I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 808 Another Ambush at the Kunlun Mountain Pass

Chapter 808 Another Ambush at the Kunlun Mountain Pass

Wang Xuance whispered, "Ambush at the Kunlun Pass!"

Ambush at the Kunlun Pass!

The Tubo king was taken aback.

Did I hear it wrong.

"General Wang, didn't we ambush once at the Kunlun Mountain Pass! Didn't you..."

"King of Tubo, I am not mistaken, ambushing at the Kunlun Mountain Pass!" Wang Xuance said with a smile:

"In the same place, setting up an ambush repeatedly, I don't think you would have thought of it, let alone the Tuyuhun side!"


The Tubo king was a little dumbfounded.

That's right, who would have thought that you would set up an ambush at the same location again.

In the place that was ambushed before, no one would have the courage to set up an ambush again.

Also use the same method.

What a bold man.

The king of Tubo couldn't help showing a trace of reverence.

"Okay! As long as General Wang thinks it is feasible, we will do it." Tubo King agreed with a gritted teeth.

If it was before, definitely not.

But this time Wang Xuance proved his strength with his ability.

So the king of Tubo is willing to take a risk this time.

Soon the king of Tubo ordered to assemble the army.

Integrate [-] soldiers and horses.

Go to Kunlun Mountain Pass.


Tuyuhun army!
When the remnant army returned from defeat, King Tuyuhun was furious when he heard this.

A whip was drawn on the face of the defeated general.

"Incompetent idiot!"

"Just a few thousand people, just beat them like this. It's a shame for our Tuyuhun country!"

After scolding, the counselor said: "Your Majesty, you can't blame them this time, who would have thought that Tubo would have the courage to fight back and set up an ambush."

"And I heard that Tubo has a supreme master and a fifth-rank warrior. It is true that we underestimated the enemy and rushed forward."

King Tuyuhun said: "The Tubo Kingdom is hidden deep, but there is still a sixth-rank Supreme, and even a fifth-rank general. We underestimated them, and the work of the situation has not been done well."

Adviser said:
"My lord, I think the Tubo people wanted to hide such a master to deal with Da Zhou, but we broke through."

King Tuyuhun nodded, his eyes were full of ferocity, and he said coldly: "Even if there is such a master, Tubo can't be saved. This time I brought 15 troops into the plateau, and I lost a little, and there are 13 left. It is enough to flatten Tubo."

"Send the order, advance the troops quickly, don't give the Tubo people time, they should be preparing to move to the winter grass field at this time."

Soon the 13 Tuyuhun army rushed forward and rushed towards the royal court of Tubo.

When they reached the Kunlun Mountain Pass, King Tuyuhun reined in his horse and stopped.

"You can also be ambushed here, really..."

In the end, King Tuyuhun couldn't tell.

The subordinates were also speechless.

This land boundary, this degree of emptiness, is really unexpected.

"Wang, do you want to check to see if there is no ambush yet!"

A clever subordinate asked.

King Tuyuhun smiled: "No need, the Tubo people don't have the courage, and it is impossible to set up an ambush in the same place.

And thousands of people came, let him succeed in ambush, can we move our army without saying a word? "

10,000+ army, standing still makes you unable to fight.

The generals of Tuyuhun also agreed with a chuckle.

This is indeed the case, not because they despise the Tibetans, but because the Tibetans are used to living on the plateau.

A country bumpkin, his combat power is not as strong as imagined.

I have always been self-satisfied.

Soon the Tuyuhun army entered the Kunlun Mountain Pass and passed quickly without stopping.

King Tuyuhun of the Chinese army also entered the ambush circle.

At this time, the Tubo soldiers who were lying in ambush in the stone ditch all had shortness of breath.

But they were all suppressed, not daring to catch their breath.

Until Wang Xuance gave an order.


Suddenly, the Tubo soldiers got up one after another.

The longbow pointed at the Tuyuhun army in the middle of the road.

As soon as the bowstring was loosened, arrows rained down all over the sky.

"Puff puff……"

The Tuyuhun soldiers who were caught off guard fell to the ground one after another.


Countless Tubo soldiers jumped out of the stone ditch.

Holding a sharp knife, he rushed towards the Tuyuhun soldiers in the road.

"what's the situation!"

"Damn it! It's from Tubo, it's from Tubo!"

Everyone in Tuyuhun was stunned at this moment.

Tubo even ambushed here again.

And this time it's not two thousand.

but 4 people.

Forty thousand soldiers rushed out together.

Arrows fly out.

After three waves, countless Tuyuhun soldiers were shot and killed.

The entire Chinese army was in disarray.

Haste to fight.

Soon Wang Xuance rushed to the nearby area with his army.

Still the same operation.

But this time, there were more Tubo soldiers and their morale was stronger.

"Puff puff……"

The two sides handed over short soldiers, and countless weapons pierced into each other's body.

The soldiers of both sides collided and fell to the ground.

"Block it, let me block the Tubo people!"

King Tuyuhun drew his saber, pointed at Wang Xuance and found the sound of roaring.

The generals and masters under his command rushed towards Wang Xuance one after another.

At this time, Wang Xuance killed Tuyuhun's officers and men in a panic and fled.

Passing through here, the flow became a river, and there were countless dead bodies.

Soon the generals and masters of Tuyuhun rushed over.

In the battle with it, none of them made it to three rounds, and were easily defeated.

Only to be killed by a supreme master.

It was only then that they fought with Wang Xuance for several moves, but they couldn't tell the difference.

But Wang Xuance didn't tangle with him.

Take the soldiers and rush in the other direction.

The only way to completely disperse the formation of the Tuyuhun army.

This ambush is worthwhile.

"Kill! Follow up with General Wang!" The Tubo king also went into battle in person, wielding a mace, and beheaded the Tuyuhun soldiers in front of him one by one.

The masters of Tuyuhun rushed towards the king of Tubo.

Presumably they also understand the principle of shooting horses first when shooting people, and capturing the king first when capturing thieves.

Only this time, Wang Xuance deliberately asked Jiumozhi to stay by the Tubo king's side.

The King of Tubo is the key to this victory, if the King of Tubo dies.

The Tubo army is basically finished, and the Tubo king is also finished.

But don't let the Tuyuhun army not be defeated, the main characters on our side were killed first.

That's really stealing chickens without losing money.

So Wang Xuance will not let such a thing happen.

Naturally, Jiumozhi was protected by the King of Tubo.

The generals and masters of Tuyuhun rushing over were beheaded by Jiumozhi one by one.

Finally came a sixth-grade Supreme.

The man stabbed the king of Tubo with a flying sword.

Movement is extremely fast.

It seems that the reckless Tubo king is about to be killed.

But suddenly a finger-like force flew towards him and hit the edge of the sword.

The edge of the sword deflected, and the king of Tubo missed the past.

The king of Tubo only realized it later.

Yiyou broke out in a cold sweat, but then the king of Tubo smashed his mace towards Fang.

The Supreme Tuyuhun hurriedly swung his sword at each other.

The King of Tubo was far behind him in strength, and he could be knocked flying and seriously injured with just a single blow of his own sword.

But this sword hadn't struck the Tubo king yet, another finger came flying.


The sword body tilted, and a flash of fire flashed.

Then another finger flew towards the lower body of the Supreme Master Tuyuhun.

The Tuyuhun Supreme Master was so frightened that he hurriedly turned the bowl around and blocked it downwards.

After a sound of "Clang!", the finger force was blocked.

But Tubo King's mace hit Tuyuhun Supreme on the shoulder.

The body of Supreme Tuyuhun flew upside down several feet.

Blood gushes out from the body.

(End of this chapter)

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