I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 804? Tubo vs. Tuyuhun

Chapter 804 Tubo vs Tuyuhun

Fat Guoshi was speechless to refute.

What Wei Qing said was not without reason.

There was no need for Da Zhou to let himself and other important figures in Tubo be spared in order to drive a wedge between Tubo and Tuyuhun.

It is absolutely possible to kill the king, and then take advantage of the situation to advance westward and drive the Tubo army out.

The Tubo army without the king is a mess.

On the contrary, they will fight each other because they want to return to Tubo to fight for power.

This is more in the interests of Da Zhou.

"If what you say is true, forget it!"

After saying that, Fat Master turned around and went down the mountain.

Wei Qing didn't pursue either.

Soon Fat Guoshi went down the mountain and reported Wei Qing's words to the King of Tubo.

After listening, the Tubo king frowned.

His mind sank, and he began to think about it.

Wei Qing had no reason to lie to Tibet.

And if Tuyuhun really couldn't break through Jiuquan of Da Zhou.

It is also possible to attack Tubo and seize the land that originally belonged to the Yuezhi.

Tuyuhun also made money.

The only ones who were injured were Tubo and Yuezhi.

Closing his eyes, he heard the screams on the opposite side of Tianjun becoming less and less, the king of Tubo knew that he had to make a decision.

Finally opened his eyes and said:


Nothing was announced, we'll talk about it later.

Walking halfway, I ran into an army of [-] who came to meet them.

At this time, Duanhou's subordinates also came back and reported the situation on Tianjun's side.

Wei Qing did not send troops to chase after him.

"Hurry up, go back to the mountain pass, I'm afraid something will happen if you go back late!"

Tubo king and others rushed to the mountain pass at full speed.

He didn't even bother to take care of the large area of ​​Yuezhi's territory that he swallowed.

When he was approaching the mountain pass, he only heard a general running from the opposite side.

He fell off the horse and said:
"My lord, something is wrong, Tuyuhun attacked us, we were unprepared, and suffered heavy casualties.

Yamaguchi is about to be lost, please hurry back and preside over the overall situation! "

"Damn it!" the Tubo king was furious when he heard this.

Tuyuhun really didn't keep his promise, he agreed to cooperate, but ended up playing his own way.

So the Tubo king took a group of people towards the mountain pass.

Fat Guoshi turned around and glanced in Tianjun's direction.

The look is a little complicated.

What does Da Zhou want to do?
They are certainly not simple either.

There is no love without reason, and there is no help without reason.

What does Da Zhou want from Tubo?
Fat Guoshi didn't understand each other, so he rushed to the mountain pass with the king of Tubo.

At this time, Yamaguchi will be lost, and the fight will be fierce.

Both sides are desperate.

Only Tubo suddenly had reinforcements, but the Tubo king appeared.

The morale of the Tubo army soared.

Soon Tuyuhun's army was defeated and driven away.

When the fighting stopped, tens of thousands of corpses accumulated in the mountain pass.

Blood flowed like a river, extremely tragic.

"My lord, this place is not suitable for a long time. The army of Tuyuhun has not moved yet. When it comes, we may not be able to defend it!" Fat Guoshi persuaded.

But this time the Tubo king shook his head and refused.

"No! This is what we took. Why should we give Tuyuhun and other villains a stab in the back? I want to have a good fight with King Tuyuhun here."

"This king wants to seek justice for our dead Tubo soldiers."

This time the Tubo king was very firm.

Absolutely no refund.

If the battle is over and he returns to Tubo, then he will lose face.

Because there are too many Tibetans who did not die.

Impossible to walk in a hurry.

Seeing that Fat Guoshi couldn't persuade him, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and then said:

"Then... Wang, shall we send someone to repair the relationship with Da Zhou and cooperate with Da Zhou?"

"Cooperate with Da Zhou?" Tubo King thought for a while and said:

"Forget it, there is no need, we Tubo can completely deal with Tuyuhun."

Tuyuhun killed the Tubo people and attacked Tubo.

Da Zhou also ambushed Tubo.

They also killed [-] soldiers.

If he turns around and cooperates with Da Zhou again, the soldiers below will explode.

The king of Tubo felt that he was not weak enough to need Da Zhou's intervention.

Seeing this, Fat Guoshi didn't say much.

Backed away quietly, then found Qin Wei and said:
"Go, send the letter to Wei Qing, the Governor of Hexi in Da Zhou!"

This is to contact Da Zhou.

"National teacher, this is not very good, Wang just now..." The guard hesitated.

Fat Guoshi said: "It's okay, the king is still angry, the most important thing for us now is not to vomit, but to preserve some vitality for Tubo.

You don't want to see all the soldiers of Tubo die here, then I, Tubo, will really die! "

"It's the national commander, I'll do it now!"

When the personal guard heard it, it was related to the survival of the nation and the race, so how could there be any delay.

Immediately rode on the horse and went eastward.


"What's going on, why hasn't the mountain pass been captured yet!" King Tuyuhun questioned after arriving with the main force.

The striker will reply:
"Wang, our vanguard succeeded in the surprise attack, but the Tubo people were really difficult to deal with, and they would not retreat. In the end, the two sides fought for a long time.

The king of Tubo suddenly arrived for some reason, so we were defeated! "

"Trash, you can't take such a good opportunity, what use are you for!" King Tuyuhun cursed, and then asked:

"How many soldiers and horses did the king of Tubo bring back to help!"

Although I can't figure out why Tubo King, a stubborn guy, came back all of a sudden.

But he is not afraid when he comes back.

I brought an army of 20.

Even the original Tubo army is not his opponent.

Now that the king of Tubo is back, it will be resolved together.

King Tuyuhun was confident.

The vanguard general replied: "Go back to the king, the king of Tubo only brought back [-] soldiers and horses, and with the rest on the mountain pass, only [-] soldiers and horses are missing!"

"Oh, it's only [-]?" King Tuyuhun sneered after hearing this, and he didn't pay attention to King Tubo.

With a big wave of his hand, he said:

"Rest for an hour, then attack, non-stop day and night, kill the king of Tubo for me, beat him until he despairs!"

"It's the king!"

All the generals of Tuyuhun went down one after another.

Settled the army, and soon launched a new round of offensive.

The 20 troops took turns to fight, attacking again and again.

The two sides fought again into a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

In the end, both sides were jealous, you slashed and stabbed each other on the corpse mountain, and you came and went with each other.

Fight all day and all night!
The Tubo king also had red threads in his eyes.

But still gritted his teeth and insisted.

King Tuyuhun couldn't bear it anymore.

After asking people to stop the attack and finding out the losses, he said:

"Is the King of Tubo a ox?"

"It's all like this, if he doesn't retreat, even if he defends the mountain pass, he won't be able to eat the pastures of the Yueshi.

Why don't you give me Tuyuhun, what a cheap ass, a stubborn ass, a stupid ass. "

"King, shall we still attack?"

the subordinate asked.

King Tuyuhun thought for a while and said: "Let's take a rest for a day, and soon the Yue clan will be back. At that time, the king of Tubo will be defeated without a fight, and he will definitely retreat. At that time, we will chase after him. .

In this way, we can use Yuezhi as an article and swallow the western foot of Qilian Mountain.

So as to leverage the big week. "

"It's still Wang Yingming!"

"Long live the king, ten thousand mighty!"

All the officers and men of Tuyuhun praised, all of them were filled with eyes by the big pie drawn by King Tuyuhun.

(End of this chapter)

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