Chapter 799
King Yuezhi gave Wang Xuance and others a warm reception.

Two days later, Wang Xuance turned west to the Tubo army camp.

In the end, Yuezhi still did not agree to the assistance of the Dazhou army, thinking that he could solve the Tubo invasion.

After all, the Yuezhi is fighting in the local area.

But Tubo came from afar, neither occupying the right time nor the advantage of the land, let alone the peace of the people.

Anti-killing Tubo is also a simple matter.

Because they have defeated Tubo once before.

That beats the second one.

Wang Xuance was not attached either.

This is Yueshi's family affair.

All Da Zhou can do is to remind him in good faith.

Soon Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi arrived at Tubo's camp.

"Are you from Zhou?" The guards are very different. It's a miracle that a boy with a white face can speak their Tibetan language.

Because Tubo is on the plateau all year round, there are many sunshine and cold weather.

So the skin tone is darker.

It is obviously far from Da Zhou's yellow and white puff.

"That's right, I'm the envoy of the Great Zhou, and I'm here to pay a visit to the Tubo generals, please let me know!" Wang Xuance said again.

The guard wanted to drive Wang Xuance and others away.

There is no intersection between Tubo and Dazhou.

Nothing to see or talk about.

However, the envoys of the Great Zhou knew their language, so they could inform them.

Soon the person who went in and communicated came out:

"Our king said, you two can go in!"

"Thank you!" Wang Xuance thanked, and then led Jiumozhi into the barracks.

In fact, the barracks in Tubo were not regulated.

Unlike Da Zhou, where camps will be set up, there will be wooden fences around them.

Tubo is also a nomadic tribe.

There are spring, summer, autumn and winter pastures.

The royal court also moves with the pastures every season.

So there is no habit of settling down.

There is no such thing as a large corps setting up a camp.

So this is basically the same camping method for nomadic tribes.

Soon the two entered the king's tent.

I saw a dozen big men standing inside.

All of them were dressed sloppily, with ornaments made of various skulls hanging around their necks and waists.

Even the king sitting across from him was also wearing strings of skull ornaments on his arms.

It seems to be a symbol of power and strength.

This... is probably a Tibetan.

Soon Wang Xuance had a basic understanding and guess about Tubo.

"Xuance, King of the Great Zhou, has met the King of Tubo!"

Wang Xuance bowed and saluted.

The Tubo king was playing with the bone cup in his hand, his eyes were all focused on the bone cup, and he didn't look at Wang Xuance.

He didn't even make a sound.

Very rude.

The Tubo people around were all joking as if they were watching a show.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

But Wang Xuance continued to sing: "Xuance, King of the Great Zhou, has met the King of Tubo!"

The Tubo king still did not respond.

The Tubo people around laughed one by one.

Look, this is the monkey from Dazhou.

Like a fool.

It's not easy to stay in your Dazhou place, so what are you doing in our Tubo territory?

"Xuance, King of the Great Zhou, has met the King of Tubo!"

As if Wang Xuance didn't hear it, he continued to salute again.

The king of Tubo still has the same demeanor.

Jiumozhi at the side was furious.

At first he wanted to do something, but at this moment Wang Xuance turned around and said, "It turns out that there is no king in Tubo, I was the one who was abrupt."

After speaking, Wang Xuance walked towards the outside of the tent in a chic manner.

Jiumozhi was a little puzzled, but he had seen Wang Xuance's methods.

Followed to go out.


At this moment, the king of Tubo was stunned.

The other Tubo generals were also stunned for a moment.

Tubo has no king.


While they were in a daze, Wang Xuance who walked out of the tent looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:

"It turns out that Tubo is so small that it doesn't even have a king!"

"I shouted three times in a row, the Tubo army, but there is no king to answer, it's sad, pitiful, what a pity!"

The face of the Tubo king in the tent changed suddenly.

It was extremely green, and the bone cup he was playing with in his hand shattered with a snap.

The other Tubo people in the tent were directly fried, and they were all very angry.

"Bastard, let your mother's fart go!"

"Kill this arrogant little guy!"

"Don't go, little boy, you will die!"

The Tubo generals rushed out one after another.

One by one, they picked up their bone sticks and threw them at Wang Xuance.

The surrounding Tubo soldiers also took up their swords and spears and rushed over.

Although Wang Xuance is like a bad-faced scholar.

But the essence is still a general, with a long sword drawn from his waist.

Turn around and sweep away thousands of troops.

The Tubo generals and soldiers who rushed forward flew backwards for several steps.

Either dead or injured.

"The people of Da Zhou will take their lives!"

The third-rank general rushed forward and slashed down with a single blow.

Wang Xuance raised his sword to block it, turned around, and shifted his form to the opponent's back and stabbed out with the sword.

This Tubo will hurriedly turn around and return the saber to block it.

With a sound of "Clang!", the knife and the sword collided.

Mars radiates.

Then the Tubo general was kicked by Wang Xuance, he flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the flagpole.

The flagpole snapped and fell, hitting the two soldiers.

Two screams came.

The Tubo generals turned pale with fright, such strong generals.

He even easily defeated all the third-rank generals on his side.

"People of Zhou, don't be arrogant, let me kill you!"

Then the Tubo king came out, and with a wave of his hand, two fifth-rank warriors in white leaped past the crowd and rushed towards Wang Xuance.

Without waiting for Wang Xuance to attack and return to defense.

Jiumozhi, who followed, rushed out and shouted angrily: "With my King Dalun Ming here, don't be presumptuous!"

The inner strength of both hands is gathered in the palms, and they are urged together.

The two knives turned into fire-like vigor met the two Tubo warriors.

Hurt people with illusory strength.

Use force to reach the realm of glory.

Seeing this, the two Tubo warriors at the fifth-rank level turned around in the air and flashed past.

Then there were two screams, and when the two first-rank generals in the back dodged in a hurry, they were directly pierced through the chest by the "flaming knife".

Then he collapsed and died within a few breaths.

"Sixth Grade Sovereign!"

Two fifth-rank Tubo masters stood on the heads of two soldiers, with bitter expressions on their faces.

Your Majesty, this little envoy actually carries a sixth-rank expert with him.

How many masters do you have in the big week?

It's just too shameless.

The king of Tubo was also in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything in the tent just now.

Otherwise, Jiumozhi could kill him at close range.

So at this time, a group of Tubo generals were busy protecting the Tubo king.

I was afraid that Jiumozhi would use the "Flame Knife" again.

Jiumozhi didn't take the opportunity to kill, but retreated to Wang Xuance's side.

At this time, Wang Xuance looked around and said:

"People say that Tubo is barbaric and rude, but what I saw today is indeed true!"

"If you don't stop me, then the two of us will go back first. When there is friction between Tubo and Dazhou in the future, I will come with a large army to meet with you!"

After speaking, Wang Xuance turned around and wanted to leave.

Although the Tubo soldiers were vigilant, they did not dare to obstruct them and avoided them one after another.

After walking less than ten steps, the king of Tubo said:
"Wang Xuance, you didn't complete the mission you came here, so you're leaving now. How do you deal with your Emperor Zhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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