Chapter 814 Infighting ([-])

Udo Adel played with the luxury cup in his hand and responded: "Your Highness, everything is ready, and there is no objection from the family. As for those old guys, times have changed now, what qualifications do a few rotten rotten wood have?" Speak up. If you disagree, just crush them, their opinions are no longer important, let alone whether they can really fight."

Udo Adel's language was very disrespectful, and he didn't have the slightest respect for those old guys. It was as easy as crushing an ant to crush those old guys.

You must know that these old guys are really old enough to have served two generations of Tuyuhun kings.They are Adros Adel, Honasan Toure, and Kaishar Lazaro.

As early as the previous generation of kings, they were the sixth-rank supreme. Although there has been no news about them these years, their connections and strength are still very respectable.

The Adel family, the Tourai family, and the Lhasa Luo family represented by these three people respectively represent the three most powerful noble families in Tuyuhun today.There are countless private soldiers, and the offerings are also terrifying.

This Udo Adel's style and attitude really disgusted Ye Xiziliang, but he was still needed at the moment, so Ye Xiziliang suppressed the compliment against his will: "As expected of the young man, Udo Adel Sure enough, there is the wind of supremacy."

"Hahahaha, Your Highness is really good at talking, I like it." Udo Adel smiled wantonly.

Although there was no discussion about the outcome, Ye Xiziliang still mobilized the people in the mansion and made arrangements one after another.The buried shadows surfaced one by one, playing an indelible role, time was passing, and the plan was being perfected.

The three parties with their own ghosts are constantly mobilizing their respective powers, setting off a deep vortex under the calm lake of Wangcheng, devouring the entire people of Wangcheng.

This powerful pulling force radiates all the forces and the lower classes of the entire Tuyuhun, and the entire Tuyuhun has now fallen into an abyss.

The devil has been released by everyone. This devil will not stop until he swallows the whole Tuyuhun. The devil can only be sacrificed by flesh and blood.

The three parties lived together peacefully overnight, and in the early morning of the vertical day, the people of Wangcheng woke up in the sunshine and carried out a new round of production.

The major events in this world and the intrigues of the upper leaders have nothing to do with these ordinary people. After all, everything about them belongs to nobles, including their lives.

The boundaries of the three parties in the court hall are clearly defined. Ye Wei Jijun is dressed in armor and the military commander on the left is the head of the line, while Ye Xiziliang is dressed in luxurious royal robes. Behind him are representatives of the noble line.

On the other hand, the third party, the servant of Sha Si, represented part of the court's party in the middle, and the rest stood scattered or interspersed.

Chu Zongchao was an idle official of the court, so naturally he didn't dare to stand in line casually, but just watched these big bosses fight neutrally.

The institution he is in is not important, so no one cares about his little transparency.

Chu Zongchao originally thought that today is the same as in the past, it was just an ordinary drama, and he didn't care much, just yawned.

However, it wasn't until a quarter of an hour ago that the aristocratic forces represented by Second Highness Ye Xiziliang mobilized the Royal City Imperial Army to surround the main hall, that Chu Zongchao finally reacted and crept to hide in the crowd. Today, the three forces are going to have a showdown.

A bloody battle is imminent.Among them, what Chu Zongchao never expected was that the Pushe Mansion forces headed by Sha Pushe would extend their hands to the Forbidden Army of Wangcheng.

His Highness, Ye Wei Jijun, just sneered. Under the guard of the generals, a pair of black pupils stared at Ye Xiziliang, his cold eyes without any emotion.

Ye Wei Jijun never expected that his good younger brother would kill him so soon, and replace him in the throne without even the slightest affection.

He has not been able to fight ruthlessly from the beginning to the end, so it seems that he was a little cowardly before.Now Ye Wei Jijun's heart is cold, but fortunately he has taken some precautions, otherwise he would have been planted today.

Sha Siwei looked at the two of them indifferently and said nothing. Now that his face has been torn, let's see who is stronger and has bigger fists.

On my own side, I also recruited a part of the Forbidden Army of the Royal City.

"I don't know what the Second Highness means?" Sha Siwei thought for a while before opening his mouth.

Ye Xiziliang seemed to see a strange person, and said frivolously, "He Yi, you ask me He Yi, do you have no brains?
Naturally, it is to clean up the rebellious ministers, thieves and rebels like you. "At the end, his tone was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion.

"When did I become a traitor and traitor when I was loyal to defending the country?" Sha Siwei responded.

"I also want to ask, when did I become a traitor as your elder brother?" Ye Wei Jijun spoke, his tone was cold and gloomy.

Ye Xiziliang said coldly: "You, Sha Pu, are loyal to the emperor and patriotic? This is a big joke. If even you are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, how can my king die? Why are the people's grievances in Tuyuhun so restless? You Sha Pu Why didn't She follow the former king, why didn't he take the head of Wang Xuance as a sacrifice to the former king."

"You and the juniors are not qualified to comment on how I am." Sha Siwei's eyes revealed a little strange light.

"As for you, Ye Wei Jijun, do you have the right to talk to me? What right does a humble son born of a humble maid have to question me, noble Ye Xiziliang. I am of the orthodox royal blood, and I am a well-deserved king." Ye Xiziliang looked at Ye Wei Jijun contemptuously, and the sarcasm in his words was so undisguised.

"Okay, okay, okay, Ye Xiziliang, since you don't care about the friendship in the past, then I don't care about our brotherhood anymore, you are very good."

"Today, I will punish you and others for rebellion, ascend the throne and become a king, and use your blood to water my ceremony of becoming a king, and then I will kill Wang Xuance to avenge my predecessor."

"Are you worthy? Does your small body have this strength?" Ye Wei Jijun's face was ashen, and the generals around him were already guarding Ye Wei Jijun.

Ye Xiziliang gave an order to the imperial guards in the royal city, his tone was cold and emotionless: "Kill them!"

Suddenly, there was a change, and a part of the Forbidden Army of the Royal City actually turned their swords and soldiers on their former brothers and sisters.

These people have naturally been bought by Sha Siwei, Sha Siwei looked at this scene with a playful expression, and Ye Weijijun did the same.

Only Ye Xiziliang was a little stunned, but he regained his original composure in a moment: "It's just a small change, and it won't have any impact on my overall plan."

(End of this chapter)

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