I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 796 Cooperation between Turks and Xianbei

Chapter 796 Cooperation between Turks and Xianbei

In just two months, the erection of telegraphs in various places in Dazhou was completed.

All over the country are also entering the autumn harvest.

Harvest the harvest of the year into the warehouse.

Statistics from the Ministry of Accounts.

The abundance of money and food in Dazhou was enough to support a year of battle of 40 people.

The Ministry of War has also increased its troops and expanded its army for a year, as well as strengthened its governance and jurisdiction over various places.

Law and order in various places has improved significantly.

Dissidents were either eradicated, or they lost their soil because of the good harvest.

after all.

For ordinary people, they can eat enough, wear warmth and have a house to live in.

This is a good life, and there will be no trouble.

Only those nobles who lost power like to rebel and make trouble.

The Criminal Department of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Propaganda Department continued to popularize the law.

This made Dazhou's policy of benefiting the people to treat everyone equally, which was thoroughly implanted in the hearts of the people.

This year, the imperial examination was successfully held again.

More poor families and civilians entered the officialdom.

Send fresh blood to Da Zhou.

Schools all over the country are making preparations one after another, and bookstores everywhere are opening.

More literacy teams went to the countryside and went to the mountains, bringing to all the people a real, tangible, visible and tangible existence.

Therefore, whether it is the old land of Dazhou or the new land, they are all extremely stable.

Most of the people accepted such a big week.

Willing to be a Zhou person.


"Your Majesty, the Luoyang side just sent a telegram! The Qinglong Group Army suggested using the Donghai Kingdom as a breakthrough point, and let the Donghai Kingdom ask South Korea to return Donghai County and Pengcheng County."

"Because we are allies with the East China Sea State, we can justifiably send troops to attack South Korea!"

Guo Jia sent the telegram from Luoyang to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing didn't even look at it and said:

"Not advisable, the East China Sea is the East China Sea country, although it is our ally, we can reprimand South Korea for returning the land of the East China Sea country, but we cannot use it as a righteous cause to send troops.

And once South Korea agrees, we will have no reason to send troops, but it will be difficult to take Donghai and Pengcheng counties in the future. "

Making a wedding dress for the East China Sea country, this kind of thing cannot be done.

Guo Jia then handed over another telegram: "Your Majesty, this is from Shuozhou and Bingzhou.

Our spies in the grassland found that the Turks and the Xianbei seem to be preparing to cooperate and want to jointly attack the northern border of our country in the south! "

"By the way, the envoy from the Liao Kingdom has just arrived at Yanmen, saying that he wants to talk to us about the affairs of the Wei Kingdom!" Guo Jia analyzed:

"The Liao Kingdom may want to attack the Wei Kingdom with us, and the Liao Army wants to go south!"

Ye Qing calmed down, stood up, and walked towards the big sand table.

This sand table includes more than a dozen countries around Da Zhou.

Ye Qing's eyes focused on the northeast of Wei State.

It is the section from the south of the Wanli Yanshan Mountains to the sea.

There is a longer strip here.

The terrain is flat and unobstructed.

There is only one pass at the border between the original Ji Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom.

The north-south city of this pass is very long and needs heavy guards.

This pass is sandwiched between mountains and seas, so it was named Shanhaiguan.

Kanto is the territory of the Liao State, and Kanxi is the State of Wei.

If the Liao Kingdom wanted to come in, it could only attack Shanhaiguan.

Once entering from this pass, the cavalry of the Liao Kingdom can drive straight in, all the way south, until they reach the Yellow River.

"The ambition of the Liao Kingdom is not small!" Ye Qing said:

"Do you think we can talk?"

Cooperating with Liao can speed up the attack on Wei.

Guo Jiadao: "Rationality tells us that we cannot cooperate with Liao, Shanhaiguan must be controlled by our Central Plains army.

If there is a mistake in this pass, even if we take Wei Di in the future, it will bring endless disasters. "

"But feelings tell us that we can cooperate. If Liao attacks Wei, on the one hand, it will be able to contain a large number of Wei troops.

On the other hand, we can also take advantage of the status of the barbarians of the Liao army to make it easier for us to take over the Wei army and the people of Wei. "

"As for Shanhaiguan in his hands, in fact, based on our army's elite cavalry and our army's siege capabilities, Shanhaiguan can be captured at any time, and we are not afraid of the Liao army!"

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and then took his eyes out of the sand table.

"So, then don't have any substantive things with the Liao Kingdom. They can cooperate if they want to. Anyway, we won't have any support for each other.

He hits them, I hit ours, there is no need to have a deep discussion with them, let alone form an agreement to sign a document! "

Barbarians are barbarians after all.

Although Wei State is an enemy country, it has the same origin.

The same genes are in the blood.

Ye Qing is not interested in cooperating with a group of barbarians, fighting in the same room.

"It's Your Majesty, we will pay attention to this!" Guo Jia was not surprised. The Kanto countries, like the Great Zhou, belonged to the Central Plains cultural circle and blood circle.

They are not the same people as the barbarians in the north.

"Let's talk about the Xianbei and Turkic affairs. How did these two countries get together? They still want to rob my Great Zhou together. I'm getting impatient." Ye Qing said:

"Is that auspicious person anxious to completely disappear the Turks from the map?"

Guo Jia explained:
"My lord, according to the news from the northern spies and the caravan, the environment in Xianbei has become more severe this year, and they need to reduce their population to survive the winter.

However, Turkic Qing lost the land south of Yinshan Mountain, and survival was even more difficult, so he took the initiative to find Xianbei, and then he would gather all the troops to attack Shuozhou and Bingzhou from Yunzhong and other places as breakthrough points! "

"Well, how many soldiers and horses can Xianbei and Turks use?" Ye Qing asked.

If there are too many, Da Zhou will not be able to start a war in the east, and the main energy should be focused on these two nomadic countries.

Without a truly peaceful environment in northern Xinjiang, large-scale use of force in the east is not appropriate.

Guo Jia thought for a while and replied: "The Turks should be able to raise 15 to 20 soldiers; if Xianbei, they can still raise about [-]!"

It turned out that there would be more Xianbei, but they were taught a lesson by Beishi Kingdom, and [-] people were killed or injured.

So now I can still spend 20 yuan, which shows that Xianbei's family background is also quite strong.

Add up to no more than 35.

The Tanlang Group Army is only [-], and the Xuanwu Group Army is only [-], a total of [-] soldiers and horses.

It seems that some are missing.

"There are quite a few soldiers and horses here. It seems that the two countries want to play big!" Ye Qing half-closed his eyes, and his pupils began to glow coldly.

Walking back to the dragon chair, he tapped his index finger on the table.

"The two countries seem to know that we want to take action against the Guanzhong Three Kingdoms, thinking that they can take the opportunity to go south and grab a good one, but their wishful thinking is going to be wrong!"

Ye Qing's mind was full of maps, and he was about to make an order.

At this moment, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Ding! The masters, Turkic and Xianbei, want to know that He Jin of the Great Zhou will use force against Wei to attack Shuozhou and Bingzhou. They are willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward. Will they sell it?"

"Ding! Master Liao wants to know whether Da Zhou has the final plan to destroy Wei, so that he can cooperate and swallow Wei's land. He is willing to spend [-] taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

(End of this chapter)

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