I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 817 Infighting 2 in 1

Chapter 817 Infighting ([-]) Two in One
"There are still two days until the time to start the battle with the second child, have the [-] soldiers been mobilized?" Ye Wei Jijun looked at Wanyan Agu who was beside him and asked.

"It has been secretly stationed around the royal city, and [-] soldiers have been drawn from the nearby city guards as the last trump card." Wanyan Aguda said in a calm voice, muffled.

Ye Weijijun smiled and said, "That's good, the second child is not a good person, if you believe his [-] troops, you won't know how to die."

"Wen He, how are those old guys doing recently? Did they do anything?" Ye Wei Jijun asked the masked man in black next to him.

"Return to Your Highness, those old guys have been very peaceful recently, and the people of the Second Highness have not visited those old guys." The masked man in black spoke.

"Wen He. This matter cannot be taken lightly. Take good care of those old guys, and send them to see the late king if necessary." Ye Wei Jijun's voice was soft, but his words were icy and chilling.

"No." The masked man in black who was called Wen He by Ye Wei Jijun sang and stepped back, apparently preparing to take care of the plans of those old guys.

"Are all the generals in the army here?" Ye Wei Jijun suddenly turned to another general and asked.

The general got up, and the armor fan on his body buzzed and trembled, "Return to Your Highness, we have already stationed outside the king's city."

Ye Wei Jijun stood up suddenly, his eyes gleaming brightly: "Tell the three armies, have a full breakfast before the belly is white, and leave the city when the belly is white."

"Promise!" All the generals under the flag were full of voices.

Ye Wei Jijun looked at his team with satisfaction, and all the generals retreated.In one side hall, Ye Wei Jijun sat in front of one side of the chess board, looking at the layout in front of him, one piece after another captured people's hearts and souls.

The fighting on the chessboard was fierce, and the only change now is that those old guys, whose hearts are full of flesh.Who said that the aristocratic forces represented by those old fellows would not fight back brazenly.

However, how to break this game, if those old guys end up, this game will not be easy to break.

It is completely a game of flipping the table. What does Ye Wei Jijun do, how to play?
But it's not without a little chance of winning. Relying on the poison I sent to those old guys every day over the years without anyone noticing, my calculations in this aspect should be roughly the same.

Just in case, this event is too difficult to say, the three supreme.Coupled with Ye Xiziliang's upper-class sixth-grade supreme being next to him, this made him envious and jealous to death.

Each of these masters whom I recruited paid a huge price.So far, except that he himself is the sixth-rank supreme, he has not had a sixth-rank supreme under his command.

His second brother, Ye Xiziliang, was different. He had a sixth-rank supreme being among his subordinates, and there were three sixth-rank supreme beings standing behind him.This is supreme, enough to be enshrined by a whole country.

It can be said that God is so unfair, is it just because he was born as a humble child?
However, he has achieved something with his acquired efforts, and his own strength is his greatest capital.

Even if he loses in the decisive battle two days later, he can still get away intact by relying on his own sixth-rank supreme strength.

Within Adel's fief.

In a large hall, Ye Xiziliang and others gathered here.

Everyone discussed some policies, and the surrounding nobles also agreed to support the army.

After all this hypocrisy, Ye Xiziliang got a total of [-] private soldiers from nobles, and masters from various ethnic groups were transferred to serve as generals.

This time, the overall strength of the army seemed to have improved a lot, after sending off all the guests.Ye Xiziliang looked at Wu Duo with a sullen face: "How dare they bully me like this. When I become king, they will definitely wipe out such unrighteous people."

"Your Highness is happy and angry. As the saying goes, it's easy to add flowers to Jinshan, but it's hard to give charcoal in the snow. You can't blame them, but it's just because Your Highness understands that some people can't take it to heart, just don't give it to them." Wu Duo looked at Ye Xiziliang calmly persuaded.

"What do those old guys say, have you got in touch yet?" Ye Xi Ziliang changed the subject, obviously not wanting to talk about it anymore.

Hearing this, Udo's face was a bit ugly, because the guys he looked down on made such unreasonable demands: "It has already been sent, and those old guys decided to help His Highness get the throne, but there is only one request."

"Oh, what request, I want to see what shocking demands these old men will make." Seeing that Udo didn't continue, Ye Xiziliang asked with a serious face.

"They said that the three of them will be named protectors of the country, and they will share the fate of the country in order to continue their lives." Wu Duo swallowed.

With a click, Ye Xiziliang directly broke off the solid wooden armrest beside the chair, and shouted, "How courageous."

At this time, Ye Xiziliang was furious, and his tone was as cold as nine feet of ice in the ground: "How dare they make such a request, it's too deceitful."

Everyone in the hall had cold sweat on their foreheads, and Wu Duo was also very uncertain at this moment.Those old immortals are really deceiving people too much, it's a pity that I can't teach those old immortals now.

"Okay, okay, answer them, I promise them. The premise is that they have this fate, so don't die early." Ye Xiziliang calmed down, and his originally hideous face also calmed down, and his tone was as gentle as a neighbor's. home boy.

It's just that Ye Xiziliang at this time made everyone in the hall feel even more terrifying. Udo felt that his back was soaked in sweat. It was cold, and it was the first time for Udo to experience the feeling of walking on thin ice.

During the two days, Fu Luochuan's various mobilizations were frequent, and the entire Tuyuhun was paying attention to Fu Luochuan's final battlefield.

Various forces have planted countless secret agents here, and some spies and scouts are active in Fu Luochuan.

The closer it was to the time of the war, the calmer Fu Luochuan became.Calm like a pool of stagnant water, so as to suffocate life to death.

At this time, Fu Luochuan has become a terrifying vortex, a vortex that wants to destroy everything, and pulls Tuyuhun's large and small forces.

Some border aristocratic forces have been wiped out by Wei Qing's army to conquer the west, and up to now, not a single force in Tuyuhun has noticed it.

This is because of the place Fu Luochuan, at this time it is the well-deserved spot for Tuyuhun.

When two dragons fight, one must die, the weak dies, the strong wins, and the winner and loser are only at this moment.

On this day, Fu Luochuan's life was as usual, but the air was dull, and there was a trace of anger in the air, which was the sign of a war disaster.

The streets of Fuluochuan were empty that day, and the Tuyuhun King City, which was originally noisy, fell silent today.

In Nuoda's clear day, the entire Fu Luochuan seemed to be a dead city, without a trace of people.

There are scouts outside the city, from various forces.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and a large cloud of smoke and dust filled the air.I saw dust floating in the sky in the distance, galloping like a dragon and gathering towards the outskirts of Fu Luochuan.

The leader was dressed in luxurious gold armor, followed by cavalry in various armors, and the flag displayed on it was the flag of the second prince Ye Xiziliang.

Ye Xiziliang pulled up the reins of his horse, the tall horse neighed, and all the horses roared together. The dust around the shaking was stirring, making it difficult to see how many troops Ye Xiziliang had brought. Thousands of soldiers and horses.

It has to be said that this nobleman is rich, and it is really shocking to support so many private soldiers alone.The scouts of various forces looked at all this and found it a little inconceivable, but even so, they quickly passed on the news of this place.

Ye Xizi's good horse stepped on the royal city, but the people in the city did not react at all, and there was still no sound at all.Ye Xiziliang walked his horse forward lightly, and suddenly raised his breath and shouted: "Ye Xiziliang has arrived, dare to invite Ye Wei Jijun, a rebellious minister and traitor, to come out and order him to die."

"Ye Wei Jijun, listen to me. If you surrender today, I will save you from the pain of dismemberment and treat your subordinates well. If not, then I will let you taste what dismemberment is, your subordinates." I don't know how many will be left by then." Ye Xiziliang shouted wildly.

In the black cavalry not far from Ye Xiziliang, a rough voice sounded: "Second brother, you still like to brag as always. I don't know if your strength can be half as good as your words."

However, when they went to the front, Ye Wei Jijun led an entire army of cavalry galloping to face Ye Xiziliang. The dust raised by Ye Weijijun's army was not large, but the trembling sound of the ground was much more shocking than Ye Xiziliang's.

That rumbling sound made the hearts of the people around them beat violently, and they suddenly felt heavy in their chests, as if they were being targeted by some monstrous prehistoric monster.

As the army led by Ye Wei Jijun got closer and closer, everyone's feelings became stronger, and Ye Xiziliang's expression became a little ugly.

The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer, but suddenly Ye Wei Jijun's army stopped five miles away from Ye Xizi's good soldiers.

After the army was called to stop, the shock in everyone's hearts was revealed. This army was really strong, and it was able to keep pace, and suddenly stopped in this high-speed sprint.

Ye Weiji's army rushed towards Ye Xiziliang on horseback. Wanyan Aguda originally wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ye Weiji's army and ordered him to gather his troops on the spot and wait for him to come back.With no one around, Ye Wei Jijun rode towards Ye Xiziliang alone.

Dressed in black copper armor, with a dragon-breed wild horse king under his crotch, Ye Wei Jijun stopped five steps away from Ye Xiziliang.

"Long time no see, I don't know how my second brother is doing." Ye Wei Jijun greeted with a smile.

Ye Xiziliang responded with an inexplicable smile: "Very well, these days, I have been thinking about this day all the time, thinking about how to take off your head and use it as a memorial to my dead mother. "

"Your mother's death has nothing to do with me. What's more, you have never been my opponent. It was like this at the time, and it is still like this now. Don't think that you really think you are a man because you have reported the power of the noble department. No matter what How about you, in my eyes, you are always that little kid who can't even protect his own mother." Ye Wei Jijun sneered at Ye Xi Ziliang, hitting his sore spots without hesitation.

"You! You are too deceitful. A traitor is always a traitor. You deserve to die. I hope that after this battle, you will regret what you said." Ye Xiziliang's originally furious tone suddenly subsided, and he finished speaking calmly. After that, he ignored Ye Weiji's army and beat his horse back to his own army.

Ye Wei Jijun was not surprised, and also quickly rode back to his army.

Ye Xiziliang obviously didn't intend to fight alone with Ye Wei Jijun here. On such a flat land, it was all about fighting each other, and it was basically about fighting for the quality of individual soldiers and armaments.

These happened to be lacking in his Ye Xizi's good army, but even so, with his strong individual strength and upper-level force, his side still had a great chance of winning.

Since Ye Weijijun fights in this form, he should defeat him where he is best and destroy him completely.

After Ye Weijijun glanced around the crowd, he issued the first order: "The army moves out, the crossbowmen attack first, and then the cavalry washes the ground. When the opponent appears with crossbowmen, we will suppress them with the crossbowmen."

"Wanyan, the Supreme named Udo relies on you to bring [-] soldiers and horses to attack them from the flank."

"The rest of the people, according to the original plan, combined the feint attack with the real attack, so that they would not have the slightest breath. In this way, their physical strength will be exhausted, and the cavalry will clean up the ground at any time and encircle them."

"Do you understand, generals?" Ye Wei Jijun issued a series of orders.

"Promise." The generals in front of them brazenly agreed, and the promise was full of momentum, and the surrounding soldiers were infected, and the desire for war in their hearts became more and more high-spirited.

The two armies of Ye Wei Jijun and Ye Xiziliang are about to face off. There are a few strange big birds circling above this sky, as if they understand what is going to happen here.

The strange wooden bird in the sky suddenly flew to the east, but Ye Wei Jijun and Ye Xiziliang, who were down below, didn't know about the strange situation in the sky.

After the orders of the two were issued, the atmosphere of the scene was extremely heavy, and the war was about to begin.

The desolate bugle sounded, and the scouts all around carefully restrained their aura, held their breath, and concentrated on observing the upcoming battle.

Some scouts have already started to retreat outside. As for the small animals here, they don't know when they were frightened back.

Everyone could hear the sound of swallowing their saliva, and the murderous aura rose from the battlefield.

In the calm before the war, no one spoke at this time, let alone the slightest strange sound.

The sky gradually became heavy, as if knowing what was going to happen, the color of the sun was dimming.

Jin Yiwei on the machine bird also kept watching the situation below.

Everything was silent, only the trembling sound of the leaves around.

Both sides are waiting for an opportunity, the horse's snort is getting thicker and thicker, and the wind is still so boring...

(End of this chapter)

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