I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 806?? Wang Xuance Wants to Ambush

Chapter 806 Wang Xuance Wants to Ambush
"Ambush, can we do it?" Tubo King was stunned for a moment.

People in Dazhou really like to play ambushes.

At the beginning, he was ambushed by Wei Qing.

As a result, [-] people were killed or injured.

But Tuyuhun is not himself.

People will definitely be on guard.

Moreover, it is not easy to ambush an army of more than [-].

Wang Xuance said: "A man can't say no!"

"It's just a matter of vomit, if you don't come, you will die. Since you have come, then don't even think about going back!"

"I'll teach them how to behave!"

This is too arrogant.

Too arrogant.

More arrogant than myself, more arrogant than myself.

"Well, where does General Wang want to ambush? Our army has no morale right now. Facing the Tuyuhun army of more than [-], even if we can ambush them, it will be difficult to eat them." The Tubo king was a little scrupulous.

That's all the soldiers in Tubo.

It's gone after the fight.

It can't be wasted for nothing.

Wang Xuance said, "Ambush at the Kunlun Pass!"

Kunlun Mountain Pass, it's not easy to ambush there!
The Tubo king shook his head and said, "I passed by there countless times, but I didn't see the conditions suitable for an ambush. It's very peaceful, and there are no shelters around.

Hard to work wonders! "

"Hahaha, look, even the King of Tubo thinks it's not suitable for an ambush, so would Tuyuhun think it's suitable?" Wang Xuance laughed.

This... the king of Tubo was dumbfounded.

That's true.

I couldn't think of it myself, and Tuyuhun's side couldn't even think of it.

"However, it's really not suitable for ambushes there!" Tubo King also stated a fact.

How to fight in such an open space?
He didn't think it would work anyway.

Wang Xuance said: "Give me two thousand soldiers! Let's make a small ambush there first!"

Wang Xuance stretched out his right hand and raised two fingers.

Confident to the point of narcissism.

The king of Tubo was astonished.

two thousand.

Two thousand how do you fight an ambush.

What can two thousand do? It's not enough for Tuyuhun to eat.

"General Wang, you are exaggerating what you said. It's not that I don't believe in the general, but that this matter is a bit mysterious!" Tubo King said in disbelief.

Wang Xuance said confidently: "King of Tubo, the two thousand soldiers are used by me to restore the morale of you Tubo, it is to prove my strength, and it is to prove that the Kunlun Mountain Pass can be ambushed.

If you don't even believe in this and are unwilling to sacrifice, how can we cooperate! "

These words came to the heart of the king of Tubo.

It's okay to take two thousand to wipe it.

"Okay, I'll give you two thousand soldiers. If you can really use them to win a battle, it can be regarded as saving some morale for me, Tubo." After thinking about it, the king of Tubo finally agreed.

Wang Xuance laughed.

Soon he went to pick two thousand soldiers.

Then he trained them briefly for a long time, promulgated his own military regulations, and then took Jiumozhi to the Kunlun Mountain Pass.

Came to the mountain pass, here is vast.

The mountains on both sides are very far apart.

It's not a dangerous pass at all.

Even if it is to repair the city and build the wall, it is difficult to connect the mountains on the two wings.

After all, this is a plateau.

The mountains are bigger and the mountains are more majestic.

The gorge between the two mountains is also extremely wide.

Therefore, the plateau is regarded as a dangerous place except for the countless places where there are no people.

In other places, there is no such pass and danger as under the plateau.

Here it is big.

Big enough to disorient and lose purpose.

Two thousand Tubo troops were selected by Wang Xuance, and they heard that they were here to ambush Tuyuhun, all of them looked sad.

I feel like I'm here to die.

How did 2000 people fight against the Tuyuhun army?

And it's still in such an empty place where the birds don't shit.

The wind and sand are blowing from the westerly wind.

Wang Xuance pointed to a ditch near the east:

"Extend this ditch and dig south.

Before the Tuyuhun army arrived, they could dig as deep as they could.

All the sand and gravel were dumped on the road next to me.


The two thousand Tubo soldiers were stunned.

Aren't we here to find a fight?
How did it become a ditch digger?

At this time, they were a little more intelligent, and only then did they react. No wonder Wang Xuance asked them to bring digging and prying tools when they came out.

At first, I thought it was just looking for something to do, and increased physical exertion for no reason.

The result is used to do this.

"Dig, don't use ink marks, those who disobey military orders will be killed without mercy!"

Wang Xuance drew his long sword.

Two thousand Tubo generals began to work one after another.

Soon the ditch was extended by six miles.

It doesn't matter if the ditch is dug, Wang Xuance asked someone to put a big stone on the ditch to block the view from the road.

In the end, two thousand soldiers were arranged to shelter in a ditch overnight.

Waiting for the Tuyuhun army to arrive.

"It's not worth using this ditch to keep out the wind, and I don't know what this Zhou man wants to do?"

"That's right, ambushing here, isn't it courting death?"

"Come on, I'm going to die anyway, don't say a few words and get more sleep, otherwise there will be no chance in the future!"

"Heh, why are you still sleeping, you will sleep enough if you die."

"Hahaha, it seems to be!"

The next day!

The wind and sand stopped.

Tuyuhun's striker appeared.

An army of [-] soldiers and horses moved forward slowly.

"Everyone is paying attention, lower your head, hide your cat, don't make a sound without orders, and don't prepare to move!"

Seeing the Tuyuhun army coming, even the casual Tubo soldiers immediately obeyed the rules.

After all, no one wants to die.

Hidden in the ditch.

As long as he can survive, who the hell wants to die.

Soon Tuyuhun [-] soldiers approached.

There is an empty sky in front of me, and there are mountains in the distance, with wind and sand blowing from time to time.

After several days of traveling, I was already exhausted.

There is no natural danger here.

The general of Tuyuhun just glanced at it, and then looked away.

There is a mountain ditch, such a ditch can be seen all over the plateau.

The snow and ice on the mountain melted in summer, and the mountains and rivers formed by the rushing down brought the ditch.

There is nothing to pay attention to and be vigilant about.

Instead, he shouted loudly:

"Send the order, speed up the march, and walk through the mountains in front of you before dark!"

The [-] Tuyuhun soldiers were weak and did not bother to respond.

The speed is still loose.

Don't say that there will be no Tubo army here.

Even if they meet, the Tubo people are not their opponents.

Chasing all the way from Yuezhi's mountain pass, they defeated Tubo in an upright manner.

Then they drove all the way and captured a lot of land in Tubo.

They are confident that they can kill the Tubo army that appears at any time.

So none of them mattered.

Just when the middle part of their army reached the ditch where Wang Xuance and others were.

Wang Xuance took a look and drew out his long sword.

"Everyone, prepare, attack!"

Wang Xuance's order was conveyed.

So the Tibetans were short of breath.

Attack at this time.

What is Wang Xuance's peace of mind?

Two thousand fight twenty thousand.

You hit a hammer.

But none of them objected.

It's all here, if you want to die, you have to take a bite of Tuyuhun.

After all, the bastards like Tuyuhun killed so many of their compatriots, not only came to invade them, but also came to capture the land.

Kill their own parents and relatives.



Wang Xuance turned over and jumped up.

Jiumozhi also rushed out of the ditch.

Two thousand Tubo soldiers also rushed up one after another.

The archers shot at the Tuyuhun soldiers on the road in the ditch.

(End of this chapter)

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