South Korea is destroyed, the Triple Alliance will collapse.

Because South Korea is the key linking Wei State and Chuyue State.

Without South Korea, the relationship between Wei State and Chuyue State will exist in name only, and the two countries will not be able to produce substantive things! "

Zhang Liang's words pointed out the direction.


The Triple Alliance, South Korea is the key.

Without South Korea, Wei State and Chuyue State were separated by the Great Zhou in the north and south.

There is no chance to unite.

After all, the communication is not smooth, and there is no cooperation to talk about.

"Your Majesty, I also think it's better to fight South Korea first!"

"Your Majesty, it will be more convenient to take down South Korea, whether it is Wei or Chuyue, I agree!"

Ye Qing saw that everyone agreed to fight South Korea first.

I picked up a handful of tripe, swished it, and then I bit into it after it was stained with the ingredients.

"What excuse do you want to use to fight South Korea?"

(End of this chapter)

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