I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 798 Yuezhi's Touch

Chapter 798 Yuezhi's Touch

Altitude sickness, Wang Xuance also understands this.

I didn't expect this to be true.

"Then the Yue clan hasn't sent us a request for help?" Wang Xuance said:
"Then we have to be prepared, it may be too late when Yuezhi sends out a request for help!"

Wei Qing smiled and said: "Young man, don't worry, the Yueshi's defeat is not necessarily a bad thing, the Yueshi and Tubo's defeat is just what Tuyuhun wants to see.

The real goal of Tuyuhun is not to swallow up the land of the Yuezhi, but to weaken the Three Kingdoms of Dazhou, Yuezhi, and Tubo!
Whichever country's power is weakened the most, they will eventually fight that country. "

Tuyuhun still has this rogue style of warfare.

If you form an alliance with Tubo today, you may eat Tubo tomorrow.

This is too disrespectful of martial arts.

Wei Qing pointed to the hall and said:

"Tuyuhun is not our country in the Central Plains. They talk about morality and benevolence. These barbarians only talk about fists.

If you can smile with you today, you will lose face tomorrow, so don't be kind to them. "

"But it's because they are all like this, and I am different from Dazhou, so I can get the support of all ethnic groups and peoples in Hexi countries!"

This sounds confusing.

But with Wang Xuance's intelligence, these are not difficult to understand.

"Then Commander, our main target should still be Tuyuhun." Wang Xuance pondered for a while and said:

"Captain, can we contact Tubo and predict with him in advance, pointing out Tuyuhun's wolfish ambitions, once it comes true, we can use our strength!"


Wei Qing suddenly smiled, very kindly.

Young people just dare to think, just like Huo Qubing.

Bold and expressive!

"Keep talking!" Wei Qing said.

Wang Xuance said:

"Commander, Tuyuhun wants to swallow Tubo, but we can't let him do so, so we can help Tubo deal with Tubo.

After all, compared to Tuyuhun, we can't go to the land of Tubo, and it's useless to get it, but the land of Tuyuhun is of great use to us. "

"What do you want to do?" Wei Qing asked directly.

Wang Xuance said: "I want to go to Tubo once to find out the meaning of Tubo.

At the same time, as allies of the Yueshi, we should also stand up and mediate. We can't really wait for the Yueshi to be unable to hold back and speak out, otherwise there will be complaints in the Yueshi's heart.

We did it first, if we can't do it, it's because of one side, if I don't help Da Zhou, then the Yue Clan will be really defeated, and there will be no excuse to hate us. "

"Aren't you afraid that the Tubo barbarians will tear you apart?" Wei Qing joked.

Wang Xuance said: "Don't be afraid, the general's martial arts skills are not bad, and he is accompanied by Master Jiu, I believe Tubo can't hurt us!"

"Well, since you have some ideas, I won't stop you. Be careful in everything you do, and don't reveal your identities in the end, so that it will not easily attract the hostility of the Tubo people!" Wei Qing knew that the young man in front of him had something to do with Huo Qubing If you fight hard, you also have a little tiger hidden in your heart, and you can't be persuaded.

A sharp and enterprising young man is exactly what Da Zhou needs.

The current big week is the time to expand outward and enterprising.

It is necessary for such a person to overcome obstacles and create a future for the empire.

After two days of rest in the Dudu Mansion, Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi set off for Yueshi!
Passing through the long and narrow west foot of Qilian Mountain, you can see everything about Yuezhi.

After figuring out Yuezhi's situation, soon Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi arrived at the Yuezhi royal court.

Meet King Yueshi!

"Dear Wang, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm even more glad that you took time out of your busy schedule to meet me. Thank you for your hospitality!"

As soon as Xuance, the king of the Yue family, came up, he complimented him first.

King Yueshi was taken aback by these words, and then burst out laughing.

The trace of worry on his face also disappeared.

Directly doing the gesture of please:
"Our Da Yue Clan's best friends from Zhou people, thank you for coming, Yue Clan and Da Zhou will always be firm allies, thank you for your support and help!"

People respect me one foot, I respect you one foot!
Wang Xuance smiled, and said again: "Your Majesty is right, Yuezhi and Dazhou are eternal and firm allies, we are intimate and win-win cooperation, and this will be the case for generations to come!"

"Come here, bring out our best things to entertain Wang Xuance." King Yuezhi was happy to hear that, and hurriedly sent people to buy good things from the clan.

Wang Xuance, as a newcomer who has just arrived in the Hexi Governor's Mansion, has not made an inch of merit, and has not received a half-time job, can be treated so favorably by King Yueshi, which shows that his charm is not small.

Wang Xuance sat down and said, "In order to thank the esteemed Wang for his hospitality, I would like to give Yueshi some good news!"

King Yueshi looked at each other's civil servants.

Everyone's eyes glowed.

Is Da Zhou going to subsidize Yueshi?
"I don't know what good news General Wang brought?" King Yueshi asked.

Wang Xuance replied: "Reporting to the respected king, my Da Zhou guessed that Tubohun was behind the scenes when Tubo went south. So I will send more troops to Jiuquan to put pressure on Tuyuhun and prevent him from coming to fish in troubled waters."

"At the same time, we speculate that Tubo will continue to transfer troops from the plateau to the south, and once they adapt to the environment here, they will launch a larger-scale attack on the Yuezhi. I am worried that the people of the Yuezhi will suffer losses. The governor The government is willing to send troops to assist Yueshi.

Of course, the first thing to do is to get Yuezhi's approval before sending support! "

"Finally, I am willing to go to Tubo on behalf of the Great Zhou, hoping to deter Tubo so that it will not invade the Yueshi in the east and avoid unnecessary losses to the Yueshi!"

After listening to Wang Xuance's words, King Yueshi was astonished.

Da Zhou was willing to do this for Yueshi.

Yiran made preparations for the Yuezhi to send troops.

Moreover, Wang Xuance was sent to Tubo to mediate.

True allies!

"Damn Tuyuhun, the Yue clan's heart is not dead, and he tricked Tubo into attacking them. These gangsters have been killed!"

"Great Zhou is indeed our good ally. With Da Zhou here, we, the Yueshi, have more confidence to deal with Tubo and Tuyuhun!"

Undoubtedly, Wang Xuance's words won everyone's favor.

King Yuezhi said: "General Wang, these Tubo people are very barbaric, we don't understand the language, and they are also unreasonable, how can we persuade them to make peace.

General Wang still doesn't want to take risks. If General Wang has the heart, just stay and fight against Tubo with us.

I, Yuezhi, will remember General Wang's kindness. "

"Respected king, with your words, it is worthwhile for Xuan Ce to die here." Wang Xuance said affectionately:
"For the sake of the Yue clan not to suffer from intrusion, and for the friendship between the Yue clan and Da Zhou, I should take a risk. As long as I can succeed, the fighting will be stopped, and everyone can live in peace, live in peace, and move toward a better future together." future!"

Everyone in the Yue clan was even more moved when they heard the words, and they all raised their glasses and said:
"For the sake of Yueshi and Da Zhou's friendship, do it!"

"For the friendship of General Wang, please drink this cup to the full!"

(End of this chapter)

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