Chapter 800
"Dare to ask your step!"

Wang Xuance turned around and asked with a question mark on his face.

The sincerity on that face, no matter how you look at it, it deserves a beating.

The king of Tubo felt like he had eaten a fly.

The king of Tubo had a bad complexion, and said coldly, "I am the king of Tubo, if you want to talk about something, come in and talk about it!"

After speaking, the Tubo king turned and walked into the military tent.

The ladder is given, see how you go.

The generals of Tubo were vigilant against Wang Xuance with murderous intentions.

As if to eat him.

But Wang Xuance was not afraid or worried.

He raised his head and chest, without squinting, and walked forward.

Jiumozhi coldly swept left and right, and flicked his sleeves.

These Tubo generals retreated to both sides.

Wang Xuance walked in and stood ten steps away from the Tubo king.

The king of Tubo sat there with a golden knife, raised his head and said, "Tell me, what do you Da Zhou want to do?"

"My Great Zhou hopes that Tubo and the Yuezhi will cease war. Both the Yueshi and Tubo are neighbors of my Great Zhou. My Great Zhou does not want the two neighboring countries to go to war. I also do not want this pure land to cause turmoil!" Wang Xuance said with a firm attitude.


To deal with the barbaric Tibetans is to be straightforward.

Detours, but trouble.

The king of Tubo was furious when he heard this.

Immediately stood up, pointed at Wang Xuance and said: "Impossible, this is a war between us and the Yuezhi, and has nothing to do with you Da Zhou.

I, Tubo, did not go east to attack your Liangzhou, you have no control over us. "

He came from afar just to swallow Yuezhi.

The king of Tubo has found out the reality of the Yue family

This is a tribe that is not good at fighting, but it has the narrow Qilian Mountains to the west.

The water and grass are luxuriant, and there are flocks of cattle and sheep.

Swallowing Yueshi can make Tubo.

The king of Tubo didn't want to give up.

The natural attitude is also extremely tough.

Wang Xuance met his eyes, and said coldly: "What Tubo does is the decision of the Tubo king, and my Da Zhou's attitude is that the two countries cannot go to war.

I know that Tubo came down from the plateau under the bewitchment of Tuyuhun.

But what I want to say is that Tuyuhun has no good intentions, no matter what they promise, they will not be able to keep it in the end.

On the contrary, regardless of whether you Tubo or Yuezhi, whichever side is weak, then Tuyuhun will annex whoever it is! "

After speaking, Wang Xuance turned around and left.

The Tubo king was taken aback.

Tuyuhun will swallow me Tubo?

What the king of Tubo didn't expect was that Wang Xuance turned around and left.

Where is this for negotiation.

It was almost a threat.

However, the Tubo king who came to the front of the tent said again:
"By the way, King Tubo, my Great Zhou army has never been defeated since my emperor ascended the throne. No matter how big the enemy is, we can destroy them.

Don't doubt my Da Zhou's force. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Xuance left completely this time.

The angry Tubo generals were left stunned.

Too embarrassing!

Too insane.

How could Da Zhou be such a general.

They simply don't take us Tubo seriously.

You have never been defeated in Dazhou, and we have been defeated in Tubo.

Our Tibetans are invincible on the plateau, and the same goes down.

The Tubo king waved his hand to signal everyone to go out.

The Great Zhou eradicated the Qiqiang in the Liangzhou area, and the Tubo king naturally knew this.

In the southeast, Bashu and Jiudi were destroyed, and they were indeed invincible and invincible.

Incomparably powerful.

But Tibet is not one of these countries.

Tubo is Tubo.

After everyone had left, the Tubo king said, "How about the national teacher?"

After the words fell, a fat middle-aged man walked out from the barrier behind him.

The man clasped his hands together and said:
"Hui Wang, that person should also be a fellow, I can't beat him, he is very strong, it's better not to offend Da Zhou!"

The king of Tubo was a little unwilling to hear the words.

The fat man said again:
"My lord, I heard that there was a seventh-rank supreme being by Wei Qing's side back then, and Quan Rong's supreme was no match for a few moves in his hands.

There are so many masters in the Great Zhou, it's better to be patient for the time being! "

Hearing this, Tubo King's face changed slightly again.

Even the national teacher will die at his hands.

That's all, let's eat Yueshi's words first.


When Wang Xuance walked out of the Tubo camp, Jiumozhi asked, "General Wang, where are we going?"

Wang Xuance said: "Let's go to the hinterland of Tubo, we must understand that mysterious land, the terrain there is too high, it will swoop down on my great Zhou, sooner or later it will be your majesty's heart disease.

As ministers, we must take the initiative to solve problems for His Majesty! "

"What about the Governor of Wei? We just left without him knowing? What if the Hexi Governor's Mansion needs us?" Jiumozhi asked.

Wang Xuance shook his head and said:
"No, Wei Dudu is not an ordinary person, he can handle the matter of Wanli Hexi Corridor!

We didn't go back, he could guess where we went! "

Speaking of which, Wang Xuance headed towards the plateau.

The Tubo masters have been watching secretly behind him.

Wang Xuance didn't chase him away either, and let him follow.

Soon the news was reported to the king of Tubo.

The Tubo king was a little anxious: "National teacher, Wang Xuance has gone to our Tubo kingdom, what does he mean?"

"My lord, I think I want to explore the way and see what our Tubo is like." The Tubo fat military commander replied.

The king of Tubo said: "This is not possible, we must intercept them. If I, Tubo, is found out by them, one day Da Zhou will attack!"

The king of Tubo is quite crisis-conscious.

Tubo Fat Imperial Master smiled and said: "My lord, not everyone can climb the plateau, even if they have high martial arts skills, Wang Xuance will definitely feel uncomfortable when he goes up, and if he doesn't need to do it, he will be obliterated by our harsh environment.

And even if he can survive, he will probably be useless. My Tubo is bigger than Dazhou. If he can really go through all the places and check them clearly, then I will admire him instead! "

Plateau is no joke.

The real area of ​​Tubo is larger than the current Dazhou.

There are thousands of miles of snow.

There are big mountains, one pressing down on the other.

How vast and large the plateau is, in fact, Tubo himself has not figured it out yet.

Wang Xuance is an outsider, it's a miracle that he doesn't get lost, and doesn't survive the harsh environment.

Only when they came down from there did they know how miserable and difficult the place they lived in was.

It is not that no one has ever attacked Tubo before, and they were defeated by the mountains without exception.

The four seasons reincarnate in a day, and the world and hell are just a moment.

"That's right. If he can come down, he will probably be useless. God favors me, Tubo. Only we are the masters there, and only we can survive." The Tubo king suddenly became confident.

I really agree with Fat Guoshi's words.

So he didn't care about this matter, and instead ordered the army to launch a second round of attack on Yueshi.

Yueshi had a little too much faith, and once again fought against Tubo.

The two sides fought for three days, and the Yuezhi killed and injured [-] people, and Tubo died [-].

In the end, the Yuezhi was defeated and lost the mountain pass.

Tubo got the mountain pass going down to the east, and took the opportunity to continue to attack.

He went to Beijing to fight with Yuezhi in the capital.

The Yue clan was defeated again, and [-] people died.

Ten thousand people died in Tubo.

Yueshi withdrew from the capital and retreated south along the western foot of Qilian Mountain.

At the same time, he had to ask for help from the Hexi Governor's Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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