Chapter 807 Two Thousand vs. Twenty Thousand Victory Returns
Tuyuhun soldiers were all on the spot in a daze.

what's going on.

How did the Tibetans emerge from here?

One by one stood still.

I didn't come back to my senses for a while.


Countless Tuyuhun soldiers fell to the ground with arrows.

Screaming again and again.

Soon the entire Tuyuhun army was frightened.

They all started to hide to the other side.

At this time, Wang Xuance brought someone to kill him.

He rushed directly into the Tuyuhun army.



The long sword danced, and wherever it passed, stumped limbs and arms flew around.

Blood sprinkled around.

"Damn it, the little thief in Tubo will die!"

A Tuyuhun general rushed towards Wang Xuance.

Wang Xuance dodged his body and stabbed with his long sword.

This general Tuyuhun was stabbed to the core.

"Pfft!" The long sword was drawn.

Blood flow like a column.

The same is true for Jiumozhi, he slammed his hands back and forth to block.

Several generals from Tuyuhun rushed forward and were also killed by them.

The Tubo soldiers were instantly inspired and infected by Wang Xuance and the two of them.

One by one, they went down the mountain like fierce tigers, and they rushed to kill them desperately.

Wielding a spear and dagger.

All kinds of bone sticks were smashed down.

Following Jiumozhi and the other two, they charged into Tuyuhun's army from behind.

The Tuyuhun army was directly overwhelmed and dispersed.

There is no hurry to establish a defensive formation.

The middle part was pierced and disturbed at once.

The Tuyuhun soldiers at both ends were also in commotion.

But helpless.

Because the Tubo soldiers mixed with their people.

Fight each other.

Unable to shoot and suppress with bows and arrows.

Moreover, the Tubo archers also dropped their bows and held their knives to charge forward.

Further expand the achievements of the soldiers in front.

With Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi leading the way, the Tubo soldiers followed, killing and pushing along the way.

In Tuyuhun's side, no one can stop the two of them.

Even the masters accompanying the army are no match for Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi.

They were killed one after another.

The two of them are like entering a land of no one.

Disturb the central part of Tubo, and then charge towards the back.

The Tuyuhun army retreated in the direction they came directly from.

Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi chased and hacked for four miles before turning back.

Although Tuyuhun of the front team gathered scattered troops.

But facing Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi who are like bulls fighting red eyes, and a group of Tubo soldiers.

He still didn't dare to face it head-on, and withdrew to the other side.

Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi led the Tubo soldiers to continue the pursuit, and bit off another group of people.

Then the pursuit stopped.

Finally, return to the ambush to clean up the battlefield.

"General Wang, we defeated 1000 Tuyuhun soldiers in this battle, beheaded more than [-] enemies in total, and captured countless!"

The Tubo generals reported happily.

This result was completely unexpected to them.

This battle was originally a retribution for death.

I want to die with Tuyuhun.

The result was a big victory.

Winning more with less is simply a miracle.

From the generals above to the soldiers below, there is no one who is not overjoyed.

He respected Wang Xuance incomparably.

General Da Zhou really came to help us.

We have defeated an enemy force ten times larger than our own.

In this case, [-] Tubo soldiers can defeat the Tuyuhun army of more than [-].

"How about our casualties?" Wang Xuance asked.

The Tubo general shook his head and said, "This, general, we haven't counted yet!"

Now who cares how many casualties.

If you win a big battle, just count how much you have won.

They never cared how much they died.

To fight is to die.

Wang Xuance's face turned black and he said:

"Immediately go to count. I want to know how many people died in battle today, and how many people were injured? Those who were injured will do everything possible to save them."

"Ah!" The Tubo general was taken aback.


how can that be.

We have always fought. If we are injured, we can bandage ourselves. If we survive, we will live. If we cannot survive, we will die in battle.

Dead people are worthless.

Wang Xuance yelled: "What are you still doing in a daze, do as I say, but those who disrespect the army order to kill without mercy!"

"It's the general!"

Seeing that Wang Xuance was completely angry, Tubo will rush to count the casualties and treat the wounded.

The Tubo soldiers were all moved when they heard this.

Wang Xuance actually valued them so much.

Small soldiers and small people are the property of the nobles, and they are all things that the nobles pursue for profit.

Even if it is to launch a war abroad, it is also serving the empire. ,

When did the empire serve them, and when did it really think about them.

Wang Xuance, a man of Zhou, was able to do this.

Too good to say nothing.

The next day, the army returned to the royal court.

Tubo froze in place after listening to his subordinate's report.

Mouth opened wide.

Can't believe it all.

Two thousand beats twenty thousand, and it still wins.

"Wang, you heard me right, General Wang led us to defeat not only the [-] Tuyuhun army.

He also beheaded more than 1000 people and seized a large amount of ordnance. "

The Tubo king closed his eyes, clenched his fists tightly, and after a long time, he let out a long roar.

"it is good!"

"Hahaha, well done, this Wang Xuance is really amazing, he can do this."

"National teacher, you can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven. We, Tubo, are saved and will not perish."

All the generals in Tubo said happily:

"Congratulations King, Congratulations King, we Tubo can defeat Tuyuhun!"

"Let's go, let's meet Wang Xuance. This time, I want to treat them well. I want to hear how he did it."

"Ambush Tuyuhun at the Kunlun Mountain Pass. Only he dares to think about it. Only he can do it!"

Soon the king of Tubo and his people greeted Wang Xuance who had returned in triumph.

"General Wang, congratulations on your victory. You have greatly increased my prestige in Tubo. This king apologizes to you for your previous recklessness and contempt!"

The king of Tubo is also an upright person, but also an ambitious overlord, able to bend and stretch.

For the sake of Tubo, he took the initiative to admit his mistake.

This shocked the jaws of the Tubo generals.

Wang Xuance laughed and said: "The Tubo king's words are serious, Tubo doesn't know me, Da Zhou, so naturally they don't know me, Wang Xuance.

Today is a big victory, let's not talk about spoiling the fun, let's go in and drink a lot, and eat a lot of meat! "

"Of course, the king of Tubo is not unprepared!"

"Uh...haha, General Wang is really good at joking. If you have enough wine and meat, you won't go home if you don't get drunk today!"

So everyone entered the royal tent.

Eating and drinking is normal.

Get up the next day!

As soon as Wang Xuance woke up, there were attendants waiting outside.

"General Wang, my king said that if you wake up, please go to the king's tent and sit down!"

Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi looked at each other, knowing what the king of Tubo wanted to do.

So tidy up.

Then he followed the attendants to the king's account.

After coming in, the Tubo king ordered someone to prepare breakfast.

Tubo is mainly grazing, so the food is fresh milk, cheese, milk raisins, and milk pancakes.

There are also highland barley wine, kumiss, and highland barley rice.

and various meats.

"King Tubo, you invited us here early in the morning, but you want to ask about dealing with the Tuyuhun army?"

The king of Tubo said: "The general predicts things like a god, that's exactly the case. Please also teach me how to break the Tuyuhun army?"

(End of this chapter)

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