I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 818? Infighting 2 in 1

Chapter 818 Infighting ([-]) Two in One
There was silence for about tens of seconds. The hearts of everyone on the battlefield were already stuck in their throats. The imminent war made everyone secrete a large amount of adrenaline.

The sweat on the palm of his hand soaked the handle of the weapon in his hand, and Ye Xiziliang stared at Ye Wei Jijun and his army in front of him with cold eyes.

He saw his elder brother Ye Wei Jijun raised his right hand just like him, and the two stared at each other with icy eyes.The two hands that decided a bloody and tragic war were put down gently like this, without any major movement.

In this way, simple and unremarkable, simple is not like a war to decide the king, but like a play.Immediately afterwards, the sound of the violent drum beating and the horn of the vastness sounded.The horses snorted eagerly, and their hind hooves were full of strength when digging the soil.

Ye Weijijun shouted suddenly: "Everyone, follow me."

After the loud shout, thousands of cavalry rode their horses galloping, and many soldiers in the army stared at the private soldiers of the nobles rushing over from the opposite side with shuddering eyes.

Ye Xiziliang didn't say much, but retreated to the back after giving up the order, a group of personal guards guarded him, and Udo was wearing black armor at this time, walking beside Ye Xiziliang to protect his safety , he did not ride a horse.Because he didn't have a suitable horse to ride the heavy hammer in his hand.

Ye Xiziliang's noble private commander is Wu Duo's elder brother, who used to be a strong general in the army, but was later transferred out of the army.

Ye Wei Jijun took the lead and charged into the army. Relying on his own strength, he shot left and right with a big gun, and the commander-in-chief of the army was already entangled by his fierce generals.

Wanyan Aguda and the warriors who arrived afterward followed Ye Wei Jijun and rushed towards Ye Xiziliang, beheading all the soldiers who came to block him.

All of a sudden, the whole world trembled, the impact of soldiers and horses shocked people's hearts, the dust was lifeless, and blood splattered everywhere.The soldiers dispersed, and in less than a moment, the men and horses of the two sides had already killed each other, and they were fighting endlessly.

But Ye Xiziliang started to retreat to the side of the battlefield when he discovered that Ye Wei Jijun was charging straight at him, intending to kill him.

It's just that the crowd is surging, so naturally there is no rush.After finding out, Udo stopped the crowd: "Your Highness, we can't retreat anymore, there are so many people, we can't retreat.

And if he wants to kill His Highness, he will definitely not let it go. If we retreat, it must be against the morale of the army in the eyes of the uninformed sergeants.So, Your Highness, we might as well destroy him in this army. "

"Just what General Yiwu said." Ye Xiziliang thought for a while, waved his hand in response, and did not back away anymore.

Following Ye Xiziliang's order, the crowd began to charge towards Ye Weiji's army following the tide of soldiers.The two met after a few breaths, and the surrounding soldiers formed a circle, enclosing the two parties in the middle.

All around were the soldiers howling, shouting, shouting, and the sound of the knife sinking into the flesh.There is nothing to say when the two meet, what should be said has already been said, and now the two are just suitors with the same purpose.

Wanyan Aguda approached Wudo directly, without saying a word, he slashed fiercely at Wudo's face.It was so sharp and fast that people were caught off guard. Wu Duo looked at this move, his eyes shone brightly, and he outlined a smile, as if he was saying to Wanyan Aguda, boy, you have kindness.

After Wu Duo laughed, his face became serious. He held the giant hammer firmly in his hand, he held back his strength, swung his left arm, and slammed it hard on the blade.

Ye Wei Jijun didn't come to an end, but stood in front of his horse with a thick black sword, and looked coldly at Ye Xiziliang in front of him.The two stared at each other coldly in the midst of the thousands of troops fighting.

Everyone's expression is abnormally ferocious, as if they want to eat each other.

The fight between Wanyan Aguda and Wu Duo was thrilling. Although the two fought inseparably, you come and go, but Ye Weijijun knew that Wanyan Aguda had already lost the wind.

After such a long time, Wanyan Aguda has not suppressed Wu Duo, so it can be seen that he has fallen into a disadvantage, and this disadvantage is already showing signs of defeat.

Ye Wei Jijun didn't seem to care about Wanyan Aguda's decline, he looked around, but saw no one coming, frowned, and just shouted in a cold voice: "Those old guys are here, just two tricks, second brother ,What are you waiting for."

Hearing this, Ye Xiziliang waved his hands and said with a light smile: "Since you are so eager to seek death, you rebellious minister and traitor, then I will help you.

It's better to ask the three elders to make a move!Kill this thief for me, and he will spit out the whole thing! ! ! "Ye Xiziliang smiled wildly, gradually calmed down, and finally saluted the soldiers behind him with a respectful expression.

Adros Adel, Honasan Toure, and Kaisar Lazaro dressed up as personal soldiers and stood behind Ye Xiziliang.

Seeing these three immortals, Ye Wei Jijun frowned, obviously he didn't expect Ye Xiziliang to be so vicious, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Fortunately, I didn't rush to kill Ye Xiziliang just now, otherwise I'm afraid I would have died without a whole body.However, the current situation made Ye Wei Jijun a little puzzled.

Seeing Ye Wei Jijun's puzzled eyes, Ye Xiziliang just smiled lightly and was not ready to speak.Because Adros, who was dressed in ordinary bodyguard clothes, spoke, a pair of old and cloudy eyes burst into unprecedented clarity at this moment: "Is your Highness still wondering if the people sent there have disappeared?"

"I really didn't expect His Highness to have such means, to buy so many people in my noble land, and to form such a secret and powerful intelligence network quietly.

Although your subordinates are pretty good and have various methods, the most important thing is that they are not afraid of death and are qualified dead soldiers.However, you still underestimated the strength of us old fellows, and underestimated us too much. "

"Your Highness, did no one tell you that there is a price to be paid for despising people?" At this moment, Adros's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and with a wave of his hand, those who were responsible for ambushing the three old immortal soldiers Some remaining body parts were thrown out.

Dingqing saw that it was all left ears.

Looking at the left ear below, Ye Wei Jijun's eyes remained unchanged, as if the person who died was not his own, and he calmly said: "Several Supremes, what do you want?"

"In my opinion, the supreme beings probably haven't been born for a long time. I'm afraid they don't know that the world has changed. Now that the times have changed, you old and immortal corpses should lie safely in my coffin , so everyone is safe and sound, isn't it?"

"I'm alive and well, I have to come out and seek death." Ye Wei Jijun taunted ruthlessly, he was about to make a move as he was accumulating strength in his hands.

I saw that Adros had an ugly face, and his whole body was trembling with anger. After stabilizing his emotions, he scolded: "What a coward, today is the day when you will die without a place to die."

"Let's go together." Adros looked at Honasan Toure and Kaishaer Lazaro next to him. After the three of them looked at each other, they rushed towards Ye Wei Jijun.

At this time, Ye Wei Jijun's accompanying masters also made a bold move. Although they are only in the fourth and fifth ranks, they can still compete against one or two of them in a short period of time by fighting against one of them in the army.

This time, a supreme being was taken away, and Ye Weijijun faced Adros and Kaishar.I saw Adros's scimitar sharp, flashing a cold light, and wiped Ye Weijijun's throat fiercely, but said that Kaishar was just a spear like a dragon, stabbing Ye Weijijun in a strange and tricky way.

Ye Wei Jijun snorted coldly, lifted the reins, clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and rushed towards the two without evading.Like a cavalryman charging bravely, the three of them arrived in front of them in an instant. Ye Weijijun turned his right hand, and after cleverly grasping the thick black sword, he added great strength and stabbed straight at Kaishaer The weird spear.

Ye Weijijun bent down, trying to avoid Adros's deadly scimitar, but saw Adros change his offensive, took advantage of the coincidence and took advantage of the force to slash the scimitar down and deeply towards Ye Weijijun.Ye Weijijun's pitch-black sword and Kaishar's strange long spear collided with each other, and a trembling, buzzing sound of gold and iron could be clearly heard in the ears of the three.

For a moment, sparks flew everywhere, both of them exerted force on their hands, neither of them wanted to pull force, they both wanted to suppress each other in this blow.Ye Wei Jijun gritted his teeth, shouted loudly, and withdrew suddenly.

However, Kaishar was in control, and a long spear was ruthlessly attached to Ye Wei Jijun's black sword like a loach. It was obvious that Ye Wei Jijun wanted to retreat to block Adros' desperate move.

But he didn't know that all of this was Ye Weijijun's plan. He saw Ye Weijijun's black and big sword suddenly turned, forcing the spear so that he couldn't get close to him, but Kaishar still didn't give up, only feeling a strong force suddenly beating.

The tiger's mouth shook, blood burst out, his arm was numb, and his right arm was bruised.Sudden excessive force, after a moment of unloading, will cause great damage to the arm, and the right arm will no longer be able to use the gun for a short time.

Kaishar's right arm was drooping, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Ye Weijijun's black sword had already stabbed Adros brazenly with the force of Kaishar's spear just now.

One inch is long and one inch is strong. Ye Weijijun is bullying Adros at this time.

I saw that Adros's thin body suddenly burst out with huge strength, his arms were flying quickly, and the cold knife light was shining around him.The people who were watching in the dark opened their eyes again, and saw Ye Wei Jijun surrounded by a large net of sword light.

At this point, the biggest killing opportunity has arrived.If Ye Wei Jijun can't solve this move, the battle for the throne will be lost.

Ye Wei Jijun suddenly yelled, his whole body stuck to his big sword, his feet resting on the top of the sword, and he exerted all his strength, pouring all his strength into the big sword.Ye Wei Jijun exerted all his strength, bending the big black sword like a big black bow. This big bow is the most peculiar.

With a sudden force, Wuhei Dajian slammed into the Jueming Scimitar in the big net of sword light, when the two collided with each other.

The crisp sound of weapons colliding with each other was heard, and then the flames splashed, illuminating the faces of Ye Wei Jijun and Adros.

When the sword light net was about to hit Ye Wei Jijun, a cold light glowed from the black big Jian.Powered across the sky, Ye Weijijun galloped his horse and calmly retrieved his black sword in the light of the sword, and at the end he did not forget to stab the sword to the side to respond to Kaishar's attack again.

Although the process was complicated, all of this happened in an instant, at such a high speed that few people realized that in this instant, the situation on the battlefield changed drastically.

Among them, Ye Xiziliang was the most puzzled. He obviously didn't expect his nominal bastard brother to be so powerful, possessing the strength of a sixth-rank supreme being.You must know that he himself is only a third-rank strength, and he didn't spend too much energy on cultivation.

Even so, the strength of his third grade is accumulated from various resources, and he has no combat ability at all. To put it nicely, it is a magnificent palace, but to put it badly, it is a silver spear with wax head that is not useful.

The result of this is hard to say, Ye Xiziliang's heart flashed for a while, and then he suddenly became nervous, things seemed to be gradually out of his control.

The people on Ye Wei Jijun's side thought that they were about to lose, and their own coach was killed by the other two supreme beings. They didn't expect their own coach to hide so deeply that he was also a sixth-rank supreme.

This is good, the situation remains to be seen, all of a sudden, Ye Wei Jijun's men and horses are growing in spirit.The aristocratic private soldiers who almost suppressed Ye Xiziliang.

Wu Duo was also shocked, because the news that Ye Wei Jijun was the sixth-rank supreme shocked him too much, but he said that Wanyan Aguda was also encouraged, and he who had been beaten all the time suddenly launched a counterattack.

He swept out the fierce military killing technique with one move, and slashed at Wudo fiercely. After being distracted for a moment, Wudo was not timid when he saw Wanyan Aguda's long knife slashing across.

The gigantic hammer swung violently at the long knife, and the number of ways the two attacked and killed kept changing.

It's just that Wanyan Aguda just took advantage of Wudo's distraction and used dead energy, the power of this blow can be said to be extremely strong.

Udo also couldn't bear the force of the shock, the tiger's mouth that was already injured opened again, causing more serious injuries than before.Not only that, Udo's arm was also uncomfortable, the shock force was like a cold poisonous snake that got under his arm and bit it fiercely, trying to destroy his flesh and bones.

Wanyan Aguda took advantage of the opportunity and continued to attack and kill the past fiercely, obviously wanting to expand the results of the battle.

Udo was also a ruthless person. After spitting out a mouthful of bloody saliva, he tightened his grip on the giant hammer in his hand and fought bravely.He is a martial artist who gets more and more excited as he fights, that's why he has become a top-ranking sixth rank at such a young age.

Although he is crazy, he has the qualifications and capital to be crazy.He is not a clown who has no strength and pretends to be a tiger, but a real tiger.

Now that the tiger was injured by a wolf, he was naturally unwilling. Udo, who wanted to take revenge in a hurry, had a terrifyingly strong combat power at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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