I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 805? The National Teacher's Death

Chapter 805: National Teacher's Death

The next day!

The Yuezhi army is coming, but there are no Tibetans attacking the mountain pass.

But this is good news for Tuyuhun.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

Let's see if Tubo and the Yueshi still fight.

In such an important place, whoever gets it will have an advantage.


Seeing the Yuezhi army approaching, the Tubo king didn't have any hesitation.

Immediately withdrew the army to the plateau.

"King! Tubo ran away, and the king of Tubo ran away without a fight!"

The generals of Tuyuhun ran in to report to Wang Hui of Tuyuhun.

Tuyuhun was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Asked: "How many troops did the Yue family come to? Is there an army from Da Zhou?"

The general replied: "My lord, the Yue clan only has [-] soldiers and horses. I haven't seen the people of Da Zhou. I guess they haven't come up yet!"

Tuyuhun thought for a while and said:
"Send an order to pursue the Tubo army and destroy Tubo for this king!"

"It's the king!"

The Tuyuhun army immediately chased after the remnant Tubo army.

Tens of thousands of troops clung to them, chasing and killing them all the way.

The king of Tubo didn't listen to Fat Guoshi's advice, fought with Tuyuhun, and then lost again, killing and injuring more than [-] people, completely lost morale, and could only go to the plateau in embarrassment.

More importantly.

Fat Guoshi was seriously injured in the battle with Tuyuhun's master.

Although he is not dead, his life is not long!
"My lord, it's not good. Tuyuhun's army has gone to the plateau, but... they don't seem to have any symptoms, and they are still chasing after them vigorously."

The visitor came back to report in horror.

In the past, the biggest reliance of Tubo was the special high pressure on the plateau.

Now Tuyuhun was able to rush up, and there was no inappropriateness.

This is really incomprehensible.

"This is just a lowland. They haven't reached the real plateau of my Tubo yet. I believe it won't be long before they will be soft!" The Tubo king said to the crowd:

"Go, don't delay!"

The fat national teacher weakly grabbed the Tubo king's hand and lay on the stretcher.

"King, don't be careless. Tuyuhun may have come prepared. Maybe they have found a way to get to the plateau. Be careful..."

The king of Tubo is a man of great iron. At this moment, when he saw the fat national teacher who could not afford to be seriously injured, his eyes were red, he nodded, patted the fat national teacher's hand and said: "National teacher, don't worry, this king knows, soon We will go back to the royal court, and we will treat you immediately after we go back, and you can still return to your peak!"

Fat Guoshi smiled, shook his head lightly and said:
"King, I can't do it anymore. It's useless. Leave me alone. Listen to me. Immediately send goodwill to Da Zhou, form an alliance with him, and deal with Tuyuhun together, otherwise our Tubo will really perish!"

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

In the last few years, Master Fatty has figured out everything before and after.

Tuyuhun must have a way to deal with altitude sickness, so he dared to set this trap.

The purpose is to seize the vast land of Tubo.

From then on, it rushed to Dazhou from the high-ranking mansion in the west and east.

Thereby breaking the blockade of the West River Corridor.

It's just that it's a little late to understand now.

But it can be remedied.

As long as Tubo can survive, this is the best result.

It is impossible for Da Zhou to go to the plateau.

Tubo can hibernate and accumulate strength in the future.

With the ability, it is not impossible to go to the lower plateau.

The major events of the country are not a matter of one generation, but the efforts of generations.

After hearing what the national teacher said, the Tubo king closed his eyes, thought for a while, and then said:
"So, let's send people to Dazhou, as long as Dazhou can attack Tuyuhun, attacking Tuyuhun will buy time for Tubo.

It is not impossible to form an alliance with Zhou. "

"My lord, that Wang Xuance is still in our Tubo, find him as soon as possible, don't let him get lost, let alone let him die on the plateau!"

After speaking, the fat national teacher died.

Go west on the spot.

"National Division!"

The Tubo Dynasty roared furiously, his lungs cracking.

"National Teacher, go!" All the Tubo soldiers knelt down one after another.

In Tubo, the national teacher is a very honorable status.

Enjoy the same treatment as the king of Tubo.

He is the one who protects Tubo.

"Go, go back!"

The sadness was only temporary, and soon the king of Tubo led his army to the direction of Wangting.

The Tuyuhun army behind them continued to pursue, from the periphery of the plateau to the hinterland.

The army is still not sick, and it is still a good fighting force.

This further corroborates Fat Guoshi's words.

The king of Tubo regretted it even more.

I became more concerned about Fat Guoshi's last two explanations.

After returning, a subordinate soon reported that Wang Xuance and Wang Xuance had been found.

There is no difference between Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi.

It can adapt to the climate of the plateau.

No morbidity occurred.

It looks no different from ordinary people.

When the two came, they saw Tubo with a sneer.

"King of Tubo, what I said was right!"

These words made Tubo King speechless for a long time.

The two looked at each other coldly for a long time, and then said: "So what if it's right, the situation is now heading for the worst.

You two run away quickly, otherwise Tuyuhun will attack and you will be killed together! "

After speaking, the Tubo king turned and sat back in his seat.

The arrogance of being a king still did not give up.

Wang Xuance laughed and said:
"Tuyuhun came, vulnerable in front of us, but just ants.

Since the king of Tubo has no sincerity, he wants to die, and he doesn't want the Tubo kingdom anymore, then we leave. "

After speaking, Wang Xuance took Jiumozhi and turned around to leave.

Ignore the king of Tubo at all.

Just when Wang Xuance and the two were about to go outside, Tubo King hurriedly said:
"and many more!"

"General Wang, if you can come, it means that you are also willing to help me Tubo, please come in and sit down."

Wang Xuance turned around and came back without speaking.

The king of Tubo said to his attendants: "Come here, serve some snacks, and sit down for the two noble envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"It's the king!"

The attendant immediately went down to make arrangements.

Wang Xuance returned with Jiumozhi.

After sitting down, Wang Xuance said: "King of Tubo, how many soldiers are there in your country!"

Tubo King said: "We can still raise [-] soldiers!"

That's really not much.

"Of course, these are just some strong ones. If you add herdsmen and 10,000+ others, it will not be a problem.

But these people can't be lost. If they are gone, there will be no men in Tubo to reproduce. "

The Tubo king's words were somewhat helpless.

Wang Xuance said: "Then how many Tuyuhun troops are chasing after them?"

"It should be no less than [-]! About [-] to [-]!" Tubo King said bitterly:

"Many places in the east have been swallowed up by Tuyuhun, and soon they will be able to kill the royal court.

If we do not fight to the death with them, the people of our country will have to move to the Winter Grass Field in advance. "

Tubo is divided into four pastures throughout the year.

At this time, the royal court is in the autumn grass field.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the grass in the autumn meadow is almost finished.

"It's quite a lot! But you still have [-], which is enough to eat them!" Wang Xuance said:
"When I came here, I used to know the terrain of the upper plateau. There is a place that is very suitable for a decisive battle, so let's lay an ambush!"

(End of this chapter)

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