I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 795 The telegram is completed, and the big week is prosperous

Chapter 795 The telegram is completed, and the big week is prosperous

What an excuse!

South Korea signed a treaty with Da Zhou Yijing, and it is really unreasonable to attack South Korea for no reason.

After all, the teacher is unknown, so it is difficult to win the hearts of the Korean people.

"If you don't have a good excuse, just wait and discuss this matter before next autumn. Before that, my main focus will be on developing the country's economy and people's livelihood, and the main focus will be on building roads to improve the lives of people in Xindi. .”

"Only if these people can deeply understand that they can live a better life and have a future after entering our Great Zhou Dynasty. The old land of the Three Kingdoms doesn't need to be beaten, and the people will give it to us."

Everyone stood up one after another: "Your Majesty, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, and my Da Zhou will definitely win the support of people from all over the East!"

Next, Ye Qing discussed other matters with everyone.

After the Lantern Festival, Ye Qingchuan's goalkeeper Zhang Qian came over.

"Zhang Aiqing, going to the Western Regions is a heavy responsibility, you must be careful." After much deliberation, Ye Qing finally sent Zhang Qian out.

Although he is a master of rivers and lakes, he sent countless people to the western regions to collect information.

But to establish contact with the western countries in the Western Regions, envoys from the sect are still needed.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Qian is the most suitable candidate.

Zhang Qian said: "It's Your Majesty, I must take a good look at the Western Regions for Your Majesty, and prepare for my advance to the West after the New Year's Day!"

This was a secret mission, and Ye Qing didn't make any fanfare.

After all, there is still a powerful country like Tuyuhun in the Hexi Corridor.

And the attitude started to drift again.

If the two countries were to know about Da Zhou's ambitions, they would certainly obstruct them, which would be detrimental to Zhang Qian's actions.

After Zhang Qian left, Ye Qing organized manpower to focus on digesting electromagnetic, telegraph, and battery power technologies.

Hope to focus on breaking through the telegram aspect.

In order to be applied to the communication earlier.

After half a year of continuous experimentation, on this day, Ou Yezi who was in charge of the matter ran over:

"Your Majesty, it's done, it's done!"

Ye Qing immediately put down the imperial pen, with a happy expression on his face, and asked: "Which one is convenient!"

"Your Majesty, the motor is finished. We used the new motor to send a telegram. We could receive the signal ten miles away and translated it accurately. The telegram has also been completed!" Ou Yezi looked excited. road:

"Your Majesty, as long as the wire is long enough, it's not impossible to transmit sound over thousands of miles!"

"Okay! Let's go, take me to have a look!" The telegraph machine was done, Ye Qing didn't have the thought to correct the memorial.

Go directly to the test site.

Soon through the telegraph, a sentence written by Ye Qingxin was sent back.

A fast horse went out of town, and then went to the other end to fetch such a receipt and reply slip.

On this side, Ye Qingneng quickly received a reply from the other party.

That's right.

After a while, Kuai Ma came back and handed the two pieces of paper to Ye Qing.

After reading it, it turns out that the command sent here is the same as the reply received.

Ye Qing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "The decree is to reward all those who participated, and at the same time reward those who have made great contributions. Anyone who participates in research, contributes ideas, or can innovate will be given an official position. In the future, we will continue to research and develop telegraphs, electricity, and electromagnetics." In this regard."

"Establish the Telegraph Department, which is independent from other ministries."

"Pass the decree, ask the Ministry of Households to allocate funds, ask the Ministry of National Defense to send troops to protect, ask the Ministry of Industry to erect wires and poles, and ask the Propaganda Department to send good sons and daughters to support the Telegraph Department!"

Following an order, Da Zhou Shuang launched a new theory of change.

This time communication will usher in an unprecedented reform.

The newly established Telegraph Department asks for money and gives people, and the Ministry of National Defense sends people to protect it.

Set up a telegraph picket team to patrol all over the country to protect poles and wires!

The Fang Department of the Ministry of Industry, on the one hand, has to help with the laying, and on the other hand, it has to let the factory produce the telegraph wires that pass through the door.

A month later, it began to radiate from Chang'an and set up wires to various places.

The state capitals of each state and county have priority in setting up telegraph departments.

In order to facilitate Chang'an's order to be sent to the place in time and quickly, especially the military headquarters of the various group armies on the front line.

When the military departments received the news from Chang'an by telegram, they were all horrified.

The communication with Chang'an no longer needs to run on a fast horse for days and nights.

It only takes a few people to cooperate with the simple operation, and you can receive the distant Chang'an command if you don't use it for a moment.

And give a reply.

This efficiency is simply not too fast.

The commanders of the various armies all admired.


"With this thing, we can easily communicate with Chang'an when we send out something in Yizhou, and we don't have to worry about the message being delivered late!" Wang Jian said with emotion:

"This is more important than building roads through Bashu, we can get His Majesty's instructions immediately.

The empire can also send aid at the first time and be our backing! "


"It would be even better if this thing can be loaded on a warship, so that it can go far away!"

"Don't be too greedy, Gongjin. This thing uses wires to transmit signals. If there are no wires, how can it transmit messages!"

"It's hard to say, maybe Ou Yezi and the others can develop wireless technology? The empire's technology is advancing rapidly, and it will be realized one day. At that time, we will be able to communicate with His Majesty when we sail out to sea. It’s really all my big week!”

Los Angeles!

"Marshal, as soon as this thing comes out, the status of our capital in Luoyang does not seem to be so important."

"That's right, the news is fast, so we Luoyang can only be used as a second-class companion capital hoarding food, grass and troops!"

Han Xin glanced at everyone coldly:

"The reason why the accompanying capital is called the accompanying capital is that it is a foil, and it should not be compared to Chang'an at any time.

And in the future, there will not be only one companion, Changan is the main one, we are the deputy, and the remote control guides each companion to radiate around. This is the best model for my big week! "

"There is no need to talk about it, just do your own thing. The autumn harvest will soon be over. After the autumn harvest is over, we should think about how to attack South Korea and how to get a suitable excuse from South Korea to send troops!"


"This item is not bad, for soldiers stationed on the frontier, it is an artifact.

Once there is a change in the frontier, Chang'an will be able to receive news immediately. Even if one day our Tanlang Group Army Bingfeng is not as strong as it is now, Chang'an will know immediately if there is any disturbance on the grassland, and can immediately send troops and supplies through the straight road come over.

In the future, our northern frontier will be more stable, for ten thousand years! "

Hexi Governor's Mansion!
"Okay, this thing is an artifact, with this thing, we can deal with the problem more conveniently in the Wanli Hexi Corridor.

In the future, even if you go through the vast yellow sand and go to the Western Regions, you can immediately know the situation in the Western Regions, instead of running on a fast horse for more than ten years.

It is hopeful to advance westward, and the unification of the East is no longer a dream! "


Xiliang Palace!

Ye Yu's hands were shaking.

"The sixth younger brother is indeed the most suitable person to inherit the throne in my Dazhou. In his hands, he can always invent these magical artifacts that benefit the country. Now my Ye family's world is more stable."

"Father and the others can rest in peace this time, the prosperity of the Great Zhou is unstoppable!"

(End of this chapter)

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