I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 809 ? Tuyuhun Army Defeated

Chapter 809
Although he was injured, these injuries were nothing to Supreme!
The Supreme Tuyuhun did not pay attention to the Tubo King.

Instead, he looked at Jiumozhi who used his finger strength many times.

Using fingers as strength is stronger than Qi Jin.

It can be seen that Jiumozhi's strength is profound.

It is absolutely impossible for people who do not have a strong inner strength.

Rather, this is a magical martial art, which has never been heard of before.

Could it be that Tubo has some obscure and bizarre martial arts.

Jiumozhi looks very Tubo.

The appearance and dress are different from the masters in other regions.

"Damn you!"

He stared at Jiumozhi venomously and said,
The Supreme Master Tuyuhun flickered in the next moment, and arrived at Jiumozhi's side.

With a wave of the long sword, dozens of sword qi flew over.

Jiumozhi smiled slightly and flicked his sleeves.

A bright pearl appeared.

Countless rays of light burst out from the pearl, with a width of one foot, dispelling all the incoming sword energy.

Then Venerable Tuyuhun's long sword went straight in, piercing left and right.

Jiumozhi used his hand as a blade, and fought with it.

From time to time, he clapped his hands back.

Occasionally a finger.

Shot several fingers.

Attacking the upper, middle and lower three roads of Tuyuhun Supreme Being.

Frequently force its sword back.

When the battle was not long, suddenly Jiumozhi exerted his strength and took the initiative to attack.

He began to attack the Supreme Tuyuhun.

The Supreme Tuyuhun only had the power to parry after beating him so hard.

He was injured from time to time, and his clothes were torn.

Half of the blood flowed out.

The last one accidentally got hit and was hit with a heavy palm.


He flew upside down and crashed into a crowd of Tuyuhun soldiers.

After a slap, Jiumozhi didn't care about him.

Because if you hit yourself with this palm, you will definitely die.

There's no need to tangle with him.

At this time, the king of Tubo was too turbulent.

He took the Tubo soldiers and killed King Tuyuhun.

More Tuyuhun generals and masters killed the Tubo king.

Jiumozhi must protect the king of Tubo.


Wang Xuance had no enemies to hold him back, like a chariot spinning at high speed.

Rampage, wherever it passes, is blown away.

No one could stop Wang Xuance, and occasionally a general who appeared out of Tuyuhun was directly beheaded by him.

Soon the Tuyuhun soldiers finally collapsed and couldn't stand it anymore.

They all began to retreat eastward and were defeated.


Seeing this, the Tubo soldiers were overjoyed and became even more excited to kill.

They all screamed, and the hand wielding the saber became more powerful.

Following Wang Xuance, he turned around and came back to kill King Tuyuhun.

King Tuyuhun's scalp was also numb at this time.

When the Tubo people got close, they seemed to be possessed by demons, and they rushed towards him desperately.

The generals and masters who went down died in battle one by one.

No one is Jiumozhi's opponent.

Under the leadership of the Tubo king, the Tubo soldiers were almost crazy.

Slaughtering Tuyuhun soldiers frantically, rushed towards them.

The earth-shattering shouts of killing even overwhelmed the Tuyuhun army.

"Damn it, a bunch of useless trash, even a mere Tubo bumpkin can't stop it."

King Tuyuhun was about to go mad with anger. If the fight continued like this, even though he had the numerical advantage, he still felt like he was about to lose.

King Tuyuhun kept urging his subordinates to charge forward, not to retreat.

But let Tubo approach step by step.

Soon the two armies were within a stone's throw of each other.

Some archers in the Tubo army began to shoot arrows towards King Tuyuhun.

Flowing arrows come flying from time to time.

He almost shot King Tuyuhun.

Watching the Tubo king approaching.

King Tuyuhun was also completely enraged, he pointed his sword and urged his horse to go towards the king of Tubo.

"Follow this king to kill, today this king's battle must drink the blood of the Tubo king.

Let him see who is stronger! "

The supreme expert guarding King Tuyuhun followed immediately, and slashed at Jiumozhi who was flying towards him.

Jiumozhi also noticed it.

The double braces are directly hard-connected.

The two stayed in the air for a short time, then kicked each other's feet, and then retreated separately.

Stand on the shoulders of their soldiers.

Then they stepped on each other again and rushed towards each other.

The person was in mid-air, only to see a few fingers flying towards him.

The supreme expert guarding King Tuyuhun immediately flew upwards with a spin.

Jiumozhi chased up the ladder.

Both palms blasted out.

The destructive power wrapped in Dao Dao's palm strength flew upwards.

It seems to block the other party.

The opponent could only keep waving the saber, chopping down a series of air blades.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a sound of explosions in the air, and the surrounding air was detonated, and waves of dust covered half of the sky.

At the top, the supreme expert guarding King Tuyuhun swooped down, wielding his saber constantly.

Jiumozhi, who was rushing upwards, still pointed his palms upwards.


The last two rushed into the dust at the same time.

Then there were several sounds of golden cries, and then several sounds of being pierced into the body by sharp objects.

Then the two flew out from the dust at the same time.

They each fell into each other's army.

At this time, I was looking at Jiumozhi's clothes were cut in several places, and even his hair was loose and hanging on his shoulders.

On the surface, the supreme expert guarding King Tuyuhun didn't have a single injury.

But then spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood.

There was a look in his eyes.

His face turned pale instantly.

Then he clutched his chest, showing a hint of pain.

Then fell on his back.

"Oh Methofer!"

Jiumozhi became Zen with one hand, and said softly to him.

Here the king of Tubo and the king of Tuyuhun are fighting each other.

The two also made their own ruthless moves and killer moves.

Attack the other side.

Everyone is king, and no one is the one who suffers.

They all want to put the other party to death, want to kill the other party.

"Clang clang..."

Soon the two fought more than a dozen moves, and in the end it was the king of Tubo who was more direct and brutal, exchanging injuries for injuries.

After receiving a knife from the opponent, he hit Tugu Qingbai on the head with a Langya cudgel.

King Tuyuhun's ears were directly shattered, and the sideways head was nailed in by the spikes of the Langya stick.

King Tuyuhun fell to the ground on the spot, with trickles of blood gushing out.


King Tuyuhun is not dead yet.

But it also takes more air in and less air out.

The subordinates all wanted to grab it.

But the king of Tubo is a real ruthless man.

Incomparably barbaric, he swung the Langya stick and gave him another stick.


That brain is like a burst watermelon.

The brains splattered all over the faces of Tuyuhun soldiers.

The minds of each Tuyuhun soldier went blank.

The king is dead!
Our king is dead!

At this moment, they were collectively stunned.

"Hahaha, King Tuyuhun was killed by this king, and the soldiers of Tubo will follow me!"


The Tubo soldiers became even more excited when they heard these words.

Even Jiumozhi showed a gratified smile.

He hurriedly leaped over to protect the king of Tubo.

On the other side, Wang Xuance also rushed over with his men.

The two armies rushed together.

Without the king, the Tuyuhun army completely lost its morale.

There is no fighting spirit.

It crashed directly.

"The king is dead!"

"The king is dead!"

The death of King Tuyuhun was like a plague, spreading all over the place.

The soldiers of King Tuyuhun's army didn't believe it at first, but they were quickly dispersed by the disintegrated army and had no time to think about this issue, so they naturally acquiesced in this matter.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Whether it is 13 or [-].

The Tuyuhun army has no king, and no capable generals to command.

It was a complete blowout.

Tens of thousands of troops were hunted down by [-] Tubo troops.

After running for ten miles, suddenly another [-] Tubo troops charged forward and flanked them.

These 1 people were originally to support the army.

After all, Wang Xuance couldn't guarantee everything would be safe.

Now these 1 people have become the main force to intercept the defeated Tuyuhun army...

(End of this chapter)

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