I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 811 Wang Xuance Arranges Funeral Affairs

Chapter 811 Wang Xuance Arranges Funeral Affairs

"You draw up a regulation on this matter, the sooner the better." Ye Qing said finally.

In less than a day, Ye Qing was very satisfied and thought it was feasible after looking at the plans delivered by many intelligent brains headed by Guo Jia.

The plan of Guo Jia and others is basically the same as what he thought in his heart. Ye Qing glanced at the ministers and said: "To make an order, Tuyuhun has repeatedly violated our Dazhou border, killed my subjects, and intercepted my property. It’s too much to write down, and the people are unbearable. Today, Da Zhou officially declares war on Tuyuhun, and if the other countries want to take advantage of the opportunity, they can attack them, and the Quartet Army will let them come and go.”

"It is planned to appoint Wei Qing of the Hexi Governor's Mansion as the general who conquers the West, and to take full charge of all matters in Tuyuhun, and order the local Jinyiwei to cooperate with Wei Qing."

Newspapers were printed very quickly, and it didn't take long for the people of Dazhou to know about Tuyuhun's evil deeds, and he was even more excited about this expedition to the west.

In restaurants, teahouses and other leisure places, everyone gathered to discuss the battle of Tuyuhun.

"In my opinion, it's time to fight. This Tuguhun is too bad. I've disliked him for a long time. Before we burned, killed and looted at the border of Dazhou, it's time to settle the score today." A pregnant man The butcher-like drinker yelled loudly.

"It should be so. Hu Tuhu's words are fair. This Tuguhun is really hateful, and the rest of the countries are not a thing." The man in the long coat with the appearance of a merchant said what was in his heart.

Such arguments can be seen everywhere in Dazhou, and no one jumped out to oppose Zhengxi.The same is true of the general trend of the people, and it is bound to include Tuyuhun in the territory of our Great Zhou, making it a racetrack for our Great Zhou.

A day later, everything is ready.

Inside the Hexi Governor's Mansion, Wei Qing was dressed in armor, with the fan blades opening and closing, there was a sound of metal tremors, and a pair of tiger eyes flashed aggressively, the momentum was extremely compelling.

At this time, Wei Qing was already the general who conquered Tuyuhun, Wang Xuance was at his side as the vanguard of the army, and Jiumozhi was also at the side.

Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi killed Tuyuhun's king when they slaughtered Tuyuhun's army.

Afterwards, the Tubo king dropped his jaw in shock, and soon after Wang Xuance returned triumphantly, all the luck in the Tubo king's heart disappeared in the royal tent, and he realized that Tubo could only develop better if he attached himself to the Great Zhou.

With the intention of establishing diplomatic relations with Da Zhou, the Tubo king rewarded Wang Xuance and others with a banquet in the royal tent.

Inside the king's tent, the Tubo king had already lost his contempt.

At the banquet, everyone ate and drank and praised each other. Of course, the center of the praise was naturally Wang Xuance.Seeing Wang Xuance surrounded by everyone, although the Tubo King felt uncomfortable, he also had a different kind of emotion and understood that he deserved it.

After being full of wine and meat, the king of Tubo waved his hand and retreated from the banquet.

Wang Xuance sat up straight, knowing that it was time for a big show.

This is the main topic, and everyone is not a fool, so naturally they all became serious and majestic, as if they were business-like.

Although we got to the point, the king of Tubo was not a fool, he didn't come up, he said it was just a questioning tone and asked: "This time the general won a big victory, I don't know how I, Tubo, should reward the general?"

"I have things in Tubo, but if the general wants to just ask, you don't need to be polite to me. This king will definitely get it for the general." The king of Tubo looked at Wang Xuance with a smile on his face, and especially hoped that he would make a request.

It’s just that the result will definitely disappoint the King of Tubo, and Wang Xuance responded: “If the King of Tubo hadn’t generously donated troops, how could I have defeated Tuyuhun and even killed the king of Tubo. So, what Wang Xuance did was just what should be done. .

As for rewards and the like, I think we should discuss the business first.The king of Tubo can say whatever he wants, there is no need to be like this, my king Xuance is not a villain, so I ask the king of Tubo to speak up. "

"General Wang, this time they attacked and killed the army of Tuguhun and the king of Tuguhun. They will definitely not let it go. I don't know what will happen to General Wang." The king of Tubo expressed his thoughts.

Wang Xuance glanced around and saw the serious expressions on everyone's faces. After thinking for a while, he said, "The King of Tubo doesn't need to worry about Tuguhun. This time the army of Tuguhun was destroyed, and King Tuguhun was even beheaded by me.

There must be chaos inside Tuyuhun right now.Among other things, it will take some time for the new king to sweep away the domestic forces and become king.During this period of time, Tuyuhun was at a time when the Lord Shaoguo was undergoing great changes and turmoil.

Look, this is the best time for my big week. "

"What time?" Tubo King spit out these four words with a serious face. Although he already had an idea in his heart, he still didn't dare to think about it, because that idea was completely a devil, making him break out in a cold sweat out of thin air.

"The king of Tubo is very suspicious, what is the timing? The overall situation is not clear, it is natural to go west and destroy Tuguhun. Although my Great Zhou has a vast territory, Tuguhun is famous all over the world for its good horses.

Back then, Tuguhun took advantage of his good horses to harass our Great Zhou Hexi, causing the people to live in dire straits and filled with grievances.Today, Tuguhunhe should be destroyed by our Great Zhou. It is a shame to show our country's prestige. "Wang Xuance smiled, not forgetting one last sentence.

"Does the King of Tubo think that my Great Zhou has no intention of destroying Tuyuhun? At this good time, you think that the emperor of my Great Zhou will give up, and the famous officials will give up this opportunity to destroy Tuyuhun. This is the same as beating a snake without dying." The principle of being victimized is the same.”

Hearing this, the king of Tubo was silent, he really didn't expect the new emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty to be so powerful not long after he ascended the throne.Tsuchiyahun is about to become a thing of the past.

Is the world changing so fast? King Tubo felt a little old for a while.But soon cheered up, after all, he was a prince with great ambitions.

Seeing the king of Tubo go from sluggish to uplifting, Wang Xuance could not help but narrow his eyes slightly, and his evaluation of the king of Tubo in his heart was even higher.

"General Wang's insights made this king very impressed, and made me understand the general trend of the world." The Tubo king praised Wang Xuance.Suddenly, the conversation changed: "I don't know how I, Tubo, should establish diplomatic relations with the Great Zhou Empire?"

"The king of Tubo has such a heart, and that is the best reward for my king Xuance." Wang Xuance stood up and said solemnly to the king of Tubo: "Our Great Zhou Empire has never refused to establish diplomatic relations with countries with good intentions. The king of Tubo has such a heart that our two countries have established a profound friendship.

Then I, Wang Xuance, will arrange this matter when I return to the Hexi Governor's Mansion.At that time, my foreign envoy of Dazhou will explain all the procedures to the king of Tubo clearly. "

(End of this chapter)

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