I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 801? Power of command

Chapter 801 Command Power
"Captain, the Yue clan finally asked for help, but their king was lost and half of the country was lost. The next battle will be difficult!" The deputy general ran over and said:

"If that kid Huo Qubing is here, he can play devious tactics."

"That boy, forget it, he can't fly!" Wei Qing pointed at Jiuquan with a long pole and said:
"It is estimated that we will receive the news that Tuyuhun is going south soon, let our soldiers prepare for the battle!"

"I know the other vassal states, and each guards its own homeland. I don't ask them to help us in this battle, but I ask them not to make trouble!"

"By the way, report the situation here to Chang'an immediately, Chang'an needs to know!"

The lieutenant immediately took the order.

In fact, the soldiers and horses have been mobilized a long time ago, and they only need to give an order to immediately start a first-level combat readiness.

By telegram, Yuezhi's situation was sent to Chang'an.

Soon Ye Qing's reply came back.

After the translator translated the telegram, he immediately signed it and handed it to Wei Qing.

Wei Qing saw that it said:

"Hit Tubo, hit Tuyuhun, garrison the mountain pass, take defense!"

Fifteen characters.

Telegrams are brief.

Wei Qing quickly understood what Ye Qing meant.

Immediately convey the meaning of Chang'an to all ministries.

Soon the soldiers and horses of the entire Hexi Governor's Mansion increased westward.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou went to the front line of the Yuezhi battlefield.

King Yueshi was overjoyed to see Wei Qing coming.

Ten miles connected.

"Wei Dudu, you are finally here!"

Wei Qing said: "King Yuezhi, how is the situation now?"

Wei Qing didn't have time to be courteous to him.

I didn't want to support you back then, but now I know it's hard.

Wei Qing is not a young man, so he won't be fooled by these vain rituals.

Instead, he wants to give King Yuezhi a little face.

Da Zhou is not a nice man.

It's not an obligation to help.

Hitting the pole is not a business.

"Uh, Captain Wei, there's no rush, I've prepared a welcome banquet, let's first..." King Yueshi wanted to win over Wei Qing very politely.

However, Wei Qing directly interrupted: "The military situation is urgent, and the Yue clan is at stake. Wei Qing and the Yue clan feel the same deep feelings. At this time, I just want to beat Tubo out!"

"So, King Yueshi, if you have the heart, wait until we drive away Tubo, and then we will have a feast for the meritorious soldiers!"

Everyone in the Yue family was astonished.

Each eye was full of tears.

It is worthy of being the Great Zhou, stronger than our Yuezhi, and worthy of being our staunch ally.

Even King Yueshi was moved, but also a little ashamed.

He didn't dare to look at Wei Qing.

Because of the little embarrassment in his heart, it is really impossible to touch Wei Qing who is like a bright moon now.

"Okay, Dudu Wei has a heart. If you invite Dudu Wei to our meeting room, I'll let someone tell Dudu Wei about the current situation!"

Soon Wei Qing came to Yuezhi's conference room and listened to the actual situation reported by the Yuezhi generals.

"That is to say, the entire Yuezhi tribe now has less than [-] soldiers." Wei Qing confirmed once.

In fact, he knew about this a long time ago, and the intelligence personnel had already reported the matter.

King Yuezhi said: "Wei Dudu really only has such a small number of soldiers in our country. Tubo is really barbaric and cruel. All the soldiers we failed to withdraw were beheaded by them."

"Tibetan has reached the middle of the Buha River, and only Tianjun is left to defend!" Wei Qing said:

"Then we'll hit Tubo hard here and teach them a profound lesson!"

"How does the Wei Dudu plan to fight?" King Yuezhi asked, and other generals of the Yuezhi also expressed their anticipation.

Wei Qing said: "How to fight is simple, now I just want to confirm one thing with King Yuezhi, as the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head!"

"The Yuezhi can't really face Tubo and drive them away. Then I will reinforce the Great Zhou. Our soldiers of the Great Zhou are good at fighting and commanding the army. I hope the Yuezhi can give it to the Great Zhou."

"This..." King Yuezhi hesitated.

Hand over command.

This is your support, this is my Yueshi's territory, it seems not good to leave it to you to command.

But none of the Yuezhi generals objected.

Because they really do not have the ability to fight against Tubo.

The Yueshi can't be defeated, and after one defeat, the Yuezhi will be gone.

Subjugation is more serious than command power.

Seeing that King Yuezhi had no general to answer, Wei Qing kept staring at him with burning eyes.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, the command can be given to Da Zhou, and the Wei Dudu can be given, but I hope the Wei Dudu can treat our soldiers well.

I hope that the governor of Wei will make good use of our soldiers! "

Wei Qing replied affirmatively:
"This is natural, all the soldiers under my rule, regardless of age, race, or country.

All should unite and deal with the enemy! "

"The Yue clan won't allow it, and this governor will not casually let the soldiers die or be injured."

"Then there will be Governor Lao!" King Yueshi clasped his fists again and said solemnly.

After Wei Qing got the command, he immediately advanced to Tianjun, and then began to deploy defenses.

after one day.

The Tubo army arrived.

Tianjun has some dangers, and it is not easy to attack it.

"Wang, as long as Tianjun is defeated, the south will be unimpeded all the way, and you can directly reach the West Sea, which is the best pasture for the Yuezhi people."

Fat Guoshi is king of Tubo.

The king of Tubo said:

"Then let's attack Tianjun with heavy troops! The sooner you take it, the better, lest Da Zhou intervene, and then you won't be able to annex all the Yuezhi."

"It's the king!"

Soon [-] Tubo troops killed Tianjun and immediately launched an attack on this place.

The reason why Tianjun is called Tianjun.

It is because a road passes by here, and the Buha River is to the north, a deep valley river with surging water.

To the south are the mountains connecting the plateau, one mountain after another.

Precipitous and unattainable.

Therefore, if you stay on this road, you will be able to resist the enemy from the west very well.


The densely packed Tubo people attacked the temporary Aoguan on the opposite side.

On the Guancheng, Wei Qing and a small number of soldiers guarded here.

Some Yuezhi people, some Da Zhou soldiers.

"Ordinary bow and crossbow, shoot fiercely, finish it in one go!"

With one order, no matter whether it was the Yuezhi soldiers or the Great Zhou soldiers, they shot all the arrows in their hands.

The Tubo army on the opposite side suffered a head-on blow.

They fell to the ground with arrows.

The momentum of the attack was contained.

Unable to rush up, they had to retreat all the way.

When retreating, he was shot and injured by another round of arrows.

Another batch fell.

The soldiers of the Yue clan on the Guancheng burst into cheers one after another.

It's that simple to fight with Da Zhou.


The ferocious Tubo will also suffer in their hands.

Seeing this, the king of Tubo was furious, beheaded the commander, and ordered to attack again.

The Tubo army has no knack for fighting, it just pushes hard.

If you push, you win.

Fat Guoshi said: "My lord, there is no need to get angry about this matter, this is the last struggle of the Yuezhi people.

Their counterattack is bound to be fierce, as long as we can bear it, the Yuezhi will be finished. "

"Well, this king knows, so continue to attack this king, attack Tianjun, at any cost!" Tubo king said to another subordinate:

"Go, hurry up and supervise the battle for me, whoever retreats will kill whoever!"

(End of this chapter)

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