I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 810? Negotiating to Exterminate Tuyuhun

Chapter 810: Negotiating to Eliminate Tuyuhun
Hexi Governor's Mansion.

Wei Qing was at his desk contemplating the matter of Tuguhun. These days had passed, but there was no news from Wang Xuance. Wei Qing felt a little uneasy in his heart. After all, Wang Xuance was just a fledgling boy. Everyone has the bravery of Huo Qubing.

"Could it be that I have misjudged Wang Xuance." The more Wei Qing thought about it, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, and he couldn't help asking himself a question.

At this time, it was already dinner time, and the meal next to the map on the desk was already cold.However, the rest of the generals are like this, Wei Qing doesn't eat, how dare their subordinates eat?
While thinking about this, there was a noise outside, and Wei Qing was about to scold him, only to see a busy messenger appear in front of Wei Qing and the others.

"Report! General Wang's great victory! Great victory!!! News came from the front scouts that General Wang has wiped out the Tuyuhun army and Wang Ting who came to attack Tubo."

Hearing this, Wei Qing stood up with a smile on his lips, and the dull atmosphere in the Governor's Mansion was also swept away by this good news. Everyone couldn't bear their joy, and they started shouting one by one.

"Let me just say, Wang Xuance is fine. I was silent before, but I didn't expect to hold such a big guy in a muffled voice, but it opened our eyes."

"That's right, that's right. This guy is quite powerful. I think he has the shadow of the champion Hou Huo Qubing."

Even Wei Qing, who usually doesn't praise others easily, followed the generals with a smile and commented: "Not bad."

Being in a good mood naturally increases the appetite, Wei Qing only felt hungry for a while, so he asked the chef of the Dudu Mansion to reheat everyone's dinner tonight, and after enjoying the dinner again.

In the main hall, Wei Qing and others began to discuss their next plan.

On the sand table of Nuoda in the middle, there is a fine map radiating westwards with the Hexi Governor's Mansion as the center.

Wei Qing and others discussed it, and finally Wei Qing made a conclusion.

"The current situation is that Xuan Ce has wiped out Tuyuhun's army, and even the royal court, so the current situation shows that Tuyuhun is in a chaotic state without a leader."

"Then now we can destroy Tuyuhun and include it in our territory. Tuyuhun is our vanguard station for marching into the Western Regions." Wei Qing's eyes lit up, and he said these words loudly. 'Expanding the soil and opening up the frontier' has a strange persistence.

At the end without asking: "Do you have any objections?"

Needless to say, the generals in the audience already had a wolf-like green light in their eyes, as if seeing food.

Since the champion Hou Huo Qubing was transferred away, the rest of the empire's legions have long been famous, and I and others are hiding in the Dudu's mansion, and their reputation is not obvious. I'm afraid they have been forgotten by everyone.

Now that there is a "war" to be fought that may last for a long time, they naturally wish for it. Of course, they want a big victory for the rest of the empire to wait and see the majesty of my Hexi Dudu Mansion, so as not to be gossiped.

Seeing that the army's spirit was available, Wei Qing immediately sent someone to deliver news to Emperor Ye Qing of the Great Zhou Dynasty. By the way, he passed on his idea of ​​using Tuyuhun as a vanguard station to restrict the Western Regions.


A telegram passed through Guo Jia's hand to Ye Qing: "Your Majesty, this is from the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

The newspaper said that Wang Xuance had already killed Tuyuhun's army, and Wang Ting had also been destroyed by Wang Xuance.

Wei Qing suggested that we take advantage of the leaderless chaos in Tuyuhun and Wang Xuance's big victory in Tuyuhun to take down Tuyuhun in one go and use it to restrict the vanguard station of the Western Regions to the West. "

Ye Qing asked back: "You mean, Wang Xuance has already destroyed Tuyuhun's royal court and army?"

"It's true from Wei Qing's telegram." Guo Jia replied without hesitation.

"What do you love, Wei Qing wants to destroy Tuyuhun in order to facilitate the empire's westward plan.": Ye Qing opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty! I believe that Wei Dudu's move is feasible. The destruction of Tuyuhun will have a great impact on the momentum of our Great Zhou.

Not only that, but it can also deter the vassal states in the western border and make them dare not act rashly.Relying on the geographical advantages of Tuyuhun, it can be used as a pioneer station in the Western Regions to radiate.

What's more, our Great Zhou originally took the stabilization of the northern border and the western border as strategic points, so that we would not be taken advantage of by villains in the battle with Wei.

It can be said that Wei Dudu's move is in line with the empire's strategy. "The more Guo Jia analyzed, the more excited he became. In the end, his eyes almost lit up, and he applauded Wei Qing's strategy at the end.

Ye Qing carefully thought about some key points, and suddenly said with a smile: "There is still one thing that Feng Xiao has not said."

After hearing Ye Qing's words, Guo Jia was a little puzzled, thinking quietly.

Then, Ye Qing said: "Destroying Tuyuhun will not only obtain a large area of ​​grassland, but also a continuous source of war horses. Tuyuhun is famous for its rich production of war horses, and it can be used as a horse farm for our Great Zhou."

Guo Jia's heart was shocked for a moment, he didn't expect Ye Qing to have such a vision, he was not as good as it was, using a country as a horse farm, this skill is really terrible.It's not that I didn't think about Tuyuhun's war horse just now, but I didn't expect Ye Qing to use a country as a horse farm.

I admire Ye Qing even more in my heart, following such a lord, I can't realize my ambitions.I'm just afraid that I won't be able to learn enough by then, so it seems that I still can't let go of my studies.Guo Jia thought of this in his heart and made up his mind to keep pace with the times.

"Why is Feng Xiao not talking anymore, are you scared?" Ye Qing looked at the stunned Guo Jia and smiled gently.

Guo Jia responded: "Returning to Your Majesty, I really didn't expect that Your Majesty's ambitions are so great, and my vision is so broad, I feel ashamed."

"If you understand how big this world is, you won't say that. In the final analysis, it's a matter of knowledge. Fengxiao should learn to improve his knowledge." Ye Qing encouraged.

Ye Qing told his wish, and the expression on his face was shocking: "Although my Dazhou is now several times bigger than before, it is still just a small piece of land in this 'world'. The world is huge, My only wish in this life is to unify the world, which has been in conflict and chaos for countless years, so that the rivers and mountains will be unified, and the world will be unified."

"The ministers are willing to help my emperor to rule the world, and the rivers and mountains will be unified, and my emperor will live forever." Guo Jia and others had already straightened their bodies when they heard the words, and said with serious expressions.

"With you famous people, I will one day unite the rivers and mountains and rule the world. I will definitely become the master of the world." Ye Qing responded to the voices of these famous ministers, showing his ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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