Chapter 815 Infighting ([-])

"Oh, the Second Highness's words are too full!" Sha Siwei chuckled.

"It turns out that you bought them. I don't know what price you gave them, but you let them work for you and turned against you." Ye Xiziliang suddenly became curious.

"You people who have been bribed, if you turn around now and shoot your swords at our Sha Si, Sha Pu, and shoot your lord, I will forget the past.

Otherwise, the subsequent liquidation is no joke. "Ye Xiziliang spoke in a voiceless voice, his voice was clear and a bit cold, but it carried a different kind of chill.

After the words fell, no one moved, and Sha Siwei didn't answer his question, but just said: "Today, I will teach His Highness a lesson on behalf of the late king, so that His Highness will have a long memory, sharpen your temper, and don't be arrogant and disrespectful in the future." , not disrespecting elders."

"Come on, come on, kill them all." Ye Xiziliang's face changed suddenly, and he gave the order.

At this moment, the royal guards began to attack and kill each other. Time passed by little by little. The main hall was already covered with corpses and blood flowed like rivers.

The Forbidden Army that Sha Siwei had bribed had been slaughtered, and there were not many people left on Ye Xiziliang's side.Standing scattered behind them, they obviously lost their ability to attack.

"Your Highness only has this strength. If there is no other way, then I will win this game." Sha Siwei looked at Ye Xiziliang in front of him with a little playfulness.

At this moment, Ye Xiziliang didn't care, but he lost a pawn.How can a chess player get flustered when he loses a piece?

There was a sudden loud commotion outside, and the battle made Ye Wei Jijun and Ye Xiziliang look serious.With such a noise, there must be a huge mobilization of soldiers and horses outside, but what Ye Wei Jijun couldn't understand was that all the troops had already been mopped up and integrated by him.The rest of the frontier army didn't fight like this either, so which side actually came.

This wave of uncertainties weighed heavily on Ye Wei Jijun's heart. Things seemed to be getting a little out of control, and the development of the situation was a bit unexpected.

After clapping his hands, Sha Siwei suddenly performed a Buddhist salute to the wide courtyard outside with a respectful expression: "Buddhist Sha Siwei welcomes His Holiness and the Four Masters."

The Dharma Venerable descended from the sky with the four great mages, the outer gates of the city had already been opened, and the surrounding monks and soldiers surrounded the entire royal city.

After returning a Buddhist salute to Sha Siwei, the Fazun came to Sha Siwei's side.

"Everyone, please be polite." His Holiness and the four great mages behind him performed the same Buddhist salute to everyone.

"I don't know what His Holiness means by this?" Ye Xiziliang looked at the monks and his monks with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and glanced fearfully at the many monks and soldiers outside.

"The world is suffering. My Lord Buddha is willing to influence the people of the country, so that all people in the country can practice my orthodox Buddhism and come under the jurisdiction of my Buddhism. We are here to save the world." His Holiness said with compassion.

Hearing this, Ye Xiziliang felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly, but at this moment he didn't know what to say, he just sneered: "What about my Tuyuhun royal family?"

"Come into my Buddhist gate together, and return to serve my Buddhist disciples. If His Highness is willing to return to my Buddha, the Lord Buddha will definitely seal His Highness as a disciple of Buddha because of His honesty." The Fa Zun spoke kindly.

"It's a joke, my royal blood is extremely noble, and Buddhism is just an offering of my royal family. What right do you have to interfere with the important affairs of my royal family. I advise Dharma Master not to make mistakes. If a master like Dharma Master enshrines me , Contributing to my royal family, this is the right way."

"Who knows what will happen after a person dies. We just need to live in the present moment. If His Holiness wants to come to my royal family to be an enshrinement, I will definitely not treat you badly." Ye Xiziliang looked arrogant, and sneered at His Holiness .

"You are presumptuous, how dare you disrespect my Buddha, disrespect to the Dharma Venerable, you should be punished with death." Sha Siwei yelled suddenly.

Ye Wei Jijun finally understood that this Sha Pushe is the cloth of the Lord Buddha, and the Lord Buddha's ambition is really terrible. It is impossible to be the spiritual king of Tuyuhun, but he still wants to get involved in secular power. disobedience.

"Send a letter to recruit troops." Ye Wei Jijun ordered, and a general around suddenly shot a loud arrow into the sky.

The ear-piercing sound of arrows exploded in the air, drawing a huge picture, and the [-] troops stationed outside rushed into the city.Wanyan Aguda rode a tall purebred white dragon horse into the city, and a row of elite soldiers were dividing and handing over the defense of the city gate.

Wanyan Aguda surrounded the royal court with elite soldiers, and many cavalrymen continued to attack the apologists and soldiers below like plowing the ground.

The war outside had already begun, Fa Zun and others looked no longer as comfortable as before, and both sides turned their heads to look at Ye Wei Jijun.

"Since it's all a showdown, then I can only have a showdown. Today is an endless situation." Ye Wei Jijun looked at the people on both sides, and said indifferently.

While Fa Zun and his party were being attracted by Ye Wei Jijun, Ye Xiziliang suddenly gave an order to the people on his side: "Kill them."

Except for those who stayed behind to protect, the people around Ye Xiziliang looked at each other and shot.

The sounds of swords and gunshots intertwined behind the hall.

The four masters were restrained by Ye Wei Jijun's men, and the Dharma Venerable was personally attacked and killed by Ye Xiziliang's people.

Faced with all kinds of powerful killing moves that surged, the Dharma Venerable exuded golden light all over his body, and the powerful force shook. This is the pure Buddha body.

Whether it's fist or palm, Fa Zun's strikes are extremely vicious and vicious, leaving no one alive.However, many people on Ye Xiziliang's side were vegetarians, and Fa Zun's injuries gradually increased.

However, the injuries are limited to this. Udo Adel saw the strength of Dharma Venerable. Under the siege of many fourth-rank and fifth-rank, he could support it for so long and even killed many people. It is definitely not an ordinary sixth-rank .

Seeing his situation, Ye Xiziliang next to him understood what was going on, smiled and said to him: "Udo, I don't think they can hold on anymore, let them kill Dharma Master!" I don't know how long it will take."

"Wuduo, if you want to fight, you can fight. It's good to have them by my side." Ye Xiziliang greeted Udo, and let Udo play for a while.

"Your Highness." This was naturally in the arms of Wu Duo, and it was naturally what he wished for, so he did not refuse.

He left the field with his own giant hammer. Wu Duo was a big man, and he just took advantage of this giant hammer.Because he is wearing a luxurious robe and holding such a huge hammer, his appearance is not very good, but he looks like a general who is about to go to war, so it adds to his aura.

(End of this chapter)

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