I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 813? Internal strife

Chapter 813 Infighting ([-])

"Your Highness, the Second Highness ruled out messengers to go to various noble fiefdoms a few days ago, and our ministry has already intercepted and killed them all." A masked man told the message.

"My good brother has been very restless these days." Ye Wei Jijun, who was silent, spoke in a cold tone.

"Did he make a big move in the city recently?"

"Returning to Your Highness, the Second Highness stayed overnight in Zuihuan Pavilion yesterday, and did not make any big moves." The masked man said calmly.

"But Your Highness..."


"Pu She Sha Siwei has recently been mobilizing the imperial guards frequently, and it seems that he is going to make a big move."

"Huh?" Ye Wei Jijun remained silent, knocking on his desk with a crisp sound.

The people under the flag didn't move, they understood that this was a sign that the eldest prince Ye Wei Jijun was thinking, so they didn't dare to disturb him.

"If I remember correctly, the Forbidden Army of the Royal City is controlled by the nobles, that is, the power of the second child. Is our shadow still there?"

"Anzi has long been prepared to continue, and will follow His Highness' orders at any time." The masked man responded with a trembling tone.

"Let's mobilize them all. After this round, the Forbidden Army of the Royal City should be under the control of Ye Wei Jijun.

As for the Pu She Sha Si bit, if the result is satisfactory afterwards, let's save a dog's life.It depends on what kind of ability he has in fighting against the second child, how dare he compete with me, Mrs. Ye, for the throne.

Continue to lurk, and after I finish integrating the army, I will wipe out this group of rebellious officials and thieves. "

The masked man went down after singing: "No"

"At this moment, it happens to clear away all the scum of the party struggle in the court. I have to say, this servant is still of some use value." Ye Wei Jijun thought about it.

"How is the arrangement in the army, and how long will it take to complete the integration?" Ye Wei Jijun suddenly spoke, looking at a general next to him with burning eyes.

This general is tall and mighty, his strength has reached the fifth rank, and he is even a warrior. He is Ye Wei Jijun's trump card, Wanyan Aguda.

Now that the army of Tuyuhun was destroyed, the forces of Ye Weiji's army expanded rapidly and continued to grow.

Although the main force was wiped out, there were quite a few troops left by Tuyuhun on the mainland, with a full strength of 20.

Not to mention the rest of the noble private soldiers, although these 20 troops were suppressed in all directions, the royal city only had [-] troops.

Even so, the power of Ye Wei Jijun is also terrifyingly strong.After all, no one knew that the [-] garrison had already been secretly recruited by Ye Wei Jijun under his command.

Although the [-] troops are scattered, they are deterrent to all directions.The other [-] troops were also stationed scattered in various cities.

Ye Wei Jijun is already integrating the army, and the ones that were integrated before have also been secretly transferred to the vicinity of the royal city by Ye Wei Jijun.

What he lacks at this moment is time. After a while, the integration of the army will be completed, and the foundation of Ye Weiji's army will be extremely solid.

At that time, the throne of Tuyuhun will be in Ye Wei Jijun's pocket.

Although the time is short now, Ye Wei Jijun still has [-]% confidence after all.

Ye Wei Jijun secretly mobilized the surrounding troops, and the currents under this tide had already stirred up and surged against each other.

The vortex is like a small abyss, dragging people into the dark and helpless cold world.

Pushe's mansion.

Sha Siwei walked up and down a side hall, thinking about something, as if waiting for someone, a moment later a black shadow floated into the hall.

"Sha Pushe, wait to be anxious." The hoarse voice came, but Sha Siwei was not worried, and his flustered heart had calmed down.

Sha Siwei relaxed a little, looked around: "You are here, no one saw you."

Hearing this, the man felt funny when he saw Sha Siwei's behavior, but said coldly: "Hehehe, I said Sha Pushe, you are too timid, how could I be discovered? Anyone who knows my whereabouts has already gone to the Far West to return to my Buddha, don't you really believe in my Dharma Venerable?"

"That's good, that's good, why don't I believe in His Holiness? It's just that I feel a little dazed recently, that's why I asked this question. It seems that I have been thinking too much, dare to ask what His Holiness brought News." Sha Siwei didn't feel ashamed to be ridiculed, but just sent out his own inquiry.

"The Lord Buddha said that he will send [-] monks and soldiers led by the Four Great Masters to support you. At that time, as long as you seek the throne. Don't let the Lord Buddha down.

The Lord Buddha will establish a kingdom that belongs to us Buddhist monks. This kind of prosperous age of Buddhism and Taoism will make us monks go through fire and water for it. Fa Zun said with a hoarse voice and wild eyes.

"The Lord Buddha's order." Sha Siwei's eyes were full of enthusiasm and confidence at this time.

"Afterwards, you still need to maintain a good relationship with the court. Anyone who is unwilling to cooperate with my Buddhism, you can take the decree of the Dharma to the people in the apostolate and ask them to perform some dirty tasks." Said. Speaking of the Protectorate, His Holiness revealed disgust in his words, and he was extremely contemptuous of this Protectorate.

The Nursery School, as the name suggests, is an organization that protects the sect.

Buddhism does not advocate killing, and the monks in this apostolic center are different.They believe in death, worship death, advocate killing, and are willing to kill the world to save the world.

They are taking the path of killing all the people in the world and enshrining the Buddha of death, which is different from their orthodox Buddhism and the Buddha Lord.

Therefore, as an orthodox Dharma supporter, His Holiness naturally despises such heresies.

If it weren't for the power of the Protectorate, the orthodox Buddhism of Dharma Venerable and others would have already cleared up these heretical Buddhists.

Such filthy existences are not worthy of living in the world. As the spokesman of Buddha, they are naturally noble.

"This world is too filthy after all. After all, there must be a holy wise man like the Buddha Lord to lead and redeem the dirty living beings in the world." After Sha Siwei left, Dharma Venerable was alone in the hall. Said.

Sha Siwei turned around gently and looked at the hall, and confided in his own words: "Although the world is dirty, all living beings are good."

The people in the Pushe Mansion were working, and a series of secret orders were conveyed.The Anzi in the city and those believers are exerting great power, and this power is setting off waves to impact the royal city that has stood on this land for many years.

The wind blows the grass and trees, the moon is particularly bright tonight, the residents of Fuluochuan have already fallen asleep, and the whole night is quiet, like the calm before the storm.

The residence of the second prince.

"Has our news been sent back? What do those old guys say? Udo Adel." Ye Xi Ziliang casually looked at Udo Adel in luxurious clothes in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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