I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 797 Wang Xuance Jiumozhi

Chapter 797 Wang Xuance Jiumozhi

Sure enough, they wanted to get involved in this matter!
Turks cooperated with Xianbei.

Liao State wanted to eat Wei State and entered Shanhaiguan.

"Ding! Master, Tubo wants to know the real relationship between Dazhou and Yuezhi, so as to measure the cooperation with Tuyuhun, so that if he goes east to attack Yuezhi, he is willing to spend 100 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it?"

How did this plateau native come out.

The kingdom of Tubo is located in the west of Yuezhi, in the northwest of Liangzhou, and in the northern plateau mountains of Yizhou.

In the land of Tubo, the ice and snow do not melt all year round, the mountains are high and lack oxygen, and the crops are scarce.

The country is poor but the folk customs are fierce, and it belongs to an uncivilized land.

There is no communication with other ethnic groups.

The language barrier has always been the same as the well water does not violate the river water.

Now there is a sudden change.

But when he saw the word Tuyuhun, Ye Qing understood everything.

It turned out that Tuyuhun was doing something.

The friction between Tuyuhun and the Hexi Governor's Mansion has never stopped.

The armies of the two countries have always fought in small groups outside.

Tuyuhun wanted to go east, but Da Zhou's strength was constantly increasing in Hexi.

The strategic intention of Tuyuhun has been unable to be achieved.

Tuyuhun naturally needed to find a breakthrough.

The Yuezhi was one of the most staunch allies of the Great Zhou in Hexi, so Tuyuhun thought of luring Tubo to go down to the plateau and attack the Yuezhi.

Then let Da Zhou focus on Tubo, thereby weakening the strength of the Hexi Dudu Mansion.

It's so convenient to fish in muddy waters.

Ye Qing thought for a while, and then said: "System, all three messages are sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 202880 taels of silver, and 3 chances to draw prizes!"

Tubo is relatively poor, only 100 taels of silver, and the handling fee is only 80 taels.

Ye Qing laughed helplessly.

This is really picky.

"System, draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing said directly.

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing the general card."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing the martial arts character card."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for getting the Famous Official Card!"

Very common card.

Ye Qing said again: "System, use cards!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the military general card and obtaining the Great Tang King Xuance (fourth grade)!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card to obtain "Tianlong Babu" Jiumozhi (sixth grade)!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the Famous Official Card and getting the Great Ming Yuqian!"

Wang Xuance is a genius!

One man and one horse, with borrowed troops, overthrew a certain seal.

The strength of the fourth rank is not low.

It belongs to the senior general level.

Jiumozhi is the big villain in Tianlong Babu, known as the Great Wheel King.

His martial arts are extremely high, he is proud all his life, he is extremely intelligent, and he has a photographic memory.Obsessed with martial arts, fanatical pursuit of supreme martial arts.

And it also comes from Buddhism.

It is a place suitable for plateaus such as Tubo.

Yu Qian is the pillar of the Ming Dynasty, the real supporter of the building.

"Very good, the three characters have their own characteristics and are suitable for different places!"

After synthesizing the three pieces of information, Ye Qing thought about it carefully before saying:

"Feng Xiao, arrange for the cabinet to discuss matters. This autumn, we will not move the Three Kingdoms of the East, and instead focus on dealing with the Turks and Xianbei.

At the same time deal with Tubo and Tuyuhun in the west. "

"Ah! Your Majesty, why did we suddenly shift our main attack direction?" Guo Jia was a little puzzled.

This doesn't seem right.

The annual meeting is not set to enter the three kingdoms of Kanto and continue to march, at least one country should be destroyed!

Dianhua said: "There is no hurry for the country in the east of the country, we should stabilize the northern and western borders first, so as not to give the barbarians any chance to take advantage of them.

If we have spare energy, we can launch a small-scale war against Wei and seize one or two counties! "

"Understood, it's Your Majesty, I'll do it now!"

That kind of sets the tone.

Da Zhou first attacked Wei Guo.

South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom were temporarily put on hold.

Soon everyone in the cabinet arrived.

The cabinet includes the Ministry of Defense, as well as people from other ministries, as well as non-official people.

"All the ministers have arrived, so I will mention a few points here first!" Ye Qing glanced at the crowd, and then said:
"The first point is that the Turks and the Xianbei will unite to go south, so our first goal is to eliminate these two countries and stabilize northern Xinjiang.

Secondly, Tuyuhun lured Tubo to go south, and wanted to harm Yuezhi, the barrier in the southwest of Hexi. "

"In the end, the heavy troops of Xin were in Bingzhou. Once the Xianbei and Turks were eliminated, they could go east and fight Wei. I don't want to eat up Wei.

Well, just these three points, you discuss a chapter, and those who should transfer troops should transfer troops, and those who should transfer money and food should transfer money and food! "

After listening to Ye Qing's explanation, everyone understood.

They began to discuss and calculate.

At the same time, the two directions are at war, and finally they will attack the State of Wei.

How many soldiers and horses should be transferred, and how much food should be transported.

These all need to be coordinated and calculated.

Which troops to transfer, in this regard, requires the Ministry of National Defense to give clear data.

Only in this way can we cooperate in a calm and orderly manner.

One day is enough time for these intelligent brains to complete the total. For the specific details, each department needs to go back and let the subordinates below make accurate calculations and reports.

Three days later, Da Zhou's war machine was in operation.

A branch of Jingwei began to be dispatched.

The four armies of Yaoguang, Tianji, Qinglong, and Suzaku all took the initiative to withdraw some troops from the front line in order to reduce the military conflict and pressure on the border.

"Yu Qian, you go to Bingzhou, serve as the governor of Bingzhou, and preside over the affairs of Bingzhou!"

"Wang Xuance, go to the Governor's Mansion in Hexi, and assist Wei Qing in dealing with the Tubo issue!"

"Jumozhi, you also go to the Hexi Governor's Mansion. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the plateau."

All three said: "It's Your Majesty!"

Soon Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi went to the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

Came to Wei Qing's place.

Wang Xuance said: "Captain, how is the situation on the Yuezhi side now? What do we need to do?"

Hearing this, Wei Qing knew that Wang Xuance was a person who did practical things.

Immediately said: "The situation of the Yue clan is not bad. Although Tubo has gone eastward, the road is difficult. I don't know how many mountain roads I have to turn on the way, turning around, and I have tossed and killed the population of the first floor.

It was too difficult to add supplies, so they suffered some losses on the Yuezhi border.

"Tubo has suffered a lot!" Wang Xuance was a little surprised.

When he came, he digested all the information about Hexi and others, and flipped through the book in his hand several times.

It is clear that the people of the Yuezhi country are relatively gentle and kind.

Not good at military affairs.

As a result, Tubo, known for its barbarism and fierceness, fell into the hands of Yuezhi.

Wei Qing patted Wang Xuance on the shoulder and said: "It's normal to suffer losses. These Tibetans live on the plateau all year round, and they fight fiercely on the plateau. We must have greatly reduced combat power when we go up. It is difficult to be their opponent.

In the same way, when they come down, they will also have some discomfort, and they will suffer at the beginning.

When they slow down for a while, they will soon become more fierce, and the Yue clan may not be able to defeat them there! "

(End of this chapter)

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