I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 802? Tianjun Ambush

Chapter 802 Tianjun Ambush
"It's the king!" The Tubo general immediately walked to the front line while holding his saber.

Tian Jun tugged back and forth a few times, Wei Qing said: "All the Yuezhi army retreats to the east, and the generals of the Great Zhou go up the mountain to hide."

"It's the governor!"

The soldiers of the Great Zhou immediately withdrew from Tianjun quickly and walked towards the mountain.

The Yuezhi generals were still a little dazed.

What is this for.

Well, I withdrew.

Our military hasn't rotated in yet.

Playing just right, it's totally fine at this rhythm.

"Withdraw, hurry up!"

Wei Qing urged.

Only then did the generals of the Yue clan come back to their senses, and hurriedly said:
"Withdraw, quickly withdraw!"

The soldiers of Yuezhi withdrew in a panic, and there were no soldiers of Da Zhou.

They have no six spirits.

The shadow cast out by the Tibetans came again.

The Tubo people on the Tianjun low wall found that the counterattack suddenly disappeared.

He rushed up the low wall in one breath.

Then it was discovered that the Yuezhi soldiers had all retreated.

And it's like throwing away armor and armor.

For a while, the animal nature of the Tubo people was aroused.


"Chop off the head of the Yuezhi people, take it back and use it as a chamber pot!"

"Hey, you should cut it well and use it as a wine glass!"

One by one, the Tubo officers and soldiers found the beast-like calls.

Then they rushed down the city one after another, chasing after the Yuezhi soldiers.

The king of Tubo also had a smile on his face when he saw the Tianjun low wall was taken down.

The Tubo generals didn't notice anything wrong, they also cheered.

They rushed over with all the soldiers.

The fat military division was really puzzled.

It broke through suddenly, and the rashness went too smoothly.

But he couldn't see anything wrong.

This is Yuezhi's best line of defense.

It is impossible for the Yue family to give the natural insurance to Tubo for nothing, and take their own life as a bet.

So Fat Master shook his head lightly and didn't say much.

"Let's go to the national teacher! We can pass Tianjun, and we can launch the last battle against Yuewo!"

The king of Tubo pointed to Tianjun Road.

Fat Guoshi said: "My lord, you should be more careful in everything. We are moving some eastwards. In case we have an advantage in the West Sea, someone will come to support us."

"This..." Seeing Fat Guoshi's insistence, the king of Tubo said:

"Okay, then transfer another 1 people from the back. After all, after defeating Yueshi, there may be a little friction with Da Zhou!"

His own general took his order and passed it on to the rear.

At this time, Fat Guoshi accompanied the Tubo king to Tianjun.

on the mountain!

Wei Qing who hid was not only the thousand soldiers and horses in Tianjun, but a full 4000 people were ambushed here, adding up to [-] soldiers.

These are the most elite [-] soldiers of the Hexi Dudu Mansion.

When they come up, they are all quietly, and they don't move in secret.

Moreover, many traps have been arranged on the mountain.

Seeing that the Tubo King's Wang Qi was about to reach Tianjun, Wei Qing suddenly changed his mind.

Immediately said: "Cut the rope, block the road!"

One command.

All the soldiers cut off the ropes in front of them one after another.

Countless rolling stones fell from above.

He rushed to Tianjun very quickly.

The King of Tubo and others who were about to climb up the low wall looked up.

I saw countless stones rolling up rumbling from above.

"Not good! Withdraw!"

There was still some distance between Tubo King and the others, so they immediately turned around and jumped back.

Ordinary Tubo soldiers didn't have time to react, they all stood there in a daze when they heard the sound, and they only showed panic expressions when they came.

Then they were hit or buried by falling rocks from the mountain.

Countless screams.

Countless Tubo soldiers fell under the rolling stone.

Only a hundred or so people escaped with the Tubo king.

The others were either killed by rolling stones, or were cut off to the east of Tianjun.

"what happened!"

The Tubo soldiers who rushed across Tianjun all stopped, turned around and looked down the mountain, and then looked at Tianjun.

"Damn it, there are Yuezhi people there!"

"No, this is an ambush!"

Finally, what did the Tubo generals realize?
Hastily said: "Withdraw, hurry up, withdraw and save the king!"

The Yueshi ambushed on the mountain, he must have gone for the king.

The Tubo generals took it for granted.

So they rushed towards Tianjun one after another.

But at this time, another rolling stone fell from the mountain.

At the same time, there are countless burning oil barrels.

The oil barrel rolled down and hit the stone, and the rain of fire fell all over the sky.

In an instant, it was poured onto the low wall of Tianjun.

The fire on the low wall was one and continuous.

Burn from the mountains to the valleys.

More barrels fell.

Hit around the low wall.

The raging fire spread a large area.

The fire was raging, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

The Tubo soldiers who rushed over were roasted and retreated.

In the face of such a large fire, any warrior was burned out.

Where dare to charge forward.

"What to do? What to do? The fire can't go through!"

"What else can I do, go up the mountain!"

"Yes! Go around the mountain!"

Cleverly wanted to climb the mountain, and returned to the king of Tubo from the place where Wei Qing and others were ambush.

But Wei Qing will not do as they wish.

He directed his subordinates to release arrows down the mountain.

Push down the rolling stone from time to time.

Knock down and frighten the Tubo soldiers who just climbed.

At the same time, Wei Qing's lieutenant general led the Zhou soldiers in front of the Yuezhi soldiers, approaching the Tubo army step by step.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The generals of Da Zhou roared angrily every time they took a step.

Neat phalanx, distinctive armor, and cold and bright weapons.

All revealed the unusualness of this army.

In the army of the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were also trebuchets and bed crossbowmen.

And many god-armed crossbow soldiers.

The panicked soldiers of the Yue family came back to their senses at this moment, and they were also inspired when they saw the orderly and mighty generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

Re-integrate behind and follow behind to fight the wind.

"Change, these are not Yuezhi people!"

The sharp-eyed Tubo generals immediately discovered this problem.

So he yelled:

"This is a soldier of the Great Zhou!"

Zhou people are still red.

Both armor and banner are red.

And the faces are different.

The most important thing is the infantry phalanx.

This is the characteristic of the Central Plains Dynasty.

The nomads are all scattered and have always been dominated by cavalry.

Even the countries and ethnic groups in the Hexi Corridor have the same habit.

"Get ready, kill Zhou Ren!"

"The despicable Zhou people set up traps and don't talk about martial arts, what kind of heroes are they!"

"Kill! Charge over and kill the Zhou people!"

Soon the Tubo soldiers who had no hope of breaking through rushed to the phalanx of Da Zhou.

They thought that Da Zhou had just added some tricks from Yuezhi.

So what about the phalanx, it was not destroyed by the fierceness and bravery of the Tubo soldiers.

"Stand still! Crossbowmen prepare!"

"The trebuchet is ready!"

"Prepare the crossbow!"

The front row is full of god-armed crossbowmen!
He only heard Wei Qing's lieutenant stop drinking


The next moment, all the arrows in the god arm crossbow were shot out.

The Tubo people who rushed up were shot one after another.


The Tubo people were startled.

Da Zhou's army started shooting at the soldiers from such a distance.

The key is to be able to shoot and fly over.

And lethality.

Looking at countless compatriots.

The Tubo generals could only grit their teeth and charge forward in person.


Bite the bullet and rush forward.

If you don't rush, you will die.

Speed ​​can only be used to make up for the threat posed by the crossbow.

It's just that they rushed fast, and then countless stones flew out of the Dazhou phalanx.



(End of this chapter)

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