Chapter 812

"I hope that I will return to Chang'an after destroying Tuyuhun, and meet the King of Tubo again in Chang'an. At that time, I, Wang Xuance, will be the host and entertain the King of Tubo." Wang Xuance respected the King of Tubo with a glass of wine, and said these words.

After everything was settled, Wang Xuance planned to leave Tubo and return to the Hexi Governor's Mansion.Jiumozhi's practice in Tubo also came to an end.

Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi each had a tall black horse. The Tubo king clasped his hands not far away and said, "General Wang has been away for a long time. May we meet again in Chang'an."

"If the mage comes to Tubo in the future, he will go out of the city ten miles to meet him." The king of Tubo respected Jiumozhi's words, and what he said was shocking.

But when you think about it carefully, it's no wonder, after all, Tubo believed in Buddhism, and Jiumozhi himself was not only a supreme being, but also a great monk and a great mage.

If it was normal, the king of Tubo would respect Jiumozhi as his national teacher, even if he was from the Great Zhou Empire.

But now Jiumozhi still wants to go to Tuguhun to help the army destroy Tuguhun, so the King of Tubo can't talk about it anymore, he just thought, to stay in Chang'an after the destruction of Tuguhun.

I must write a letter to implore Ye Qing, Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, to agree to respect Jiumozhi as the national teacher.

For these reasons, it is not unusual for Jiumozhi to receive the courtesy of the Tubo king.

"The king of Tubo treats his scholars with courtesy, and Tubo will definitely rule." Jiumozhi responded in an evasive way.

"With the words of the mage, this king should also work hard." Tubo King solemnly said.

Jiumozhi smiled lightly, but didn't speak anymore.

It was not too early at this time.

"It's time for me to set off. See you in Chang'an someday." Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi said goodbye to the Tubo king, and then they rode their horses and headed towards the Hexi Governor's Mansion.


Hexi Governor's Mansion

At this time, Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi had already returned to the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

Inside the Governor's Mansion, Wang Xuance and Jiumozhi sorted out what they had seen and heard during the trip, and even sent a telegram to Chang'an about Tubo's idea of ​​establishing diplomatic relations with Dazhou.

Waiting for Wei Qing, who was waiting to destroy Tuyuhun, to mobilize his army to conquer the west. Sure enough, as expected by Wang Xuance, the empire was already preparing for the great war to destroy Tuyuhun.

Wei Qing was shocked when he heard the information from Wang Xuance himself. Without a single soldier, he used the power of neighboring countries to destroy Tuyuhun's army and even killed Tuyuhun's king, causing Tuyuhun to fall into chaos.

"Send someone to Tubo for the handover of diplomatic missions. The king of Tubo cannot be kept waiting for a long time." Wei Qing really didn't know how to evaluate Wang Xuance, so he could only praise in his heart that he was born to be a general.

After the order was issued, all the generals of the Hexi Dudu's Mansion have also arrived.

Seeing that everyone looked serious, Wei Qing got straight to the point.

"Your Majesty agrees with our plan to destroy Tuyuhun and use Tuyuhun as a fulcrum to radiate the west.

At the same time, His Majesty has appointed me as General Zhengxi, who will take full charge of the destruction of Tuyuhun. "Wei Qing said with a serious expression.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, obviously they didn't expect it to be so fast.Seeing everyone's reactions, Wei Qing only said, "Soldiers are expensive."

"Now let's start ordering the generals. Wang Xuance is appointed as the general of the Vanguard Army to command the [-] Qiang Army, Zhou Cheng is the general of the Left Wing Army to command the [-] Shu Army, and Li Shiyu appointed the commander of the Right Wing Army to command the [-] Shu Army.

The remaining [-] Pakistani troops are under my command. "Wei Qing glanced around and spoke majestically.

"No." Wang Xuance also followed the other generals in a deep voice.

"Do you have any objections, generals?" Wei Qing finally asked.

The generals looked at each other and said, "I have no objection."

"Since that's the case, the generals only need to win this battle and not lose." Wei Qing said with a serious expression.

"Hi!" the generals Nuo Ran promised.

"The supplies will arrive in ten days, and tomorrow I will gather soldiers and dispatch troops."

This time, the Western Expedition Army was composed of the [-] Qiang Army led by Wang Xuance as the vanguard, the Left and Right Wings Commanded by Zhou Cheng and Li Shiyu, and Wei Qing's [-] Ba Army.

After detailed planning, the goal was very clear, to use the vanguard army to sweep up the various tribes of Tuyuhun to interfere, attracting troops from the royal city, and the left and right wings to detour and destroy the additional troops of the royal city, causing them to be defeated. .And Wei Qing attacked and killed Fu Luochuan, the royal city that trapped Tuguhun, where the real royal court was located.Wang Xuance used the vanguard army to sweep across the wilderness, and then wantonly besieged and killed various small cities with the land of Tuyuhun.

The vanguard army swept across the four territories, while the left and right wing armies wiped out the private soldiers of the nobles on both sides.Wei Qing had only one goal and that was to break through the royal city of Fu Luochuan, and since then Tuyuhun has been shattered.

All the plans have been clarified, and it will only take a moment for the army to move out.

Ten days later, the supplies arrived with the train.

He ordered his subordinate defenders not to leave the Hexi Dudu Mansion lightly.

Outside the city, the army has already been fully displayed, according to the previous plan.

The army marched towards Tuyuhun, and Li Ru led Jinyiwei's masters to support Wei Qing.

Intelligence is always the most important thing in war, and the asymmetry of poor information is likely to cause great mistakes and even indelible effects.

Ye Qing not only supported Jin Yiwei to Wei Qing, but also brought some siege equipment, including a lot of firepower, mainly machine birds.

For this battle, Ye Qing also made a lot of preparations, and Wei Qing naturally did the same.

The Great Zhou's West Conquest army has already set out for Tuyuhun, but Tuyuhun doesn't know anything at this time.

Da Zhou had already blocked the source of Tuyuhun's news.


Tuyuhun Volochuan
The royal city was in chaos at this time. Originally, King Tuyuhun led an army to plunder Tubo. At this time, Tubo had no strength. The officials of Tuyuhun who thought everything was going well never expected that the army would be destroyed.

What is even more incredible is that the king of Tuyuhun also died in this war.The former king died so quickly that there was no sign at all.

As a result, the current Fuluochuan is in chaos, with various princes attacking each other and wooing old ministers, there are also many forces secretly spying on the throne, and all factions are vying for the throne in an attempt to ascend to the throne.

Among the princes, the eldest prince Ye Wei Jijun is the most powerful and is supported by generals, while the second prince Ye Xiziliang is the representative of various noble forces.

The rest of the princes were either drawn in, or they formed their own faction and did not fight or grab.

Among these courtiers, there is also a group headed by Pu Shesha Siwei, who has attracted some forces in the court and watched the throne.

Since the Tuyuhun army was destroyed and the Tuyuhun king died, the forces headed by these three people in Fuluochuan fought for the throne.


Prince Fu Luochuan's mansion.

Ye Wei Jijun and others were discussing some matters in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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