I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 816? Infighting 2 in 1

Chapter 816 Infighting ([-]) Two in One
If Udo is not wearing a luxurious robe but a general's armor, and the trembling sound of the fan blades opening and closing, it will be beautiful.

It's just that this fight is not meant to be good-looking, and Udo has long been used to this style.

As soon as he landed on his hind legs, Wu Duo jumped up, swung his sledgehammer and slammed it at the Fazun, and at the same time shouted: "Get out of the way, watch me smash this bald donkey to death."

The people who were fighting with the Dharma Venerable suddenly retreated after hearing the words.Fa Zun was distracted by the words, and when he looked up, he saw the giant hammer falling from the sky.It was as if he was going to smash himself to death.

Faced with the blow from the sixth-grade supreme being with a heavy hammer, the Fazun did not dare to pretend that he could not dodge it, and immediately took out a black-blue stick.The dancing tiger is in the wind, raising the stick with both arms, making a squatting stance, and raising the arms upwards. This is the Great Sage Danshan.

When the sledgehammer fell, Fa Zun's arms were numb from the shock, and blood trickled from his tiger's mouth.The entire calf has been completely submerged into the stone slab in the temple.

The crisp sound of bone fractures rang in his ears, Fa Zun only felt a tightness in his chest, and a hot current surged into the corner of his mouth.The viscera and the six internal organs only felt the overwhelming pain, and Wu Duo found it interesting to see the Dharma Venerable who had not been crushed to death by himself.
He continued to increase his strength, and the Fazun was not to be outdone, and lifted up.Clenching his teeth tightly, he swallowed the mouthful of reverse blood forcefully, and after raising his strength, his whole body burned crazily.

At this moment, Dharma Venerable's body was filled with blood and energy, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and his whole body's strength surged.With a blatant drink, Udo was thrown out suddenly.

Not much to say, Dharma Venerable's state at this time does not allow him to waste time. When Udo was bounced, Dharma Venerable had already rushed to Udo, obviously preparing to make up the knife.

Fa Zun threw out a stick violently, hitting Udo's head fiercely.Wu Duo swung his arms in the air and stabilized his body. Seeing Wu Qing's big stick sweeping towards him, Wu Duo's sledgehammer flew sideways and swung it backwards, and then directly smashed Wu Qing's big stick with his strength.

At the same time, Udo did not forget to slam his leg towards the Dharma Venerable's chest fiercely. For a moment, the Dharma Venerable retreated sharply due to the bombardment, and Udo did not block the Dharma Venerable's attack because he did not borrow much force. a stick.

The heavy hammer was sent flying back, Udo felt his right hand sank, and the crisp sound of fracture came.

At this time, the Dharma Venerable was blasted into the wall, and the surrounding collapsed stones buried him. The Dharma Venerable had already breathed in more air and released less air, obviously he was not far from death.

The other four mages saw that the Dharma Master was killed so cleanly, their eyes flickered with madness, obviously they were going to do their best.

Ye Wei Jijun was optimistic about the opportunity, and followed many generals to surround and kill the four great mages.

Time is passing, and Sha Pushe's series is shattered today.After Ye Weiji's army besieged and killed the four great mages, the battle outside Wang's courtyard was over.

Wanyan Agu came to Ye Wei Jijun's side covered in blood, surrounded by Ye Wei Jijun's army.

The losses in this battle were also great. Wanyan Aguda's serene preaching cost more than 3 people and killed [-] enemies.

Originally fifty thousand

Ye Wei Jijun encouraged Wanyan Agu to play a few words and then came to Ye Xiziliang's side. Wu Duo stood in front of Ye Xiziliang, protecting Ye Xiziliang.

"This final battle is really to be ended by the two of us." Ye Wei Jijun had an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"Those old guys, if I guess correctly, they are not in your team." Ye Wei Jijun commented on the overall situation with a serious expression.

"I still have [-] aristocratic private soldiers. We still have to fight to find out who is suitable for the throne." Ye Xi Ziliang didn't care about Ye Wei Jijun's concerns, he just said calmly.

Hearing this, Ye Wei Jijun didn't refute it, but still said confidently: "Then I won't touch you today, and a decisive battle outside the city will be held in three days, and the king will be determined in one battle."

"Hehe, it sounds good. If it weren't for the sixth-rank supreme being Udo here, would you still have a decisive battle with me in three days? Your irresistible killing intent can't lie, my brother, you really are An actor even better than me." Ye Xiziliang laughed without hesitation.

Ye Wei Jijun looked at Ye Xiziliang in front of him calmly, and didn't care if his little trick was exposed: "You can say whatever you want."

I really don't have the strength now, and I am not sure to keep Ye Xiziliang and his party, the sixth-rank supreme. How can such a character be in the hands of my younger brother? It is really incredible.

But I just feel a little unbelievable, not unprepared.His general ace Wanyan Aguda is a fifth-rank general, so he can naturally compete with him.

After Ye Xiziliang and his party left the royal court, Ye Wei Jijun brought his troops and moved into the royal court, as if he was the king.

After the order after order was arranged, the people in Wang Ting also began to clean up the follow-up work, which is called cleaning the ground for short.

Ye Wei Jijun was thinking about his next plan in a side hall.Today's unexpected showdown made him almost unresponsive.It's just that this wave is still good. First, the power of Buddhism that was secretly plotting the throne was suppressed, and the cloth in it was leveled, so there is no need to worry about it.

The one who suffered the least loss today is Ye Xiziliang, and he still has a few fourth- and fifth-rank powers under his command, which is no match for him. Looked like he was slightly injured.

Although Wanyan Aguda is a fifth-rank warrior who can contend against a sixth-rank supreme being, it still depends on the person. Facing Wu Duo who effortlessly kills another sixth-rank supreme, it doesn't look like a regular sixth-rank supreme. Goods.This can only be the upper sixth rank, but the upper sixth rank has stepped down, so how do I play.

Invite those old guys, they may not help themselves.After all, they are members of the noble family, but facing the next situation, how should they break the situation.Could it be that he really wanted to do it himself, Ye Wei Jijun had doubts in his heart.

Ye Wei Jijun thought about it for a long time in the main hall but couldn't figure it out, and gradually became a little irritable.The counselors below also have no useful countermeasures.

The problem now is that Ye Wei Jijun doesn't want to expose his sixth-rank strength, but also wants to kill Wu Duo while retaining his vitality.

Obviously, there is no way to solve this, because Ye Wei Jijun's strength is not that strong. At present, I am afraid that this will make Ye Wei Jijun step down and kill Wu Duo himself.


The military account of the Hexi Conqueror Army.

Wei Qing stood in the military tent, looking at the huge sand table in the center, carefully planning some plans.

Wang Xuance, Tong Li Shiyu, Zhou Cheng and other generals were at the side, and Wei Qing, who was the general this time, was thinking about the specific strategy.

Although the general strategy has been finalized, some details should be carefully planned.

According to Wang Xuance's words, it is to destroy Tuyuhun with absolute strength, but Wei Qing doesn't think so.Although Tuyuhun's army has been destroyed in Tubo, the remaining forces in the country of Tuyuhun are still a bone, not to mention the private soldiers of the nobles accompanying them.

All in all, they still need a good plan if they want to perfectly destroy Tuyuhun.

"Don't be sombre, what do you think, just speak up as you please, don't push and push like a little girl. I'll come from Wang Xuance, the leader of the vanguard army, and talk about your views." Wei Qing said with a somber face. , the tone is not friendly.

Wang Xuance went to the sand table, took out a long whip and pointed it at the sand table to explain: "The hinterland of Tuyuhun is vast. If we push across it, it will take a long time. We can't fight head-to-head with others, although our ordnance is They are better than them, but they cannot rely on crowds to carry out siege operations. The lives of our soldiers are precious."

"We can besiege the defenders and lure..."

A Jinyi guard from outside the military account flashed into the account, came to Li Ru and whispered softly.

After Wang Xuance finished speaking, Wei Qing's frown did not come down, but remained tightly closed. Obviously, Wang Xuance's strategic planning did not satisfy Wei Qing.

At this time, Wei Qing spoke, not talking about Wang Xuance but talking to Li Ru: "Master Li, is there any new information here?"

"As expected by the general." Li Ru smiled.

Hearing this, Wei Qing's face softened a little.

I saw that Li Ru said: "Jinyiwei just sent the news that there was a battle in Fuluochuan, the royal city of Tuyuhun not long ago.

Among them is the three-party battle represented by the military generals headed by Ye Weijijun, the eldest prince of Tuyuhun, and Anzi arranged by Buddhist forces, and the noble force of the second prince Ye Xiziliang. "

"In the first sentence, the Buddhist forces will soon be wiped out. The generals of Ye Wei Jijun will compete with the nobles headed by the second prince Ye Xiziliang for the final throne three days later."

"This is our Great Zhou's opportunity, an excellent opportunity to destroy Tuyuhun in one fell swoop. What do you generals think?" Li Ru showed a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Wei Qing showed joy on his face, this is God helping me Da Zhou, it seems that Tuyuhun was destroyed by Da Zhou.

Wei Qing glanced around, and saw an indescribable light shining in the eyes of all the generals, which was the light of aggression.

"Now that the battle situation has changed, our army should march quickly, quickly break through the city and occupy the land. After the city is broken, it is not allowed to release the slightest message. We want to give the new king of Tuyuhun a chance to catch a turtle. Let him see what is called mantis catching cicadas and orioles is behind."

"The enthronement ceremony for the new king is the king-killing banquet outside."

Wei Qing shouted loudly: "Order the three armies to provide meals and lodging, and march into Tuyuhun tonight."

Ling Ran, Wang Xuance and others drank, "No!"

Afterwards, the Lords will go down to deliver orders.In the army tent, only Wei Qing and Li Ru remained.

At this time, Li Ru said: "General Wei, you really deserve to be the General Who Conquers the West. This kind of battle plan really makes Li admire it very much."

"There is one more thing to trouble Wenyou." Wei Qing laughed at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Li Ru became interested.

"I also ask Jin Yiwei and others to secretly monitor Fu Luochuan, the royal city, so that our army can know the overall situation and seize the opportunity." Wei Qing said lightly that he needed to bother Li Ru.

"Six machine birds can be used to monitor Fu Luochuan. We need to control all the information in Fu Luochuan."

"Such trivial things are nothing to worry about. General Wei, don't bully Li Ru anymore."


Great Zhou Empire Chang'an.

The night market is bustling, thousands of households are illuminated, and it is a prosperous scene.

Inside the palace, Guo Jia and others accompanied Ye Qing to plan external affairs in the small hall.

"After Tuyuhun is wiped out this time, there will be no opponents in the western border this time, and the next step will be to stabilize the northern border."

"Your Majesty, I think that our war against the west also has a radiation effect on the northern border.

Once we have achieved a huge victory in the war against the West, the combined army of the Turks and Xianbei in the north will also be deterred by this victory and dare not act rashly. "

"At this time, we should take the initiative to go out and destroy the coalition forces of Turkic and Xianbei in one fell swoop. I don't know if the Turkic King Jili will dare to hit my Da Zhou's mind again after this time."

"It's roughly the same idea as mine. It coincides with me. It's worthy of being a filial piety." Ye Qing praised without hesitation, and at the same time said: "You guys discuss this matter, draw up a charter and submit it, tomorrow Focus on this at the cabinet meeting."

Ye Qing thought for a while and then said: "Wei Qing's supplies must keep up with it, and supplies are also a big deal, so pay attention to this point."

"War is all about logistics." Ye Qing joked.

It was a casual remark, but after careful consideration, Guo Jia discovered the key to the mystery, and then praised: "Your Majesty's words are really good, and it completely expresses the essence of war."

"I didn't expect His Majesty to have such profound battlefield experience." Du Ruhui, who was beside him, also admired...

Tuyuhun border.

The West Conquering Army had already entered the territory of Tuyuhun, and the frontier army guarding this line had been beheaded by the vanguard army led by Wang Xuance.

Although the number is small, only 6000 people, but what is rare is that there are no casualties. This small victory before the big war has stirred people's hearts.

Numerous sergeants were excited and rushed into the night, marching rapidly.

The scouts had already scattered in all directions, hundreds of miles away from the main army, and intelligence came in from time to time, and a special person gathered the scattered information, and finally concluded it to Li Ru.The huge relationship intelligence network spread out to the whole Tuyuhun with Li Ru as the center.

This time, there are many masters of the Jianghu in the army to conquer the west. These masters of the Jianghu are led by Jin Yiwei, represented by Li Ru, as a support point to help Wei Qing deal with the opponent's forceful bombardment.

The army set out, and the wolves in the night were howling around in the dusty grassland, hiding far behind the army, not daring to keep up. The wolves were destined to starve tonight.


The royal court of Fuluochuan.

In the main hall, everyone was feasting and eating, while Ye Wei Jijun was sitting on the throne above.

The maid danced gracefully, and the generals ate while admiring it.

After a while of debauchery, after everyone had eaten and drank enough, Ye Wei Jijun waved his hand and withdrew the banquet, and the maid also retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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